Kennedy Agyapong Apologises For Not Informing Supporters Of Joining Bawumia's Campaign

Kennedy Agyapong Apologises For Not Informing Supporters Of Joining Bawumia's Campaign

  • A former New Patriotic Party flagbearer aspirant, Kennedy Agyapong, has apologised to supporters for failing to inform them of his decision to join Dr Bawumia's campaign
  • He said there was no need to harbour animosity towards the party's flagbearer and has called for unity amongst them
  • He said uniting is the only way the NPP can win the 2024 elections

Former New Patriotic Party (NPP) flagbearer aspirant Kennedy Agyapong has apologised to his supporters for not informing them of his decision to join the campaign of the Vice President and flagbearer of the party, Dr Mahamudu Bawumia.

Kennedy’s apology comes after he was spotted on a bus with Dr Bawumia on the latter’s Ashanti Regional campaign tour.

Kennedy Agyapong Apologises For Not Informing Supporters Of Joining Bawumia's Campaign
Kennedy Agyapong has called for unity within the NPP.
Source: Facebook

Some of his supporters, who had opposed Dr Bawumia's candidacy, did not take his solidarity with the vice president well.

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However, addressing a group of his supporters during his birthday celebration over the weekend, the Assin North MP stated that he has no intention of letting any animosity that may have occurred during the party’s primaries fester.

He said while his supporters continue to be intimidated even after the primaries, he believes the way forward is for the party to unite for victory.

He urged the vice president's supporters to stop their intimidation tactics and unite with his supporters to ensure a unified front ahead of the general elections.

Kennedy Agyapong also assured the party fold that he had no intention of quitting the party to run as an independent candidate.

He said that though he has been suggested to run as an independent candidate, he has not considered the suggestion and intends to stay on to ensure the party wins the 2024 general elections.

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He urged his supporters not to be disenchanted with the party but to keep supporting it to victory in the 2024 elections.

Kennedy Agyepong accepts defeat at NPP primaries

Kennedy Ohene Agyapong gracefully accepted defeat after the declaration of the party's presidential election results.

In a fiercely contested presidential poll, the Assin Central Member of Parliament gave Vice-President Dr Mahamudu Bawumia a "showdown."

He polled 37.41 per cent to clinch the second position, bowing to the victory of Dr Bawumia, who garnered 61.47 per cent. The lawmaker congratulated the party's election committee for organising a free and fair presidential primary.

He pledged his support to the flagbearer-elect to help defeat the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and retain power in the 2024 general election.

Agyapong joining exodus from Parliament reported that 2024 will be Agyapong's final year as a legislator, as he will not contest the upcoming election for Parliament.

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Among the noteworthy MPs leaving are Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu, the Majority Leader and Suame MP, and First Deputy Speaker Joe Osei Owusu, who represents Bekwai.

In all, 18 NPP Members of Parliament will not be seeking reelection in 2024.

Proofread by Berlinda Entsie, journalist and copy editor at

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Cornerlis Affre (CA and Politics Editor) Cornerlis Kweku Affre is at present a Current Affairs Editor at He covers politics, business, and other current affairs. He has worked in various roles in the media space for at least 5 years. You can reach out to him at

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