How to write a tribute to my father or mother

How to write a tribute to my father or mother

One of the most difficult things is how to write a tribute to your late parents. At this time, we wish they were a live to hear what we have to say about them. We get so emotional to the extent of forgetting how to write a tribute speech.

How to write a tribute to my father or mother

And usually, it is not because we do not have anything to talk about, we just do not know how to organize ideas especially because our parents make major and significant contributions towards our lives. Are you wondering how to write a funeral tribute for father or mother? Then this article is good enough to fill you in with some important insights.

Remember, you are writing a tribute that will be read out during the funeral. Every person who has attended the burial ceremony has also come to pay their respect to your late parent. Therefore, outline all the wonderful memories that you shared with your dad. Do not shy away from talking about those small details that they did which made you appreciate them more. They need to know the kind of relationship your parents established with family. With the guidelines on how to write a tribute to my mother or how to write a tribute to my late father, you do not need to worry anymore. The insights below will help you compose a thoughtful and heartfelt tribute to your loved one.

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How to write a tribute to someone who has died

  • Gather your ideas

If you want to write an excellent tribute, you must first decide on the information you want to include. Here you write memories about your parent that you are fond of. Take note of the things that you did together travelling, building a house, visiting a park or taking nature walks. If you had a superb relationship with your father or mother, then you cannot be blank on what to write.

Look into what they taught you. What values did they uphold most? What did he or she do in case you disobeyed their authority? Show how loving they were when instilling discipline in you. Next examine their personal life. What were their hobbies? In what activities would they spend most of their time doing. What were their academic achievements? You might also want to know the perception that other family members and friends had towards you late mother or father.

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How to write a tribute to my father or mother
  • Organize your ideas

Now that you have a collection of all the information you want to include, organize how the details will appear in your tribute. Here, I would advise dividing your ideas into segments. For instance, you could start by introducing the identity of your father and his familial background. Next write about his personality i.e. what he loved to do.

The next segment should comprise of the personal and family memories you had together. You can then conclude by saying how you will always remember your father. You can also arrange memories based on the period that they occurred. For example you can talk about your experience with your mum or dad when you were young, when you became an adolescent, when you joined college and when you got married.

  • Write the tribute

You have already established how ideas will flow in your paper, now write it. Remember, this is not a professional text you are drafting. Feel free to explain the ideas in several ways. It is essential to start your tribute by talking about why you need to honor your late mother or father. You can also include excerpts of the words your father or mother said to you. Include photos of different activities or events that you attended together if you have to. After all, those pictures are reminders of the fun times you had with your loved one. They will forever be embedded in your heart and mind. Also, use a conversational tone. It will help you cover the ideas effortlessly.

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How to write a tribute to my father or mother

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  • Reread the tribute

You want to ensure that every memory you had with your mother or father has been covered. You also want an excellent tribute whereby a third party can understand how important your loved one was. Therefore, go through it two or three times. You can also have someone read it aloud so that you can be sure that you have included all the necessary details. In case you discover that you have missed out on certain details, include them or remove the ones you think are not necessary. You can also rehearse the tribute speech while someone else listens to you.

Now that you have known how to write a tribute draft it and you can read it out loud to the audience. Tribute speeches can be presented during the funeral ceremony or during the death anniversary of your loved. By reading out to the public, you want them to know the high value with which you hold your aren’t even when they are gone. You might also consider having your children listen to the tribute speech. Through the personal details and life experiences of your father, they can learn a thing or two about leading a good life.

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Another tip to ensure that the tribute serves the purpose of honoring your parent is to be prepared before reading it out loud. It is clear that the memories make you sad. The fact that you will never spend time again with them can be stressful. Therefore, you need to find strength to be in a position to express yourself and represent your loved one as an important person. You can seek counseling services or have your close ones stand by you when giving the tribute speech.

How to write a tribute to my father or mother

The insights provided above are enough to enable you know how to write a funeral tribute for dad or mum. The main idea is to find composure and gather all the information regarding them. Death, especially of someone whom we hold very close is very devastating. However, the moment we write down a tribute, we are able to go over the grief. Think of a tribute as a good way of honoring and respecting your parents.

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Chris Ndetei (Lifestyle writer) Christopher Ndetei is a junior reporter writer who joined the Yen team in May 2021. He graduated from the Machakos Technical College in 2009 with a diploma in ICT. Chris has over two years of experience in content creation and more than ten working in the hospitality industry. He covers lifestyle/entertainment, focusing on biographies, life hacks, gaming and guides. In 2023, Christopher finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques. You can reach him at