Peace FM contact numbers

Peace FM contact numbers

With more and more people using the internet, most people are spending a lot of time streaming radio and television on their devices. However, listening to online radio is one of the most captivating ways to spend your free time. In this article, we are going to look at what online radio is all about and specifically about Peace FM. You will also learn about Peace FM contact and how to interact with them. Listeners of Peace FM enjoy more just an online streaming experience, it is more than radio. Internet radio is an audio service transmitted through the web. Internet radio is generally used to communicate and easily relay information. Contact Peace FM whenever you want to place an advertisement or just interact with other listeners. Listening to them as they present and deliver news leaves listeners yearning for more. They are interactive and pleasant to talk to.

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Internet radio includes streaming media content, meaning that a listener cannot pause or replay like the a regular audio. There are many such online radio stations in Ghana that offer entertainment and information to the public. People enjoy streaming online because they can access a variety of programs with fewer advertisements. The service is easily available to anyone who has a device and access to the internet.

Peace FM contact

The Peace FM office number is;

+233 (0)302-257903

+233 (0)302-257908

+233 (0)302-406669

+233 (0)302-406767

Fax: 0302 406531

Email :

They are quite responsive on their social media handles. The Peace FM online contact is available to access their social media pages in Facebook and Twitter handles.

Peace FM physical address

The Peace FM office is located in Mile 7 Junction, North Achimota in Accra.

peace fm online contact
peace fm contact address
peace fm office number

Peace FM services

Ghanaians enjoy informative news, entertaining and educative programs on various platforms ranging from news, music, sports, celebrity gossip and much more. The bandwidth of Peace FM is 104.3 FM. Tune in to listen to their talented presenters with their educative shows and fascinating music for your entertainment. The services offered by the station are:

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1. Online radio

Listen in to the various topics of discussion as the radio presenters tackle various issues and give the latest news.

2. Audio on demand

Did you happen to miss a show that you enjoy so much because you were caught up somewhere else? Request for you audio or visit this page to get the recorded shows and catch up with your presenters.

3. Advertisement

Reach out to the team via their email address ( to get your product advertised to the subscribers of the online platform.

Listening to the radio is among the most peaceful ways to spend your free time. With the number of online radio stations, Peace FM will surely keep your ears glued to your device. You can visit their website or use Peace FM contact to communicate and interact with the program hosts. The link works wherever you are in the world. You will enjoy the latest celebrity news and gossip, listen to your favorite music and know what is taking place in the world. The radio station is renowned for credible and reliable news.


Chris Ndetei avatar

Chris Ndetei (Lifestyle writer) Christopher Ndetei is a reporter writer who joined the Yen team in May 2021. He graduated from the Machakos Technical College in 2009 with a diploma in ICT. Chris has over three years of experience in content creation and more than ten working in the hospitality industry. He covers lifestyle/entertainment, focusing on biographies, life hacks, gaming and guides. In 2023, Christopher finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques. You can reach him at
