Pokémon series in order: Step-by-step guide on how to watch the series

Pokémon series in order: Step-by-step guide on how to watch the series

Given that it is one of the most successful anime series ever, it should be no surprise that Pokémon continuously attracts new fans. With numerous seasons, episodes, and spin-offs, it can be overwhelming for newcomers to figure out where to begin. Discover how to watch the Pokémon series in order so that you may enjoy the journey from the beginning to the end.

Pokémon series in order
Popular Pokemon characters. Photo: @_pikachu_and_ash, @pokemon on Instagram (modified by author)
Source: UGC

How many TV series of Pokémon are there? As of September 2023, there are 26 seasons, over 1,200 episodes, dozens of films, over a hundred games, and a few specials to consider. As confusing as it can be, here's a summary of the Pokémon series order.

Pokémon series in order

Pokémon has captivated fans worldwide for over two decades with its thrilling adventures and unforgettable characters. Use this guide to watch the Pokémon anime series in order, as it walks you through the TV series chronologically, ensuring you experience the Pokémon enchantment from its first season and episode.

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1. Indigo League

  • Total episodes: 82
  • Original run: April 1997–January 1999

Which Pokémon series is first? Pokémon: Indigo League is the first season of the Pokémon animated TV series. Meet Ash Ketchum, the enthusiastic Pokémon Trainer, and his trusty Pikachu as they embark on their journey to become Pokémon Masters.

2. Adventures in the Orange Islands

Pokémon series in order
A copy of the Adventures in the Orange Island season. Photo: @javinwatermelon, @angel0fthe0d on Instagram (modified by author)
Source: UGC
  • Total episodes: 36
  • Original run: Jan 1999–October 1991

The second season of the Pokémon series is Adventures in the Orange Islands. This season, Ash acquires Gym Badges in the Orange Archipelago to participate in the Orange League.

3. The Johto Journeys

  • Total episodes: 41
  • Original run: October 1999–July 2000

The season features the Johto region, which is often regarded as the best place in Pokémon. Ash and Pikachu are on a quest to obtain Gym Badges to participate in the Johto League.

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4. Johto League Champions

  • Total episodes: 52
  • Original run: August 2000 – August 2001

It features Ash and his companions Brock and Misty as they travel from Johto to Cianwood City. Finally, Ash obtains his Gym Badge and competes in the Pokémon Sumo Conference.

5. Master Quest

  • Total episodes: 65
  • Original run: August 2001–November 2002

Master Quest is the fifth season of the Pokémon animated TV series. The plot follows Ash and his companions as he competes in the Johto League for the first time. There, he confronts the most formidable Pokémon trainers, including Gary Oak, his rival.

6. Advanced

  • Total episodes: 40
  • Original run: November 2002–August 2003

Advanced is the sixth season of the Pokémon anime series. In this season, a few changes happen. Brock, Max, and May accompany Ash as he competes and wins the Hoenn League competition.

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7. Advanced Challenge

  • Total episodes: 52
  • Original run: September 2003–September 2004

Advanced Challenge continues the quest of the previous one. In this TV series season, battles, such as the one between Team Aqua and Team Magma, begin.

8. Advanced Battle

  • Total episodes: 54
  • Original run: September 2004–September 2005

In this season, Ash eventually obtains his final two Gym Badges. After securing his position, he competed in the Hoenn League as well. Meanwhile, May attempts to get her last ribbon to qualify for the Hoenn Grand Festival.

9. Battle Frontier

  • Total episodes: 47
  • Original run: October 2005–September 2006

May, Brock, and Max return to accompany Ash on his journey. Ash must acquire Frontier Symbols to qualify in the Battle Frontier this time.

10. Diamond and Pearl

  • Total episodes: 52
  • Original run: September 2006–October 2007

According to the Pokémon series order on Netflix, this is the 10th season. The season's home is Sinnoh, where Brock and Ash join Dawn, a new Pokémon coordinator focused on her ambitions.

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11. Diamond and Pearl: Battle Dimension

  • Total episodes: 52
  • Original run: November 2007–December 2008

This season features the story of Pokémon Hunter J and the looming menace of Team Galactic. Despite fighting on different paths, Ash and Dawn enter Professor Rowan's Pokémon Summer Academy and the Wallace Cup Competition together this season.

12. Diamond and Pearls: Galactic Battles

  • Total episodes: 53
  • Original run: December 2008 – December 2009

The show's twelfth season continues in the Sinnoh region. Ash and Dawn continue to contend with Paul and Team Galactic.

13. Diamond and Pearls: Sinnoh League Victors

  • Total episodes: 34
  • Original run: January 2010–September 2010

This season happens to be the shortest in the Pokémon series. Ash competes again after a loss. He faces Team Rocket while focusing on qualifying for the Sinnoh League.

