People tell their darkest secrets and you will be shocked!
People are into a lot of funny stuff and have interesting tales to tell from some of their worst experiences with regards to sex and relationships. What is being realised now is that people are willing to tell their darkest secrets; only anonymously.
One Twitter account, @MyHoeStory gives people the opportunity to lay off the burdens of dark secrets and relationship problems upon them.
Here are some of the most interesting ones spotted on the page.
1. This one is about a money mission gone wrong

2. This one is about rage sex that led to a baby

3. This one is about a confusing sex web

4. This one is about a cheating boyfriend

5. This one is about a sex escapade gone sour

6. This one is about a girl sleeping with a pastor and his son

7. This one is about a threesome with the ex

8. This one is about an ex who came back a bit too late

9. This one is about a stealing girlfriend

10. This one is about a night out gone wrong

11. This one is about a pregnant woman in dilemma

12. This one is about a girl sleeping with her side dude's friend

13. This one is about revenge gone wrong

14. This one is about someone giving her virginity to another man

Which confession is the most shocking to you?