Top 5 cartoons every 'youthful' Ghanaian has watched before
As children growing up we never missed the chance of catching the most engaging and captivating cartoons that always made it to our screens. For those of us born in the 90s we are sure to remember most if not all of these intriguing animations which got us running home after school. Here are five of such cartoon movies.
Captain Planet and the Planeteers:

This American animated environmentalist television program will forever remain on the minds of those of us who had the luxury of television in the 90's! Yes the cartoon was about how best to save planet earth from pollution and climate change but we took a different understanding of its content...the cloths we tied to our backs and the high jumps mimicking the heroic Captain Planet is a memory most of us will live to cherish.
Power Rangers:

You remember Starvon, Baboo and the good old Repulsa? A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove transforming into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains was one of the best fictional series ever Ghanaian child never missed, choosing their favourite colours and worst enemies!
Tom and Jerry:

Everyone's favorite cat and mouse, Tom and Jerry episodes on Cartoon Network was in deed not only the joy of children but even of mothers and fathers alike. Ask me of the lessons learnt from this comic cartoon and I would make mention of wit, bravery, brotherliness and self-protection - thanks to Jerry.

Johnny Bravo: Oh yea! Johnny Bravo will always be remembered as one of the best cartoons we enjoyed as kids. Johnny Bravo has no shortage of confidence, and he's certain that all women want him. With his big hair and tight black clothes, he's known for his karate chops, accompanied by the sound of a bullwhip.

TeleTubbies: We would always wish to see Tinky-Winky, Dipsy, Laa Laa and Po frolic come back on our screens! Gaining traction somewhere few years back the Teletubbies TV show has not only being a joy to watch but also an experience with the best way(s) to be young and wise at the same time.