14. Black & White

  • Total episodes: 50
  • Original run: September 2010–September 2011

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Ash Ketchum reprises his role as the protagonist. He travels across Unova with new friends, Iris and Cilan.

15. Black & White: Rival Destinies

Pokémon series in order
Some season 15 characters. Photo: @galarpokemontrainers, @spectrumspellbound on Instagram (modified by author)
Source: UGC
  • Total episodes: 49
  • Original run: September 2011–October 2012

Iris and Cilan rejoin Ash on his journey through Unova. They are up against Team Rocket, a Champion Master, and three Legendary Pokémon this time.

16. Black & White: Adventures in Unova and Beyond

  • Total episodes: 45
  • Original run: October 2012–September 2013

Pokémon season 16 is the only season that is separated into two parts. The first part ended on 18 April 2013, and the second began a week later. Ash makes it to the Unova League for the first. He faces new adversaries while also reuniting with old rivals.

17. XY

  • Total episodes: 48
  • Original run: October 2013–October 2014

XY ushers in a new era of Pokémon, complete with new species, a new location, and new friends of Ash. Ash travels across Kalos alongside Bonnie, Clemont, and Serena.

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18. XY Kalos Quest

  • Total episodes: 45
  • Original run: November 2014–October 2015

Pokémon the Series: XY Kalos Quest is the eighteenth Pokémon series in order of release. The story continues in the Kalos region with Ash and his buddies. Ash learns more about a Pokémon's Mega Evolution as he collects Gym Badges for the Kalos League.

19. XYZ

  • Total episodes: 47
  • Original run: October 2015–October 2016

The story of Ash and his pals in the Kalos region continues in XYZ. Bonnie, Clemont, and Serena all return to accompany Ash as he captures the new Pokémon in the area.

20. Sun & Moon

  • Total episodes: 43
  • Original run: November 2016–September 2017

This season is all about Ash’s journey across the island of the Aloha region. It features new characters like Kiawe, Sophocles, Mallow, and Lana.

21. Sun & Moon: Ultra Adventures

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  • Number of episodes: 49
  • Original run: October 2017–October 2018

What is the 21st season of the Pokémon series? Sun & Moon: Ultra Adventures is the 21st season of the Pokémon series. It features Ash committing to Legendary Pokémon Solgaleo and Lunala in a dream. He also adventures with Pikachu and Pokémon School students from the Aether Foundation.

22. Sun & Moon: Ultra Legends

  • Total episodes: 54
  • Original run: October 2018–November 2019

Ash completes three remarkable challenges in the Alola region while searching for Z-Crystals. Pokémon School students also become Ultra Guardians.

23. Journeys

  • Total episodes: 48
  • Original run: November 2019–December 2020

Professor Cerise requests Ash and Goh to become official researchers. Ash is now closer than ever to achieving his goal of becoming a Pokémon Master.

24. Master Journeys

  • Total episodes: 42
  • Original run: December 2020–December 2021

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What is the 24th season of Pokémon? Master Journeys is the 24 season of the Pokémon series. A new region named Galar is introduced. Ash also reunites with former friends such as Iris, Dawn, and Cilan.

25. Ultimate Journeys

  • Total episodes: 57
  • Original run: December 2021 – March 2023

What is the 25th season of the Pokemon series? The Ultimate Journeys is the 25th season of this amazing anime show.

It follows Ash and his companions as they traverse all eight regions, and Ash continues his ascent in the World Coronation Series. This is a significant season for series diehards, as it ends the premise of Ash and Pikachu as the primary protagonists.

26. Horizons

  • Total episodes: Still airing
  • Original run: April 2023–Still running

How many seasons does Pokémon have? As of September 2023, there are 26 seasons of the series. Horizons introduces Roy and Liko as new primary Pokémon characters. Liko, a timid young lady from the Paldea region, travels to the Kanto region to join the Indigo Academy, where she meets Roy.

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The best way to watch the Pokémon series in order of their release. From Ash's early days in Kanto to the new season with new protagonists, experience the magic of Pokémon in the smoothest way ever.

Yen.com.gh recently published an article on 15 popular black female anime characters you must know. Over the years, the anime niche has grown massively, integrating different cultures and characters never seen before

Similarly, the genre has evolved to include women and marginalized characters as heroines in the most recent productions. Black female anime characters include Yoruichi Shihoin from Bleach, Miyuki Ayukawa from Basquash, and Krone from The Promised Neverland.

Source: YEN.com.gh

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Racheal Murimi (Lifestyle writer) Racheal Murimi is a content creator who joined Yen in 2022. She has over three years of experience in creating content. Racheal graduated from Dedan Kimathi University of Technology with a bachelor's degree in BCom, Finance. She has amassed sufficient knowledge working on various topics, including biographies, fashion and lifestyles, guides, and more. In 2023, Racheal finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques. You can reach her at wambuimurimi254@gmail.com
