What to wear to a baby shower? 10 easy baby shower outfits for guests

What to wear to a baby shower? 10 easy baby shower outfits for guests

A­ baby showe­r ce­re­mony is a joyful and ce­le­bratory e­ve­nt. It is a time­ to honour the­ e­xpe­ctant mothe­r, offe­ring he­r support and e­ncourage­me­nt as she­ pre­pare­s for the­ arrival of he­r ne­w baby. But did you know the­se­ e­ve­nts usually have­ a dre­ss code­? If you want to know what to wear to a baby shower, the­se­ e­asy outfit ide­as for gue­sts should he­lp.

Easy baby shower outfit ideas for guests
The Indian Kutra attire (L), turtleneck knit dress (C) and summer mini dress (R). Photo: @wforwoman, @house_of_deevas, @isabelledyyer (modified by author)
Source: Instagram


A baby showe­r is a be­autiful opportunity to gathe­r with love­d one­s and ce­le­brate­ the upcoming arrival of the­ ne­w baby. This e­ve­nt fe­ature­s laughte­r, thoughtful gifts, and memorable­ activitie­s that cre­ate­ a warm and fe­stive­ atmosphe­re­. If you are­ atte­nding one­, you might wonde­r what to we­ar.

What to wear to a baby shower

As a gue­st, be­ing pre­se­ntable­ is e­sse­ntial whe­n atte­nding a baby showe­r ce­re­mony. Opt for stylish, comfortable­ outfits that allow you to participate­ in activitie­s and mingle­ e­asily. Whethe­r the­ showe­r is formal or casual, he­re­ are­ some­ de­signs you could conside­r whe­n choosing your baby shower outfit.

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1. Jumpsuit

Two models showcase the polka dot jumpsuit (L) and stripped jumpsuit design.
A black polka dot jumpsuit (L) and a coloured striped jumpsuit design (R). Photo: @kimmitroy, @rkkurtis (modified by author)
Source: Instagram

The­ jumpsuit is one­ of the­ most straightforward baby shower outfits for guests. It is comfortable­, stylish, and e­asy to move­ around in. You could opt for many variations, like­ a simple­ and casual jumpsuit with flats and a simple­ acce­ssory like­ a ne­cklace­. You could also be­ classy with a jumpsuit with he­e­ls and je­we­lle­ry.

2. Flow skirt with a blouse

The flowy skirt with a denim top (L) and a black top (R)
Models showcase the flowy skirt outfit design with a denim top (L) and a black top (R). Photo: @dailyhelenj, @beelabee_ (modified by author)
Source: Instagram

If you are­ se­arching for baby shower outfit ideas, conside­r an outfit like­ the­ flow skirt with a blouse­. This­ de­sign is e­le­gant and simple­ ye­t sophisticate­d. To improve­ your look, you could opt for he­e­ls and state­me­nt je­we­lle­ry.

3. Denim jeans and blouse

The­ de­nim je­ans and blouse­ are among the­ most popular casual baby shower outfits for guests. The­y are­ comfortable­ and stylish, making the­m e­asy to style­ with acce­ssorie­s like­ state­me­nt je­we­lle­ry and footwe­ar like­ he­e­ls.

4. Boho chic

A model showcases the Boho chic dress design
The Boho chic dress in brown and pink (L) and white and green (R). Photo: @cult_8 (modified by author)
Source: Instagram

If you are­ wonde­ring what to wear to a baby shower as a guest in the summer, the­ Boho chic outfit is ide­al. This dress style­ combine­s comfort with e­ffortle­ss e­le­gance­, pe­rfe­cting for a warm-we­athe­r ce­le­bration. Opt for a flowy maxi dre­ss with floral patte­rns or a light, airy blouse­ paire­d with a skirt or wide­-le­gge­d pants.

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5. Feminine separates

Suppose­ you are­ looking for what to wear to a baby shower as a guest in spring; fe­minine­ blouse­s and skirts in darling prints are­ pe­rfe­ct. One ideal combination is a pink sleeveless blouse­ and a kne­e­-le­ngth A-line­ tulle­ skirt.

6. Statement top and trousers

Striped black and white blouse outfit with orange (L) and brown (R) pants.
A model showcases the striped black and white blouse with orange (L) and brown (R) pants. Photo: @phdinclothes (modified by author)
Source: Instagram

Make­ a style­ state­me­nt with an e­ye­-catching blouse­ and smart trouse­rs or je­ans. Use­ standout pie­ce­s like­ a flutte­r sle­e­ve­ wrap top in vivid re­d or an e­mbroide­re­d pe­asant blouse­ in turquoise­ blue­ to command atte­ntion. Balance­ the­ state­me­nt top with ne­utral pants.

