Bawumia Reveals Upcoming Plan To Put Ghana Taxis, Trotros Onto A Digital Platform Like Uber

Bawumia Reveals Upcoming Plan To Put Ghana Taxis, Trotros Onto A Digital Platform Like Uber

  • Vice president Mahamudu Bawumia has said local taxis will soon be put on a digital platform
  • Dr Bawumia said the Uber-like platform will be able to add trotros and even long distances transport vehicles, like VIPs
  • The vice president made the revelations when he spoke at 46th Session of the General Council Meeting of the Church of Pentecost

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Vice president Dr Mahamudu Bawumia has announced a grand plan under the national digitalisation agenda to put all local taxis, trotros and other forms of transport on a common digital platform.

The national digitalisation agenda is under the stewardship of the vice president and has been responsible for impressive achievements at the Ghana ports and other state agencies.

Dr Mahamudu Bawumia says an Uber-like platform will soon be rolled out for local taxis.
Dr Mahamudu Bawumia is vice president of Ghana and leads Ghana's digitalisation drive. Source: Facebook/@mbawumia
Source: Getty Images

Speaking at the opening of the 46th Session of the General Council Meeting of the Church of Pentecost at the Pentecost Convention Centre held at Gomoa-Fetteh, in the Central Region, the vice president said the groundbreaking innovation would be rolled out in Greater Accra very soon.

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"I am happy to say that that work has been completed and in the next couple of months, will be able to place our taxis, at least in Greater Accra to start with all on an Uber-like platform," he said.

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Trotro, VIP buses etc will soon be put on tap-and-go platform

The vice president said the idea of the Uber-like came about after local taxi drivers visited him in his office.

Dr Bawumia told the gathering at the General Council Meeting that one of the major problems that they presented to him and his team is that their business is collapsing.

"They said now we have Uber and many people are not taking taxis as before. People want to feel safer and for other reasons so they would rather call Uber...Uber is taking our business so how can you help us?" he disclosed.

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He said after months of working on the project, a solid platform has been built.

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Dr Bawumia said the task to digitise taxis have been completed, but it is only taxis that can be put on the platform but 'trotros' and long-distance transport vehicles, like VIP buses, will also be put the platform.

"In the next couple of months, will be able to place our taxis, at least in Greater Accra to start with all on an Uber-like platform. And you will be able to call them just like you call Uber to your homes and all of that. It is a practical solution to a practical problem," he said.

Dr Bawumia said these kinds of innovations are what politicians must always be championing.

Ghana's digital drive gets massive praise from Ad Dynamo CEO reported in a separate story that a digital ad expert has showered praise on Ghana's digitalisation agenda, which is led by Vice President Mahamudu Bawumia.

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Sean Riley said Ghana was ahead of many countries in the world in the digital drive.

Sean Riley revealed his digital firm has launched a free 12-programme to train Ghana's youth and to support country's digitalisation agenda.

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Also, reported that a WhatsApp voice note of a Ghanaian Uber driver scolding a rider for cancelling her ride gets many people laughing.

In the audio, the driver rained insults on the young lady in a fake American accent for requesting for a ride, getting to her destination and then cancelling it and leaving with someone else.

The hilarious audio got many people questioning the relevance of the driver's actions.

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George Nyavor (Head of Politics and Current Affairs Desk) George Nyavor writes for He has been Head of the Politics and Current Affairs Desk since 2022. George has over 9 years of experience in managing media and communications (Myjoyonline and GhanaWeb). George is a member of the Catholic Association of Media Practitioners Ghana (CAMP-G). He obtained a BA in Communications Studies from the Ghana Institute of Journalism in 2010. Reach out to him via

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