Jokes messages for birthdays
Birthdays are the best. They come just once a year and we must make them memorable for the ones we love. We go out of our way to surprise special people with something that they won’t forget in a long time; parties, cakes, vacations, photo shoots, favourite meals, favourite movie and wonderful jokes messages.

Birthday messages are such a wonderful gift. This is because they are written or typed and you can keep them with you forever. Birthday message jokes last even longer. Laughter, they say, is food for the soul. Giving someone the gift of laughter on their birthday is a most endearing thing. Sending your loved ones funny birthday messages on their birthday will give them the memorable birthday they deserve.
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Check out these joke birthday messages for friends and loved ones.
Birthday messages jokes
These are perfect for birthday lovers who don’t want to grow old. Birthdays are definitely exciting but they also mean we are growing older. Though it’s a sour thought, we must still celebrate before the day runs out. Enjoy these birthday jokes and messages.
- "Happy birthday Grandpa. Have wider smiles as your teeth fall out."
They probably still have all their teeth intact but it’s always a delight to poke fun where it is needed. Desist from telling actual old people though. They don’t need to be reminded. Jokes, birthday messages are a really uplifting.
- “Happy birthday! You’ve now reached an age where it’s no longer appropriate to claim you’re 29”.
This is for the ‘football-age" lovers. You definitely cannot remain one age for seven years. Your job as friend is to keep reminding them. We’ll keep the real age between us.
- "Let’s celebrate your entrance into the senior citizenship."
I know parents like to think they aren’t that old. Why not tickle them with this message. Do well to add a hug afterwards. Spread the love.
- "Roses are red, violets are blue. Old is gold and you are gold."
Love poetry. Keep it simple. You’re old and I love you. Have a laugh about it.
Or just for the sake of being funny, you could try out these really funny happy birthday messages and jokes.
- "Congrats on being the fastest sperm; have a happy birthday, champ!"
Perfect message for that go-getter friend. You succeeded once, even though you were not conscious of it, you can do it again.
- "The countdown is on! Happy birthday."
Ok so we will not be talking about what the countdown is to. Some things are better left unsaid. If you know you know. Keep the savagery for really close friends. They will find it funny. No need to step on people’s toes on their birthday. It must be remembered in a good way.
- "Happy birthday. Hope you are able to achieve all your peers have achieved this year."
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These happy birthday messages and jokes are absolutely WICKED. Only really close pals can take it. Not bad for a prank message too. If you get what I mean. We know you are on your way to success. We will there then just as we are here now, because we absolutely love you.
- "Happy birthday. Got you this lovely necklace, there was no box available so I used the box you gave me on my birthday."
Its sounds really annoying but it also shows how deep the bond runs. Treasure it.
- "I found no gift better than me. My presence is your present."
When you are broke or you simply totally forgot about the birthday, try this birthday message.
- "A year older, yet not wiser."
Perfect funny birthday for a younger brother or sister; they can be the worst. They are the best too, but there’s no need to mention that now. But the love is still deep
- "We thought we would get the right amount of candles to put on your cake this year, but quickly ran out of space. Happy Birthday!"
This is for that friend who is older than anyone in the group. He must also have the largest heart to be able to contain this level of sarcasm. Send him or her these joke birthday messages for a friend or relative.

- "Happy Birthday, you’re closer to seeing another century pass."
Yes I am sure you already have someone in mind to whom you can send this message to. They will love it, trust me.
- "May all your birthday wishes come true — except for the illegal ones!"
For that friend who loves to go over the line every now and then. Use this quote to wish him or her a happy birthday with a smile.
- "You know you’re getting old when your kids are lecturing you. Fight the power! Happy Birthday!"
When you just can't flow with the new age kids any longer. Send this to the guy who just can't understand new technology.
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Birthday messages jokes are great. It’s usually the best way to let them know you love them. Hope you have fun with these birthday jokes messages. Feel free to try some of them with your very close friends. They will love it.