Angry Mom Holds Protest Outside Daughter's School After Fellow Student Allegedly Called Her a Slave

Angry Mom Holds Protest Outside Daughter's School After Fellow Student Allegedly Called Her a Slave

  • A California mother held a protest outside her daughter's school after she claims her child was racially abused
  • Jasmine Harris said her 10-year-old daughter was whipped by a classmate using a jump rope and also called a slave
  • Harris said she wants Santiago Elementary school to expel the boy and condemn the such acts

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A California mother is demanding answers after her 10-year-old daughter was allegedly referred to as a “slave.”

Jasmine Harris protests outside daughter's school after the Fifth-Grade student was racially abused. Photo: Hollywood Unlocked.
Source: UGC

Jasmine's daughter was racially abused

Jasmine Harris went up to the school on Monday, March 6, to hold a protest where she claimed another student attacked her daughter with an offensive, racially charged comment, according to Abc7.

According to Harris, a young white boy at her child's school whipped a jump rope toward her daughter, Paris Barnes, and told her to 'get back to work, you slave.'

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The aggrieved mother reportedly wants to bring awareness and attempt to have school officials take action.

"They're sweeping it underneath the rug,' said Harris.

Harris told journalists she is all but ready to pull her daughter from the district but is hoping to see repercussions for the boy involved.

"I want the little boy to get expelled. I want them to do something about this," Harris added.

She said she has yet to find out if the child has been disciplined at all for the incident, which she said happened on March 1.

Dad complains over attitude of child's classmates

Popular Kenyan website reported that a little girl got her doting father disturbed psychologically after returning from school every day in tears.

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The girl complained that she has been facing problems in school as her classmates dislike her and do not associate with her.

According to Twitter user Dexterouz11, the father decided to take the matter up by visiting the school where he talked to the classmates who confirmed his daughter's report.

The classmates disclosed that they failed to associate with the little girl because she was stubborn and their teacher instructed them to avoid her.

When confronted, the teacher said that the man's daughter was being stubborn and that was the only way to control it.

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Aba Afful (Copyeditor) Maame Aba serves as a copy editor at She naturally enjoys working with words and has an eye for quality content. She has a keen interest in cyberspace and wants to see produce more impactful, thought-provoking, and error-free content. Aba has five years of experience as a content writer, blogger, author, and proofreader. She graduated from the Ghana Institute of Journalism in 2017. She joined the team in 2021.

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Geraldine Amoah (Entertainment editor) Geraldine Amoah is an Entertainment Editor at She pursued Business Administration at Ashesi University and graduated in 2020. She has over 3 years of experience in journalism. Geraldine's professional career in journalism started at Myjoyonline at Multimedia Group Limited, where she worked as a writer. You can reach out to her at

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