Meek Mill net worth

Meek Mill net worth

Like many celebrities do, Robert Rihmeek also known as Meek Mill likes to depict how rich he is. Through his music and public appearances, one can tell that Meek Mill is a very affluent celebrity. However, he is not as rich as he purports to be. Continue reading to discover Meek Mill net worth.

Meek Mill net worth

Meek Mill net worth 2017 Forbes

As of 2017, Meek Mill net worth Forbes was only $3 million. Compared to other rappers, this might seem like a very small amount. However, it is a lot of money for him considering the ordeals that he has had to face during his career. Meek Mills net worth has taken time to build.

Meek Mill’s rapping career began when he was a teenager. He together with his friends formed a rap group called Blood Houndz. The group was able to produce 4 mix tapes and this created popularity for the group especially in Philadelphia.

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However, it took some time for Meek Mill to build popularity around many places. His breakthrough came when he started being recognized by the likes of T.I. Through the help of T.I, Mill signed a record deal with GHR, a famous record label.

Meek Mill net worth

He later joined May Bach Music through a contract that enabled him to release his first album in 2012. Signing a deal with this company was one of the best things that Meek did. He was able to sell more than 150,000 copies of the album. His “Young and Gettin It” single was number 2 on the US Billboard chart. This ultimately attracted a huge following for this rapper.

The net worth of Meek Mill is also contributed by his company, Dream Chase Records. In 2014, he released an award winning album “Dreams Worth More Than Money”. His latest album is Wins & Losses which has contributed towards rapper Meek Mill net worth.

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Meek Mill net worth 2017 can be seen from the lavish life exhibited by this rapper. He owns around 8 pricey cars some of them being Bentley Bentayga, Ashton Martin Rapide, Rolls Royce Ghost and Bentley Flying Spur. Moreover, he owns a private jet.

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Meek Mills lives in Beverly Hills in a mansion that has nine bedrooms, a pool and a garage that can accommodate up to 5 cars. He also parties like his life depends on it. Last but not least, Meek Mill owns a chain that is worth $540k. Well, this is too much for someone whose net worth is considered low.

Meek Mill net worth


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