Paternity fraud: Ashanti Region tops all; men fathering children that are not theirs

Paternity fraud: Ashanti Region tops all; men fathering children that are not theirs

The Domestic Violence and Victims Support Unit (DOVVSU) has revealed that cases of false paternity have been on the rise in the Ashanti region.

According to DOVVSU, many men in the region are being made to believe that they are the biological fathers of children that are actually not theirs.

The Unit said there have been more cases of paternity fraud in the region than physical abuse of men.

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“These cases are now trooping in in their numbers and it is terrible,” the Ashanti Regional Coordinator DOVVSU, Supt. Sussana Dery, said, as quoted by 3news.

According to her, many women do this in order to trap men outside the country to secure visas for their children.

“The cases are very common with what we call ‘abrokyire awaree’ where the man is outside the country and when he tries to secure visas for their children to join them, DNA shows the children are not his. This affects the emotions of the man and the children involved,” Supt Dery said.

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In other news, data analysis of the Ghana Statistical Service on inflation for 2019, has revealed that, over the past 12 months, the Greater Accra region was the most expensive region for consumers.

The country’s statistical agency released its December 2019 data which showed that inflation in Greater Accra stood at 12 percent, while the overall national average was 7.9 percent.

Greater Accra was followed by the Upper West Region — ranked as the poorest region according to the Ghana Poverty Mapping Report, which came in with an average of 10.1 percent.

Despite the general movement of prices in December 2019, a simple calculation of the average changes in prices of goods and services indicated that the Greater Accra region’s 10.3 percent was the highest in all the traditional ten regions measured.

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Priscilla Aklorbortu avatar

Priscilla Aklorbortu Priscilla believes the job is the job and must be done well. Priscilla worked as a journalist at the Daily Graphic.