List of waste management companies in Ghana
Finding the best waste management companies in Ghana is something that you must do. Like it is in most cities in the world, cities in Ghana specifically Accra, solid and liquid waste collection is inadequate and therefore hardly meets the demands of residents. As such, disposal of waste is on poorly maintained landfills, which then become hazardous for people living around the dumping sites. Poor waste management has serious environmental consequences, and health problems such as cholera, respiratory infections and loss of biodiversity to mention a few. Malaria, floods, and ecological degradation are also some of the aftermath of poor waste disposal. If nothing takes place soon, the problem will worsen. It therefore depends on citizens to come up with initiatives to improve waste management. This article will provide you with a list of some of the most reliable waste disposal companies in Ghana you can count on.

Work on keeping yourself and your family members healthy. It takes a few simple things to get this done. One of the most crucial things you ought to do is to take care of the wastes in your house by having them properly disposed. The following companies will come in handy whenever you need help.
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Waste management services in Ghana
Currently, waste management services in Ghana is inadequate because it does not meet the demand of residents. For example, in Accra, 900,000 metric tons of solid waste is generated per annum. In places where the government provides collection services, 88% of the total waste is collected. Waste collection service is limited in some areas of the city. Statistics show that only 40% of the households within the city own waste collection bins. The question here is where do the rest of the homes dispose of their waste?
Poor waste management in Ghana forces people to look for areas where they can dispose off their waste, particularly in the poorly maintained landfills. The dumping sites have become hazardous for the ecology and surrounding communities. Poorly managed waste will have a negative impact on the surrounding community and the environment. Diseases such as as cholera and malaria may result from careless disposal. In addition to this, ecological degradation, respiratory infections, floods, and loss of biodiversity are some of the expected outcomes when waste is not properly managed.
Some environmental groups have come up with initiatives to educate people on the importance of waste management and the effects of poor waste management. Consequently, people in Ghana do not have the sense of personal responsibility regarding the trash problem, although most of them understand the adverse effects of poor waste management.
Reasons for increased amounts of waste in Ghana

Many people in Ghana have a wrong perception concerning solid waste. Ghanaians believe that all solid wastes are fated, so they dispose of them in the landfill sites. Companies that are supposed to be recycling the solid wastes do not have enough resources to facilitate the process, so they deal with only the collection of solid waste. Other countries such as Sweden, Singapore, and the Philippines are making a lot of money out of solid waste. These countries are recycling the solid waste into useful products and then sell them to make money.
A high percentage of people in Ghana are poor; they struggle to get what they and their families can eat and so they think less about the environment. The filth that people in Ghana find themselves in is as a result of widespread poverty within the country. Poverty reduction programs will help in reducing the filth surrounding many people in Ghana. Consequently, many people in Ghana do not understand the relationship between human health and poor sanitation. Therefore, Ghanaians should educate themselves about the perils associated with poor sanitation.
The waste management firms in Ghana are not regulated, thus leading to poor services when it comes to waste management. The central government pays these companies to collect and dispose of waste at the disposal sites. In most occasions, communal containers overflow with trash before the waste collection firms come to collect them for disposal; this is evidence that nobody cares to ensure that the waste collection takes place on time. In areas where residents pay waste collection fees, there are also complaints of poor services by the waste collection companies. These companies need to be appropriately managed to ensure that a quality waste collection service is achieved.
List of waste management companies in Ghana
Below is a list of the top waste management companies in Ghana and their contacts;
1. Universal Waste Concept
Located in Mataheko, Great Accra.
Phone number is 0243178886, 0573928644
Postal address is DK366 Darkuman, Accra.
2. Zoompak Ghana Limited
Located in Teshie SSNIT Greda Estates.
Phone number is 050 1453394.
Postal Address is 117, Madina-Accra
3. J. Stanley-Owusu & Company Ltd
Phone number is +233-302-306912/0244-34-0000
4. Erksarp Ventures
Phone number 0244469473/0200472315)
5. Zesta Environmental Solutions Ltd
Phone No. 0209458768)
6. Y.N.O Enterprise
Phone no. +233 - 032 20- 81782)
7. City Waste Management Co. Ltd.
Phone no. 0244315069)
Phone No. 0302816582
9. New Era Waste Management Concept
Telephone 0242154594
10. Keen 2 Clean Services
Phone 0240974237
11. Golden Falcon Company Limited
Phone +233-302-239099)
12. Early Sunrise Trading Co Ltd
Phone 0302 66508
13. PREMKO Waste Management
Phone 00233 205114580 / 00233 202044592
14. Asadu Royal Seed & Waste Management
Phone 0244670732
Waste management companies in Accra Ghana
All the waste disposal sites in Accra have been closed, so there is no disposal site within the city. All the waste collected in the city is transported to a landfill in Tema which is 37 kilometers away from Accra. The city wants to construct a new landfill but the construction site has not be determined, and there is less financing for the project. Therefore, the waste management companies in Accra collect waste within the city and dispose them to Tema, leading to high cost of garbage collection. The waste management companies in Ghana include;
- Zesta Environmental Solutions Ltd
- EPIC Window Cleaning Services
- Tidyup247 Facility Management
- Azisaeed construction travel&tour company limited
- ZES Cleaning Services
- Office Cleaners Ghana
- Safety transport & logistics solution
- Sewerage systems Ghana limited
- Impact Environmental Limited
Plastic waste management
Continuous disposal of plastic waste into the environment is causing more harm than good to the world environment. If this continues, it will reach a time when the number of plastic materials in the sea will be more than the number of fish. The accumulation of the plastic materials in the environment threatens the life of human beings and other living organisms. Ghana is one of the nations affected by the plastic waste. It has, therefore, shifted its focus to waste recycling.
Ghana is one of the top industrialized countries in Africa making it have significant waste pollution that needs effective management. Some of the waste materials are recyclable into useful products which are friendly to the environment. Some waste management companies have shifted their focus to recycling the wastes. The companies are categorized according to the type of waste materials they are handling.
There are millions of tons of plastic wastes being released to the environment by various households which need to be managed to maintain garbage at manageable levels. Below is a list of plastic waste management companies in Ghana and their contact information.
- 3G plastic limited company (Accra)- 0264544888
- GP waste recycle co.Ltd (Accra)- 024426891
- Universal royal paper limited (Accra)- 030266467
- Polytex Ind.Ltd (Accra)- 0242873205
- Super paper product co.Ltd (Accra)-03302665016
- Nelplast Ghana limited (Accra)
Liquid waste management companies in Ghana

