10 Dresses Not To Wear As A Wedding Guest

10 Dresses Not To Wear As A Wedding Guest

10 Dresses Not To Wear As A Wedding Guest
A picture of the bridal meeting/file photo

Weddings are fast gaining grounds in our part of the world. Some years back in Ghana, weddings were mostly a preserve for the affluence.

The reason might probably be because weddings were considered to be expensive. Ranging from the gown to accessories and bridesmaid gowns. Also years past when Ghana was all about the colonial lifestyle, it was much respect for the couple who had a wedding.  The many who could not afford white weddings as it is called in our part of the world placed much premium on traditional marriage which was also recognized under the laws of Ghana as marriage.

The major difference in our traditional marriage and the white wedding was the fact, when a white wedding happens between a couple, it gives  the woman the legal right to bear the surname of the man but under the traditional marriage, a woman still bears her maiden name while still married to the man

Fast track into recent times, white weddings have become trendy in our part of the world. One could use the words competitive, lucrative, stylish and admirable to describe that big day. It is believed to be the lady’s big day, hence so much attention is put into planning and every detail of the wedding has to count.

10 Dresses Not To Wear As A Wedding Guest
A typical traditional marriage/file photo

In recent times, a couple getting married has to put in a budget to plan a wedding. This is due to the fact that the couple is likely to require the services of wedding or event planners, videography and photography services and most importantly select who to make up the bridal team.  All these need careful planning and structuring. It is to be noted that a couple’s budget will determine the type of wedding they would have, as renting the services of these planners cost a fortune but on the  other hand, it is less stressful for the couple.

More often than not, weddings are in our part of the world is gradually turning into  what I call a fashion runway. I use fashion runway because it is more about who wears what or what one wears for that special big day. For some ladies, they go the extra mile to get a new dress with matching colours of the couple in matching bags and shoes. It is also a time for the ladies to exhibit which designer rocked better than the other and on the lighter note; the pressure mounted on many young ladies into buying a new dress for any wedding occasion. When this happens, it creates lots of competition, apprehension and attention at weddings.

10 Dresses Not To Wear As A Wedding Guest
Ghanaian wedding guests/file photo

It is always odd to attend a wedding where someone's outfit gets more attention than the couple getting married. It is also wrong to see a wedding guest more dressed than the bride. In Ghana it is more or less becoming an accepted norm to see many wear white to a wedding. I am always tempted to ask myself if they are the ones getting married. This is unacceptable! If only if there's an all-white dress code for the celebration, then wearing white is acceptable.  To pick up a dress for a wedding, it is recommended that you use the wording on the invitation or the time of the year to determine your wedding attire.

In view of the above, yen.com.gh brings you a list of 10 dresses you are not to wear for weddings

No white dresses

10 Dresses Not To Wear As A Wedding Guest
No white dresses to weddings

The first ground rule for a wedding is not to ever wear a white or cream coloured dress to a wedding. You should also avoid wearing white to pre wedding festivities, like the engagement party, shower or rehearsal dinner. According to weddingideasmag, this does not matter if you just returned from the Caribbean and have the most fabulous tan ever and the perfect white dress to show it off. Instead wear something in a colour and leave the whites to the bride.  This might be an old-fashioned or old-school rule but just leave white or cream for the bride. Some brides might not be bothered but a white lacy dress to a wedding just makes you look like an asshole.

No black dress

10 Dresses Not To Wear As A Wedding Guest
Never wear a black dress to a wedding

Wearing of a black dress to a wedding is not acceptable. Again weddingideasmagazine advises that you could go for a number in a striking emerald or scarlet, Grey, or a dark navy dress. The reason behind this rationale is that it is considered unlucky and an omen for the couple. The website adds that black is okay for an evening event, especially when it’s paired with sparkly accessories.

Anything loud or Garish

10 Dresses Not To Wear As A Wedding Guest
Never wear a loud or garish attire for a wedding

One other rule for dressing for a wedding is trying not to wear any dress that is loud or garish in nature. Dressing in a loud colour will definitely shift attention from the bride and groom to you. In plain terms, you will be taking off the shine from the couple on their big day. Remember that people are there to look at the bride, not your obnoxious hat/dress/purse/shoes/eye shadow. Donning loud or garish apparel and accessories is a surprisingly common method of wedding-crashing women use to upstage the bride. Looking loud at a wedding will only get people talking. Just remember that you can still look your best at a wedding when you decide to blend in.

No sparkly tiaras and Prom dresses

10 Dresses Not To Wear As A Wedding Guest
No wearing of tiara's and prom dresses at weddings

Now why would you go for a wedding as a guest and wear a tiara or a sparkling tiara? Are you the bride?

Wearing tiara’s to a wedding as a guest is an absolute No. Do not, under any circumstances, wear a tiara to any wedding other than your own. Not only is it disrespectful to the bride, it'll just make you look desperate and ridiculous. This rule, of course, extends to crowns, ornamental headbands or anything else that could be mistaken for a tiara or any other headpiece the bride may choose to wear. Tiaras are meant for the bride. Instead of tiara’s you can always wear a sparkly diamante clip or accessory in your hair.

