Inspiring motivational quotes for students

Inspiring motivational quotes for students

Studying is not as fun as watching movies, playing your favorite video game, hanging out with your best of friends, chatting, or reading trendy celebrity gossip. Some even prefer cleaning than preparing for a test exam! Studying at times may be hectic, but if you want success, then you will have to add efforts. Have you ever been in a gym? Well, the gym instructor motivates people to give them morale to keep on working out. This means that inspiring examination quotes will boost your studying morale. The effort you would put at studying and preparing at times may not be proportional to what you achieve in the end. Never lose hope!

success quotes for exams
examination quotes
encouragement quote

It is during such times that you have to pick yourself up and dust your shoes. Then resume the race. We are, therefore, dedicated to offer you with some motivational quotes for students to inspire you to focus on your studies and help you see the big picture of success.

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Inspirational quotes for students

Every student is different. It is often advisable not to compare yourself with anyone but yourself. This is because your studying pace and learning style is very different from the others. Circumstances at which you study at and experiences also differ. Do not worry even if you are an under-performing student. It all starts with believing that you can make it. Here we have collected a number of quotes that will help you believe in yourself.

“Once you believe that you can make it, you are halfway to your success.”

A student who believes that he or she can achieve success tends to see and center the master plan. This means that you should first believe that you can achieve success and you will find yourself determined to achieve the goal. Yes, studying may or may not be interesting to you, but good results will make you feel incredible. This motivational quote will be of help to that student who is almost losing hope. You can share it with your friends to motivate them as well.

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“Never allow what you can do to ever interfere with what you are unable to do.”

There some topics that are too challenging to an extent of making you to lack motivation. If you don’t understand a topic, focus on the topics that you can understand first then work your way to what you don't comprehend. Always commence with what you can and learn more on other challenging topics as you go.

“The abilities of the unsuccessful and the successful people vary greatly. Their desires to get to their potential vary.”

If you believe and know that you have the potential to be successful, you tend to get more motivated to attain your goal. In fact, believing is part of your successful journey. This is because it inspires you to prove yourself right. The fact is that if you do believe that you do not have the capabilities, it is even hard to try.

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“You need to expect things even before you can commence doing them.”

If you have a goal and all you expect is success, then you find yourself not compromising your objectives with anything. This means that you have to be sure of what you want to become in future, believe that you can do it, and then prove yourself right by working extra hard.

“Some things seems to be impossible until they're done.”

When you sacrifice yourself to achieve your future dreams, you tend to think both negative and positive things like; ‘if I work hard then end up not getting a good job to cater for myself?’ Yes, it happens, but always be positive that your dream will surely come to pass.

“Never strive for perfection, strive for progress.”

Nobody is perfect and it is only through progress that you will improve. This means that you have to always progress as well as try with what you are doing. In simple words, continue moving even when you fail. Failure is like a stepping-stone to success. In fact, failures should strengthen you to keep on going.

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“The greatest weakness of most students is giving up. If you want success, you need to try more and more.”

If you give up, you will ultimately fail to achieve your goals. Believe that you can do it and never allow the phrase ‘giving up’ to exist in your dictionary. Strive for success by trying and progressing with your goals. Note that nothing good that comes easy and the challenges as well as the sacrifices are there for a short period of time.

Inspiring hard work quotes for students

Most students struggle because they lack motivation. You need to ask yourself, why am I working hard? What is the end result of my hard work? How long will I keep working hard? To be honest you need to work hard in almost all aspects of your life. This because after studies you will have to work to make ends meet. Those who work hard enjoy their success, but the lazy people end up struggling all their life. Read on the hard work quotes to motivate you to study hard.

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“When you wake up each morning with loads of determination, then you will go to bed with loads of satisfaction.”

For you to be successful, then there is no compromise but to work hard and remain motivated. Commence your morning with determination and we bet that you will end the day with loads of satisfaction. Being determined is very vital because it makes you to work on a goal. In fact, when you are determined, you will not see the sacrifice, but the success.

“There will never be a shortcut to that place that is worth going.”

To achieve success is neither too easy nor impossible. The good thing is that hard work has amazing results, which is success. Keep working hard because nothing good that will come your way easily. If your neighbor, friend, or relative can do it, then why not you? Work hard and at the end of the day, you will feel proud of your own sacrifice.

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“What is the difference between extraordinary and ordinary? That ‘extra’ is the difference.”

Working a little harder will make you achieve your goals. You do have to be ordinary, try to be extraordinary by sacrificing your pleasures for the sake of your future. You can imagine seeing your classmate very successful because he or she worked hard and you are struggling to make ends meet. If that happens, you will never forgive yourself for not taking the extra step. It is never too late to mend, begin working hard to avoid future regrets.

“Push yourself towards success. This because nobody will ever push success for you.”

If you do not work hard to achieve your future goals, then nobody will work hard for you. Life does not spare; you have you to push yourself. Most students go to an extent of sacrificing their sleeping hours for them to create time to study. Believe in yourself and then work hard to attain your goals.

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“There some people who stay awake to make their dreams happen. Others have great dreams of accomplishing things.

Between the two people, the one that stays awake to make the big dreams to happen and the one who dream of accomplishing things, whom do you think will succeed? Of course, the one who works hard to make the dreams to come true. Most students have big dreams, but they fail to work hard to achieve them. Note that dreams do not come true by themselves. You need to push yourself to the wall.

