Motivation vs discipline: What’s more important, motivation or discipline?

Motivation vs discipline: What’s more important, motivation or discipline?

Two important elements frequently emerge when embarking on any professional or personal development path: motivation vs discipline. While these two concepts are interconnected, they play unique roles in achieving one's objectives and goals. Understanding their contributions can improve one's chances of success. But what's more important, motivation or discipline?

A person on a mat doing yoga
Motivation gets you started, but discipline keeps you moving. Photo: Laura M (modified by author)
Source: Getty Images


Self-motivation entails taking the initiative to complete a work or activity without supervision, but self-discipline entails resisting the urge to leave it. Discipline may assist you in maintaining consistency and creating habits, even when motivation is low. So, what's more important, motivation or discipline?

Motivation vs discipline: What's more important?

Both discipline and motivation are important, but discipline may be more crucial for durable success. Motivation gets you started, but discipline keeps you moving. It serves as the foundation for resilience and perseverance.

By building discipline, you create habits that sustain you throughout low motivation, assuring consistent progress towards your goals. While it is advantageous to explore sources of motivation, it is critical to build and maintain discipline to accomplish success.

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What is motivation?

Motivation is a multidimensional concept essential for motivating human behaviour and performance. It alludes to the internal and external elements that inspire, direct, and maintain activities, efforts, and objectives. Motivation drives people to seek specific goals, conquer hurdles, and persevere in adversity.

Types of motivation

Several theories seek to explain the basis of motivation, each emphasising a different facet of this phenomenon.

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs proposes that people are motivated by a hierarchy of needs that ranges from fundamental physiological needs like food and shelter to higher-level wants like self-actualisation and personal development. Motivation can be broken down into two major types: intrinsic and extrinsic.

Intrinsic motivation

Intrinsic motivation derives from personal satisfaction, enjoyment, or purpose. It is frequently connected with work that people find intrinsically pleasant or fulfilling.

Extrinsic motivation

Extrinsic motivation, on the other hand, is fueled by external stimuli like recognition, rewards, or punishment. It necessitates participating in activities to achieve a specific outcome or avoid unfavourable reactions.

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A motivational quote on a cup
Motivation is a multidimensional concept essential for motivating human behaviour and performance. Photo:, @olenkabohovyk
Source: UGC

What is discipline?

Discipline is the ability to maintain self-control when rules or orders are required to be followed and the ability to persevere in the face of difficulty. Disciplinarians hold that such self-control is essential and implement a set of rules designed to foster such behaviour.

What is the difference between motivation and discipline?

Motivation is widely believed to be the driving force behind achievement. However, there is another equal term: discipline. The link between motivation and discipline might mean the difference between transient enthusiasm and sustained success. Here is the reason why you should choose discipline over motivation.

An inherent urge that drives human behaviour to be positive in life.Possess the ability to regulate one's actions and behaviours to achieve a specific life goal.
It can only be maintained by constantly revisiting the goals.Consistent concentration and effort are required to maintain discipline in life.
Assist you in igniting a spark to propel you towards a beneficial action.It allows you to keep progressing towards attaining your goals even when feeling down.
External or internal forces can cause it, but it is subject to change throughout time.It is tough to cultivate but even more difficult to alter once acquired.
It focuses primarily on goals, values, and objectives.The emphasis is on developing habitual patterns and daily behaviours.
It is inspiring, but it is quickly applied.It is both vital and consistent.

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What is the difference between a motivated man and a disciplined man?

The primary distinction between a motivated and disciplined man is their basis of action and consistency in behaviour. A motivated guy is propelled by internal or external factors that spark a brief burst of passion and energy towards a particular goal.

This motivation can come from various sources, including motivational speeches, personal objectives, specific events, or a desire to earn a reward. While motivation can be an effective stimulus for taking action, it frequently changes, making it a questionable constant for long-term endeavours.

Success quote on a blackboard
Both discipline and motivation are essential, but discipline may be more crucial for durable success. Photo:, @geralt
Source: UGC

On the other hand, a disciplined individual bases his actions on established habits and steady effort, irrespective of the circumstances or shifting motivation levels. Discipline is the capacity to follow a set of rules and practices even when one is not especially inspired or motivated.

It requires time management, self-control, and achieving goals through obstacles and suffering. Discipline is developed over time by repeated behaviours and a commitment to upholding those activities, making it a more reliable force for long-term improvement and success.

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Is it better to be motivated or disciplined?

Both have equal importance. Without discipline, you might find it challenging to achieve your objectives, yet without desire, you may lack the motivation to pursue them. The secret to success is to strike an equilibrium between the two.

Can you have discipline without motivation?

Discipline can exist in the absence of motivation. While motivation can offer the initial spark to begin a task or achieve a goal, discipline is the ongoing effort and willingness to work towards that objective, regardless of shifting motivation levels. Discipline is based on habits, rituals, and a sense of duty or obligation. It entails doing what is necessary, even if you do not want to.

Will discipline take you where motivation can't?

Motivation diminishes with time while discipline grows. Discipline can lead you where motivation cannot.

"You got this" motivational quote alongside a laptop on the table
Motivation diminishes with time while discipline grows. Photo:, @prateekkatyal
Source: UGC

Motivation vs. discipline is a common topic of debate among those unsure of what to focus on to boost productivity. Motivation assists you in achieving goals that appear difficult to obtain. On the other hand, motivation does not endure forever, and you must work hard to maintain it in the long run.

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Tatiana Thiga (Lifestyle writer) Tatiana Thiga is a content creator who joined Yen in 2022. She is an English literature graduate from Kenyatta University. She has amassed sufficient knowledge working on a variety of topics, including biographies, fashion and lifestyles, guides, and more. In 2023, Tatiana finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques. You can reach her at