Seven memorable quotes of JJ Rawlings
As the 37 anniversary of the June 4 uprising is commemorated, we bring to you seven of the memorable sayings of one of Ghana’s astute political leaders of all times, Flt Lieutenant Jerry John Rawlings.

Here are seven memorable quotes of Ghana's former president Rawlings.
1.“Democracy is not realised merely by having a machinery for registering voters and getting them to vote every four years, but also by there being a machinery for identifying the needs of those voters in between the election periods, and monitoring the realization of those needs.” Radio and Television Broadcast to the nation by PNDC chairman J.J. Rawlings, chairman of the PNDC, January 5 1982.
2.“Freedom from hunger is basic to every other inspiration of man and no effort must be spared in achieving it on our Continent. That is indeed our only assurance against the taunting blackmail of those who see in our hunger more opportunities to manipulate us.” ‘Pursuing Goals Through Courage and Dedication.’ Speech delivered by PNDC chairman Flt. Lt. J.J. Rawlings at September 11 1985.
3."I would dare you to go and line up some of your finest policemen, some of your finest head of states, some of your finest, what you call it “judges”, make any allegations against me. You included. One of the questions you want to ask. Take me through a chemical interrogation, I will be the one who will pass. I wonder how many of you will pass."
4.“Peace…cannot be ensured by the mere possession of more and more weapons of destruction. History clearly teaches that peace is not just the absence of war. It is rather the absence of conditions, which give rise to wars. It would appear therefore that the path to lasting peace is the dismantling of the structures, which breed or perpetuate injustice and oppression.” ‘The Path to Lasting Peace.’ Speech by the chairman of the PNDC on the occasion of the arrival of the Peace Torch First Earth Run at the Children’s Park, Accra, October 31 1986.
5.“When at midnight 29 years ago the British flag was lowered and replaced by the flag of Independence, Nkrumah declared: “Our beloved country is free forever.” That was a most emotional moment in our nations history, but the continuing truth of that statement depends on us.” ‘Revival of our Enthusiasm and Self-Confidence.’ Broadcast by the chairman of the PNDC, Flt. Lt. J.J. Rawlings, on the eve of independence day, March 5 1986.
6.“We owe a sacred duty to Ghana to serve her people and help to achieve our legitimate aspirations. The worst crime is to abuse the trust reposed in us and thus, destroy the hope of our people; that the sacrifices we make will yield a better future for all of us.” ‘The Way Ahead.’ Nation-wide radio and television broadcast by the chairman of the PNDC Flt. Lt. Jerry John Rawlings on January 2nd, 1990.
7.“The National Democratic Congress (NDC) as a formal Political Party is just over two years old, but the principles upon which it is founded go back not only to 1979, but to the very struggle against colonial rule and the determination of our people to reassert our own identity and self-respect.” ‘Safeguarding the Unity of the Alliance.’ Address by J.J. Rawlings, president of the Republic of Ghana, at the second national congress of the NDC, Kumasi, September 23 1994.
CREDIT: The office of former president Rawlings.