Ghana Navy Ranks and Symbols
Ghana Navy is a subsidiary of the Ghana Armed Forces which comprises of Ghanaian Airforce, Ghanaian Navy and Ghanaian Army. It is under the control of the Ministry of Defense and has been in operation since 1959 approximately 58 years ago. The Ghana Navy is responsible for surveillance, monitoring and control of marine and submarine environments and all activities therein such as fishing, evacuation, disaster relief management, patrol and even criminal activities management.

If you have been keen enough, you must have observed that the Ghana navy rank insignia differs from one personnel to the next. This is because they are in well defined levels based on expertise, experience among other factors which create the distinction. Here is the Ghana Navy ranks from the lowest to highest:ertise or even developed to acquire this skills. Mark you, all these personnel are trained in all military works and operations. However, they are insdistinct Ghana navy ranks and this explains why there is a lot of bureaucracy in the ministry of defense.
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Ghana Navy Ranks and Insignia
If you have been keen enough, you must have observed that the Ghana navy rank insignia differ from one personto the next. This is because they are in well defined levels based on expertise, experience among other factors which create the distinction. Here are the Ghana Navy ranks from the lowest to highest:

The least in seniority is the acting sub-lieutenant officer, then followed by sub-lieutenant, lieutenant, lieutenant commander, commander, captain, commodore, rear-admiral, vice admiral and the most senior executive is the admiral. The Ghana Navy rank symbols, uniform and badges closely resemble that of the British military its former colony except for the Ghanaian coat of arms and the cap badges.
Sub-lieutenant is ensign by a trapezium-shaped badge with a circle co-joined by a line from end to end. The lieutenant position has an added line with the lieutenant commander and commander having two lines a slight difference in appearance. Captain’s badge has three lines underneath the line co-joined circle. The rear admiral position is divided into two; the rear admiral lower half and the rear admiral upper half. For the rear admiral lower half in the trapezium is a circle with a rectangle there below. In rear admiral upper half, in the trapezium is a circle co-joined by a line side to side while that of the vice admiral is another line down there. In the top executive position, the admiral and the fleet admiral have no insignia.
The current Ghana navy is a development of the British ranks and insignia and it also clear to observe resemblance in the combat uniforms and the colors. However, the Ghana navy rank structure has since then been undergoing reviews to fit into the current systems and demands. This is the Ministry of defense approved Ghana navy ranks that are in operation today.
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