“There will never be a substitute for working hard.”

Working hard makes you to achieve success; keep that in mind and know that they is no shortcut or a substitute. Also remember that as much as you are working hard, you also need to rest. This is because you cannot concentrate when your mind is extremely tired. Just make a timetable that you can follow and remember to put short breaks that will allow you to concentrate.

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"There will never be traffic for those who go an extra mile.”

When you study a little harder, you end up enjoying your success. Never give up or lose hope in life because every successful person you see worked hard for it. This is the reason why we all need motivation quotes and a mentor. They make one more determined to achieve.

examination quotes
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“Some people do not know how hard some people work to achieve their mastery. If they only knew, it would not seem wonderful.”

Who is your role model? Name him or her and check his or her educational background, early life, and achievements. We bet you that you will be shocked. This is because they are enjoying their success after a long period of sacrifice. Success does not come on a silver platter; you have to be willing to attain it.

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“It is only in the dictionary where success comes even before work.”

We all know that a dictionary is arranged in an alphabetical order making success to be before work. Such a quote remind students that they should not expect that because nothing comes that easy. You will be responsible for your success or your failure.

“It is not about how bad you want to achieve success, but its about how determined and willing you are to work for the success.

Every body wants to achieve success so much, but not everybody is willing to work extra hard to achieve it. This is because dreams can never be a reality over night; you have to go an extra mile to make them true. Your first step is to believe, the second step to be willing to work, and the third step is to enjoy success.

Encouragement quotes for students to help them to overcome procrastination

Every successful student began somewhere and you should never at one time feel discouraged. Just believe that you can do it, have a goal, and you will surely succeed. We are sure that you want to be motivated and encouraged to keep on working hard. Get an encouragement quote that works for you best; we bet that you will get surprised with what you will learn.

“The only secret to be ahead is to get started.”

You cannot succeed if you do not work hard to achieve it. You cannot expect to finish a journey that you have not started in the first place. What you need is the willingness to achieve success. Yes, there are people who are far ahead of you, but it does not matter because we all have different goals.

“You do not need to be a great student in order to start working hard. This is because once you start, you will be great.”

Yes, you are not a great student, but you can be great by just putting a little more effort in your studies. Every great individual you sees that started off somewhere. That makes you victor already. Adjust your path by redefining your goals and strategies and prove that you actually can make it.

“Every expert you see was once a beginner.”

We all have a starting point and those who get started become great. This means that if you stay at the starting point and get relaxed, you will never get started to that journey of attaining success. Start off your journey today and you will end up becoming an expert just like your role model.

“If success to you is so important, then you will find away to achieve it with no excuse.”

Success is worth enjoying. If you want it so bad, then you will work extra hard to achieve your goals. Never be discouraged. Believe and get rid of all excuses.

“Never say that you lack enough time because you have the exact same hours like Mother Teresa, Helen Keller, Albert Einstein, Pasteur, Leonardo da Vinci, Michel Angelo, Thomas Jefferson, and your role model had.”

Such a quote encourages you to work hard by avoiding your everyday excuse. You never lack enough time because as far as we know, we all have 24 hours to utilize in a day. It is how we spend the time that matters at the and of the day. Where most students go wrong is to give themselves too much excuses; ‘I will start following this time table tomorrow,’ let me get rest tomorrow I will be serious.’ Note that tomorrow never comes, work hard and you will never regret.

Success quotes for exams

Are you about to prepare for your exam and all you need is to get motivated? Worry less, here we have words of wisdom quotes that will inspire and motivate you to study hard for your exams and gain success.

motivational quotes for students
inspirational quotes for students
success quotes for exams
“The only rule that life has is ‘never quit'.”

Putting lots of hours to study is hectic and sometimes you may feel like quitting. Believe that you will pass your exam and study hard to achieve success. One thing that you should think of while preparing for the exam is the end results for your success.

“There is an opportunity in every difficulty that lies.”

This quote encourages you to keep on preparing for the exam because you have an opportunity to pass with flying colors. Every cloud has a silver lining. Despite the grayness of the situation you are in right now, be it inability to pass exams, there is a silver lining at the end of it all. Work hard to expose it and tap it to the maximum.

“You should always strive to do something that will make your future appreciate.”

There is nothing impossible in this life. Keep on working hard with a mind set that they will be a better tomorrow. Always do something that you can look back upon and smile.

“Always dream big and dare yourself a fail.”

Dream big and be willing to achieve big. If you work hard for your exams, you will definitely feel proud of the end results. We always strive to avoid dares because they are often meant to either derail our dignity or diminish our status. Dare yourself to fail, then try hard not to succumb to your dare!

We believe that our collection of motivational quotes for students was helpful to you. Success is a beautiful reward and you should not compromise it with the world’s pleasures. With the success, you will be respected and never will you have regrets. Keep in mind that if you fail even after working so hard to achieve success, do not give up.

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Chris Ndetei (Lifestyle writer) Christopher Ndetei is a junior reporter writer who joined the Yen team in May 2021. He graduated from the Machakos Technical College in 2009 with a diploma in ICT. Chris has over two years of experience in content creation and more than ten working in the hospitality industry. He covers lifestyle/entertainment, focusing on biographies, life hacks, gaming and guides. In 2023, Christopher finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques. You can reach him at