Popular Pastor Sentenced To 9 Years For Stealing Money From His Church Members, Took $90k From Lady

Popular Pastor Sentenced To 9 Years For Stealing Money From His Church Members, Took $90k From Lady

  • A pastor is on his way to prison for fleecing his church members of their hard-earned money using false promises
  • The pastor is said to be known for his flamboyant lifestyle, and he collects money from his members to finance it
  • Bishop Lamor Whitehead was sentenced to nine years in prison for wire fraud, attempted wire fraud, and attempted extortion

A popular pastor known for living a lavish lifestyle has been sentenced to nine years in prison.

The pastor, Bishop Lamor Whitehead, is the head of the Leaders of Tomorrow International Ministries in Canarsie, New York.

Pastor Lamor Whitehead stole from his church members.
Pastor Lamor Whitehead was sentenced to nine years in prison. Photo credit: Getty Images/New York Daily News and Bloomberg.
Source: UGC

Bishop Lamor Whitehead was said to have collected money from some of his church members by making false promises, the BBC reports.

He lives a flamboyant lifestyle, and he takes money from his church members to finance it.

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Bishop Lamor Whitehead took$90,000 from member

US Attorney for the Southern District of New York Damian Williams described Pastor Whitehead as a con man.

His words, as quoted by CNN:

“Lamor Whitehead is a con man who stole millions of dollars in a string of financial frauds and even stole from one of his own parishioners. He lied to federal agents, and again to the Court at his trial. Today’s sentence puts an end to Whitehead’s various schemes and reflects this Office’s commitment to bring accountability to those who abuse their positions of trust."

One of Whitehead's church members gave him her life savings, amounting to $90,000 and was told the money would be used to buy her a house.

However, instead of buying the house, Bishop Whitehead used the money to buy expensive clothes and cars.

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Recall that in 2022, thieves robbed Bishop Whitehead when he was giving a live-streamed sermon and made away with watches, diamonds and emeralds worth $1 million.

Stop giving loans to your friends

Meanwhile, a Nigerian pastor admonished people to stop extending loans to friends from their savings.

According to Pastor Bolaji Idowu, giving friends money in the form of loans would only spoil relationships.

He insisted that many people who collect money as loans end up not paying back the money as agreed upon when the money was given.

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Source: Legit.ng

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Delali Adogla-Bessa (Current Affairs Editor) Delali Adogla-Bessa is a Current Affairs Editor with YEN.com.gh. Delali previously worked as a freelance journalist in Ghana and has over seven years of experience in media, primarily with Citi FM, Equal Times, Ubuntu Times. Delali also volunteers with the Ghana Institute of Language Literacy and Bible Translation, where he documents efforts to preserve local languages. He graduated from the University of Ghana in 2014 with a BA in Information Studies. Email: delali.adogla-bessa@yen.com.gh.

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Berlinda Entsie (Copy Editor) Berlinda Entsie is a Copy Editor at YEN.com.gh. She has worked as a proofreader and editor since 2016. Berlinda has over 5 years' experience editing and writing for leading publications in Ghana. She previously worked with Graphic Communications Group LTD, Business Insider SSA and Pulse.com.gh. She obtained a B.A in English Studies from the Methodist University College in 2016 and a Diploma in Broadcast Journalism from the GH Media School in 2019. Reach out to her via berlinda.entsie@yen.com.gh

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