Security Analyst Irbard Ibrahim Survives Gas Explosion, Calls For An End To GMA Strike

Security Analyst Irbard Ibrahim Survives Gas Explosion, Calls For An End To GMA Strike


Security Analyst Irbard Ibrahim Survives Gas Explosion, Calls For An End To GMA Strike
Irbard Ibrahim been admitted at the 37 Military Hospital

International Relations Expert is appealing to doctors to call off their strike action following his admittance at the intensive care unit of the 37 military Hospital in Accra after sustaining injuries from a near-fatal gas explosion.

The Security Expert on his Facebook page today says he is appealing to the striking medical doctors to resume work so he could successfully undergo a surgical operation.

READ ALSO: GMA Prez Reveals Doctors Could Call Off Strike Action Today

“‪#‎iamavictimofgmastrike‬. Irbard is about to go into intensive care and has an urgent message for Government and doctors as they hold a crunch decision -making general assembly today,” Irbard is noted as stating.

READ ALSO: Nana Addo Begs Doctors To Go Back To Negotiations Table

According to reports from an Accra based radio station, the said International Relations Expert suffered major burns to his face with lacerations few hours after engaging in a radio discussion with Brigadier General Nunoo Mensah about the ongoing strike action.

In the meantime, the fate of Ghana's health service delivery system would be decided upon as the Ghana Medical Association decides on whether or not to resign following unmet service conditions.





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Nii Ayi Ayitey Nii Ayi Ayitey, aka Charles Ayitey, is an experienced journalist who covered Current Affairs news for from 2015-2021. He also worked for such companies as Multimedia Group Limited, Scooper, and Face2Face Africa. Nii Ayi Ayitey holds a Bachelor's degree in Communication and Media Studies from the Ghana Institute of Journalism (2015). Currently, he's studying at UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism.
