How to grow natural hair fast

How to grow natural hair fast

If you are reading this article, it's probably because you want to know how to grow natural hair. This article provides information on how to grow natural hair the fastest way. We have also addressed the reasons why you might be facing challenges with your natural hair growth. We hope this article goes a long way to helping you achieve the desired results.

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Most females who like to change their hairstyle often are those with a short haircut and are unhappy about it. Now let's look at the main things needed for healthy hair growth: One of the most important things to note is that natural ways to grow hair do take quite some time. There are also a number of hair growth methods which contribute to the rate of natural hair growth. Read on to know how to make your hair grow faster.

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What helps your hair grow

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There are things that can be done in order to encourage and enhance the growth process, but nothing is more of a factor than time. The average growth of hair for a person is about 1/2 inch a month or approximately six inches per year. Some ethnic groups in Ghana have the tendency to be above or below the mean. Most of the time, the increase in hair thickness is noticed before the increase in length is seen. One thing to be conscious of is that comparing the characteristics of one's own hair growth to others is not helpful. This is the case because as you study your hair every day, it can be difficult to appreciate subtle changes that others who see you less frequently will notice immediately. Chances are that your hair is actually growing faster but you do not realize it.

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Tips for growing hair

Don't focus on growth but focus on health

If you are worried about ways to make your hair grow, you should first know that as your hair gets longer, it has a tendency to break, unless you often practise protective styling, controlling your hair’s exposure to extreme heat, and making sure that your hair has the protein and moisture it needs.

Everybody has a hair growth period after which the hair begins to break and get replaced by new ones. The process, however, differs from hair type to hair type. You can say your hair has a life when it has lasted for about two to six years. When your hair gets damaged in the growth stage, it is unlikely to grow fast. Fast hair growth takes place in the resting period.

As stated earlier, the process takes time so, it is important to be patient if you want to achieve your hair length aims. There are many people who point to dreadlocks as the quickest way to grow hair but it's not true because at some point, the hair breaks.

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Best ways to grow hair

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natural hair growth
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ways to make your hair grow
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If you want to grow your natural hair you need to practice good hair care. Below are some of the best ways for you to grow your natural hair fast.

Eat healthy foods

For you to have your hair grow faster, you need to eat healthy foods which contain good nutrients. Hair can become heavy depending on the intake of protein in foods such as beans, eggs, steak, fish, chicken, tofu, and legumes. Fruits and vegetables also provide beneficial nutrients for hair growth. It's believed that some vitamins such as Vitamin A, vitamin C, niacin and biotin are vitamins lead to healthier hair and increase hair growth. So, taking a multivitamin supplement that contains all of these vitamins is the best approach, be sure to see your medical doctor before taking oral supplements. Also, one must avoid activities such as smoking, excessive drinking of alcohol, and other unhealthy practices. Establish a healthy and balanced eating plan. It’s generally considered best practice if you plan your meals for maybe a week at a time. This will allow you to make sure that you have the proper ingredients that you need to make the meals.

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Scalping and frequent washing of hair

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natural hair growth
how to make your hair grow faster
ways to make your hair grow
tips for growing hair

Frequently washing hair helps to make it grow. Also, it's your duty to protect your scalp because hair growth begins from there. It is also beneficial to use your fingers to massage your scalp in a circular motion for about five minutes per day. You could also apply hair oil to the scalp. Also, use gentle products, avoid extreme heat and eat a balanced diet in order to have a healthy scalp.

Low manipulation Styling

This is also known as protective styling which is an important method in growing natural hair. Wondering what is protective styling? This is not protective hairstyles, like wearing updos and french rolls. It's the process of constantly doing things that will protect your hair from breaking. It’s more of the processes used to style your hair and not the actual style that you decide to wear.

Trim as needed

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Though trimming is needed, monthly trimming of hair would not make hair grow but would rather shorten it. Trimming refers to cutting the split ends of the hair. Note that it is safest to trim your hair when it’s dry.

Secret combing method

We have some hairstyles which you could wear that don’t need much combing, but there are also many hairstyles which require that you comb your hair more often. Just keep in mind that combing improperly can cause breakage to your hair. You are advised not to comb your hair more than you have to and always make sure your combs are clean because using an oily comb can break your hair without you realizing. Be gentle when combing your hair and try to finger comb hair often as it helps you retain hair length.

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If you were wondering how to grow your natural hair fast, we hope your mind is settled now after reading this article and watching the video. You can ask any questions about how to grow natural hair fast, in the comment section below.

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Chris Ndetei (Lifestyle writer) Christopher Ndetei is a reporter writer who joined the Yen team in May 2021. He graduated from the Machakos Technical College in 2009 with a diploma in ICT. Chris has over three years of experience in content creation and more than ten working in the hospitality industry. He covers lifestyle/entertainment, focusing on biographies, life hacks, gaming and guides. In 2023, Christopher finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques. You can reach him at