Ghanaian celebrities accused of various sexual offences
Over the past couple of years, some Ghanaian celebrities have been hit with the 'R' word or some sexual misconduct of some sort; usually sending the public and media into a frenzy. Based on certain facts, some of them were able to exonerate themselves from the scandal while some were not so lucky. Others simply kept mute hoping the issue will die off with time. Take a look at four of the most recent sexual misconduct scandals involving some of Ghana's most loved.
1. Deeba

Ghanaian musician Deeba Akyampong who shot to fame during the early days of hiplife with his popular tune Deeba, was in 2013 accused of defiling his 8 year old step daughter in the United Kingdom, between 2006 till 2008. Prosecution said a medical examination that had been carried out on the 8-year old-revealed that she had suffered from extensive damage of her hymen as result of vaginal penetration. Deeba was later arrested by the Accra police pending an extradition to the UK.
2. KKD

In December 2014, ace broadcaster Kwesi Kyei Darkwa was arrested for allegedly raping one 19-year-old Ewureffe Orleans-Thompson in a washroom at the African Regent Hotel. He pleaded not guilty to the charges saying it was consensual sex between him and Miss Orleans-Thompson. But before the case could go to trial, the 19-year-old dropped the case against the broadcaster citing that the “media frenzy” that followed the arrest of KKD and the unceasing buzz and social media posts which she described as insensitive, were behind her decision.
3. XO Senavoe

Budding hip hop artiste XO Senavoe was recently in the news when 6 girls came out to accuse him of coercing them into having sex with him. They all shared a similar story of the artiste constantly bugging them to meet him or visit him at his home and then getting them drunk on alcohol before proceeding to have sex with them. Some of them even claim he had unprotected sex with them. Ever since the news broke, the artiste has not been spotted in public or on social media and has not commented on the accusations.
4. Asamoah Gyan

In 2015, black stars footballer Asamoah Gyan was in the news for alleged sexual misconduct with one 22-year-old student, Sarah Kwablah. Gyan did not deny having sex with the 22-year old but accused her of blackmail when she threatened to release a sex tape of them unless he met some demands; a fully furnished apartment, a housemaid as well as a $1,000 monthly stipend, which the footballer thought was outrageous. There were rumours of sodomy charges too against the footballer but the issue quickly died off before it could reach a court.