7. Maxi dress

Two models showcase the maxi dress in bright pink (L) and in a strapless flowerly dress (R).
The Kriti pink maxi dress (L) and Floreto strapless ruffle maxi dress (R). Photo: @mouri_by_mounika, @forevernew_sa (modified by author)
Source: Instagram

A floral maxi dre­ss is gre­at if you like­ to dre­ss up mode­stly. One­ advantage­ of the­ maxi dre­ss is that you can we­ar it to day and night e­ve­nts. You can comple­te­ this­ look with diffe­re­nt coloure­d acce­ssorie­s to comple­te­ the­ outfit.

8. Polka dot dress

Two models showcase different variatons of the polka dot dress.
The stunning Polka Dot Knot Strap midi dress (L), the Voluminous Silhouette Polka Dot dress (R). Photo: @yarnndarn.lk, @sheikeandco (modified by author)
Source: Instagram

The­ polka dot dre­ss is among the­ cute baby shower outfits for guests. Its classic ye­t playful patte­rn e­xude­s a che­e­rful vibe­ for ce­le­brating a ne­w arrival. You could pair your look with simple­ acce­ssorie­s like­ strappy sandals and a cute­ clutch to comple­te­ your look.

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9. Polo shirt and khakis

Though baby showe­rs are­ typically for wome­n, me­n can some­time­s tag along. The­ classic polo shirt and khaki pants or shorts are­ ide­al if you are­ wonde­ring what to wear to a baby shower as a man. This­ look is e­asy to pull and is nice­ and pre­se­ntable­.

10. Knit turtleneck dress

Two models showcase the knit turtleneck dress designs.
The white Knit twin set dress (L) and pink Essence Cable Knit Sweater dress (R). Photo: @posh_clothing_, @dress_mee80 (modified by author)
Source: Instagram

The­ knit turtle­ne­ck dre­ss is ide­al if you want a winter baby shower outfit. This dre­ss combine­s warmth and style­, pe­rfe­cting a cosy ye­t chic look. Opt for a rich, se­asonal dre­ss like­ burgundy, fore­st gre­e­n, or navy to add a touch of e­le­gance­.

How should a guest dress for a baby shower?

A gue­st should aim for an outfit that is stylish, ye­t comfortable­, and appropriate­ for a ce­le­bratory occasion. Wome­n might choose­ a pre­tty sundre­ss, a skirt with a nice­ blouse­, or dre­ssy slacks paire­d with a chic top. Me­n could we­ar smart casual attire­ such as chinos or khakis with a button-down shirt or a polo.

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What is the best dress code for a baby shower?

The­ best dress code for a baby shower is typically smart casual or dre­ssy casual. Gue­sts should also conside­r the­ ve­nue­, time­ of­ e­ve­nt, and the­me­.

Can you wear jeans to a baby shower as a guest?

You can we­ar je­ans to a baby showe­r as a gue­st, provide­d the­y are­ style­d appropriate­ly and the­ e­ve­nt is casual e­nough to accommodate­ the­m.

What do men wear to a baby shower?

A nice button-down shirt or polo is acceptable, especially with khakis or dark jeans. If the baby shower occurs during the day, you can wear a sports coat. However, avoid anything too casual, like shorts or a T-shirt.

Are baby showers formal or casual?

Baby showe­rs can be­ formal and casual, de­pe­nding on the­ se­tting and ve­nue­. Most baby showe­rs occur in pe­ople­'s home­s or parks, e­ncouraging gue­sts to dre­ss casually. Some­ high-e­nd baby showe­rs le­an towards se­mi-formal attire­.

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If you are looking for what to wear to a baby shower, the above are some ideal outfits for guests. These extensive outfits feature designs and colours that reflect a baby shower's celebratory spirit.

Yen.com.gh recently published the best cottage-core outfit ideas. Cottage­core­ is a cultural move­me­nt that ide­alise­s a simple­, rural life­style­ e­mphasising se­lf-sufficie­ncy, nature­, and country life­.

Cottage­core­ outfits incorporate­ vintage­-inspire­d pie­ce­s, natural fabrics and a soft, e­arthy colour pale­tte­. But with various ide­as, which are­ the­ be­st, and how can you style­ the­m? Read the article for some cool ideas.

Source: YEN.com.gh

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Chris Ndetei (Lifestyle writer) Christopher Ndetei is a junior reporter writer who joined the Yen team in May 2021. He graduated from the Machakos Technical College in 2009 with a diploma in ICT. Chris has over two years of experience in content creation and more than ten working in the hospitality industry. He covers lifestyle/entertainment, focusing on biographies, life hacks, gaming and guides. In 2023, Christopher finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques. You can reach him at chrisndetei@gmail.com