The high population in Accra has resulted in an increased generation of liquid waste within the city. More than 26,000 cubic meters of liquid waste is generated in Accra per day which if not managed will have a negative impact on the environment and people living in the city.
To solve the problem, companies such as Sewerage Systems Ghana Limited and Checkers City have come up with new initiatives to manage liquid waste. The companies have put up septic tank treatment plant to ensure that there is an efficient and proper sewerage disposal.
Before the construction of the treatment plant, liquid waste is often released into the ocean without any treatment. The treatment tank has primary and secondary and tertiary treatment stages. The primary stage involves primary settling, screening, sludge de-watering, and raw septic. The secondary stage involves anoxic-oxic digestion, secondary setting, and anaerobic digestion (UASB). The tertiary treatment stage consists of biogas utilization, and digested sludge dewatering.
After ensuring the water is clean for consumption, it is pumped back into the water system. The resultant solid waste is used for compost manure, and the resulting biogas is utilized to generate energy for plants.
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Oil waste management companies in Ghana
The primary challenge facing oil and gas industries in Ghana is the management of the significant amount of waste resulting from upstream sectors both onshore and offshore. The discovery of various resources in Ghana led to the deployment of new technologies and heavy machinery which generates multiple types of waste.
The oil waste generated by gas and oil companies are hazardous while oily based mud, food waste from the gallery, containers, and chemical plastic/metal drums could be disposed of inappropriately, thus putting the surrounding communities in danger.
Zeal Environmental Technologies emerged to deal with the oil waste challenge in Ghana. The company has set up a waste transfer station to facilitate proper management of oil waste from offshore. The company provides a sound and appropriate technology that deals with a significant amount of waste generated in Ghana.
The oil management company has educated the surrounding communities concerning the dangers of items such as containers, and drums which may seem useful to them, but harmful to their health and the environment; this is to prevent the community from using the tanks to store water.
Organic waste in Ghana
A large amount of organic waste with high moisture content is generated in Accra. Formal dedicated organic waste collectors are not available in the city. However, some innovative models have been introduced in the city which are small-scale and large composition projects. The small-scale project involves collection not more than 2 tons of organic waste from companies such as hotels, and restaurants. A large-scale plant can receive up to 500 tons per day of organic waste. The plant is owned and managed by a private company. The organic waste is often compositing centers where they are converted to compost.
Private waste management companies in Ghana
Most of the waste management companies in Ghana are privately owned, so they provide their services at a cost. The top private companies are Jeroka Venture, and Accra Solid and Liquid Waste Limited. The two companies are located in Accra and they facilitate the collection and disposal of all types of waste to the dumping sites. The principal activities of the two companies include:
- Large manufacturing industries in Accra’s north and south industrial areas
- Domestic door-to-door collection
- Hospital wastes from Korle-bu, private hospitals, and clinics
The waste solutions of the two companies are classified under:
- Residential Waste Solutions
- Industrial Waste Solutions
- Special Waste Solutions
- Public Toilet Management
- Commercial Waste Solutions
Recommendation for effective waste management

The government of Ghana should ensure that the waste management companies are well managed to facilitate waste collection on time. Also, the government should focus on reducing the poverty levels in the country because high incomes are characterized by environments that are clean. The government should make the public aware of the effects of poor waste management on their health and the environment. This will make people increase their efforts in waste management. The government should build more disposal sites near cities to facilitate easy collection and disposal of waste. Finally, the government should shift its focus on recycling waste materials and produce useful products such as fuel, and generation of energy.
In conclusion, proper waste management is essential for your health and the environment. The above waste management companies can help you collect waste in your community. The companies are dedicated to providing solid waste management services in Ghana. Most of these companies are located in Accra, so do not hesitate to call them to help you in the management of waste. The public should also understand the relationship between a clean environment and good health.
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