Facts and lifehacks

How to write a manifesto for student election
How to write a manifesto for student election

To know ★HOW TO WRITE A MANIFESTO FOR STUDENT ELECTION★, you should first be knowledgeable about own strengths and weakness. Design a campaign or structure your speech in such a way that it creates maximum impact on the audience.

List of International NGOs in Ghana
List of International NGOs in Ghana

INTERNATIONAL NGOs IN GHANA play significant roles in, but not limited to health, education, agriculture, and environment. It is, therefore, wise for you to know a few of these NGOs

List of newspapers in Ghana and their editors
List of newspapers in Ghana and their editors

The easiest way to get information in any country would be to pick a newspaper from the stalls and read through the happenings in the locality. This is why NEWSPAPERS IN GHANA play significant roles information spreading