10 Dresses Not To Wear As A Wedding Guest
No wearing of prom dresses to weddings

Likewise, never be tempted to wear a Prom dress to a wedding. Prom is like a pre-wedding for teenage girls. Generally meant for high school kids, it is never advisable to wear that flashy dress meant for the high school kids to a wedding.

No Jeans and T shirts

10 Dresses Not To Wear As A Wedding Guest
No wearing of T shirts and Jeans for weddings

Under no circumstances should one wear a jeans and T shirt to a wedding. Not only is it offensive to the eye but it also ruins the photography for the ceremony. It doesn't matter if it's on the beach, in your mom's backyard, if you feel comfortable in them or you don't know the couple very well. The least you can do, if you find yourself in this situation is throw on a dress or a pair of khakis and a button-up shirt -- again, assuming it's a casual ceremony. Also, just to be clear, don't even think about slipping on a pair of flip-flops. Pumps, heels, flats, loafers and sandals are a go, but plastic footwear is a huge wedding no-no.

The only possible exception you have is if the wedding invite explicitly states that it's a "flip-flop casual" beach event, you may wear them. Remember you’re going to a wedding where the bride and groom will have invested a lot of time and money in getting the day just right. So don’t come in anything too informal.

No wearing Tux and short-sleeve shirt

10 Dresses Not To Wear As A Wedding Guest
No wearing of T shirts and Jeans for weddings

There's only one guy in a penguin suit at a wedding, and it's not you (unless, of course, the ceremony is a black-tie affair, in which case you, the groom, and every other male in attendance is bowtied out).

However, just as it's in bad taste to upstage the bride, you shouldn't go out of your way to one-up the groom. Although it's doubtful he'll run into a closet and weep or complain about you to all his friends if you show up looking better than he does, it's just not polite. Yes, we know you can't do anything to tone down your innate good looks, but the least you can do is dress them down in a sport coat and leave the super-suit to the man saying "I do." Also never wear a short-sleeve shirt to a wedding. It is just unacceptable.

No short, tight and neckline dresses

10 Dresses Not To Wear As A Wedding Guest
No wearing of short dresses for weddings

It is common to see many go for weddings in short dresses, backless dresses that reveal their bra, a super short and tight dress a plunging neckline dress. This is NOT appropriate for a wedding.

Most of the times, people put on these outfits to draw attention to themselves or perhaps prove a point that they are single and ready to mingle. Also, before you put on such dresses, make sure  to check in order to be sure if  your belly button, areola, and/or camel toe outline is not showing through your  dress; if it  does, then obviously the dress is too tight for you to wear to a wedding.

No club dresses and Bellbottoms or Dated Attire

10 Dresses Not To Wear As A Wedding Guest
No wearing of club dresses for a wedding

One other rule for a wedding is to bear in mind that it is a wedding not a night out, so do away with hot pants, super-short minis.  How would you feel if your friend showed up at your wedding in a skimpy dress. Am sure your thoughts will be if whose attention, your friend wants to attract. If not then, what point does she wants to prove. There is definitely a time and place for a skimpy dress and it is definitely not a wedding. Also it is in appropriate to wear a dress showing your belly button to a wedding. What for anyway?

Bellbottoms may work for a stylish night out on the town not a wedding. That's not to say that you can't invoke other styles and eras with your wedding guest garb. A 1960s pencil skirt will allow you to turn heads without causing a distraction, and a dress with an empire waist and cap sleeves will invoke the 1940s without making you look like a has-been. Just remember to adhere to the style of the wedding.

No dresses revealing your thong

10 Dresses Not To Wear As A Wedding Guest
No wearing of dresses showing your thongs at a wedding

Least I forget a dress that will reveal your thong is not accepted to a wedding either. Sisqo will not be at that wedding my sister, so drop the dress that shows your thong. To add to the above, you should also be extremely careful not to wear a super sparkling dress to a wedding. Remember it is not your day to shine, sister, so don’t draw much attention to yourself.

Pantsuit and sparking dress

10 Dresses Not To Wear As A Wedding Guest
No wearing of a sparkling dress to a wedding

If you are a business person, then you are obviously used to pantsuit, but a wedding day, if you are not part of the bridal team or mandate to wear one, ditch a pantsuit for a simple well-tailored dress.

Weddings are not like any business day in the office, they are special occasions for the couple, so just drop the business persona and show your style in a skirt, dress or any kind of clothing that would look out of place with a coffee stain. This is a celebration of two people choosing to unite their lives together forever, so the least you can do is find something that isn't overly stuffy and businessy to wear.

As a guest, you are expected to dress in an outfit that’s going to add to the occasion in a positive way. Of course you should wear something that’s going to make you feel good and flatter, just bear in mind that a wedding is an opportunity to dress up and look wonderful. As you do all these, wear a smile… not a frown.


Source: YEN.com.gh

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Aba Afful (Copyeditor) Maame Aba serves as a copy editor at YEN.com.gh. She naturally enjoys working with words and has an eye for quality content. She has a keen interest in cyberspace and wants to see YEN.com.gh produce more impactful, thought-provoking, and error-free content. Aba has five years of experience as a content writer, blogger, author, and proofreader. She graduated from the Ghana Institute of Journalism in 2017. She joined the team in 2021.