Government gives solar-powered rice mills to 4 farming areas; 500 more expected

Government gives solar-powered rice mills to 4 farming areas; 500 more expected

Government has dispatched solar-powered rice mills to four rice farming areas to help resolve the inadequate capacity for milling paddy rice.

The mills were sent to New Edubiase and Ejura, both in the Ashanti Region, Yamoransa in the Central Region and Fumbisi in the Upper East Region.

The initiative by government is part of government efforts to boost the cultivation and consumption of rice locally.

Speaking with the Daily Graphic, the Technical Advisor to the Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Mr Emmanuel Asante-Krobea, explained that the mills were currently being installed in the areas where the production of rice was high.

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He indicated that the government was negotiating with two companies to import rice milling machines into the country to help farmers access and use them to mill their rice.

“We expect about 500 additional milling machines from China and Brazil to increase the milling capacity by the next harvesting season,” he said.

He further assured the farmers, especially those in the Fumbisi Valley, that the mills the government had brought in were solar-powered and would, therefore, not require any electricity to operate.

He gave an assurance that the mills that were being imported were of high technological capacity and could remove all stones, making rice milled in the country comparable to rice anywhere in the world.

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In other news, The Domestic Violence and Victims Support Unit (DOVVSU) has revealed that cases of false paternity have been on the rise in the Ashanti region.

According to DOVVSU, many men in the region are being made to believe that they are the biological fathers of children that are actually not theirs.

The Unit said there have been more cases of paternity fraud in the region than physical abuse of men.

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Priscilla Aklorbortu avatar

Priscilla Aklorbortu Priscilla believes the job is the job and must be done well. Priscilla worked as a journalist at the Daily Graphic.