Jimmy Jean-Louis jumps to Leila Djansi defense on Hitler saga

Jimmy Jean-Louis jumps to Leila Djansi defense on Hitler saga

- Leila Djansi  in  an interview has referred the new crop of film producers in Nollywood as  "Adolf Hitler"

- Her comment did not seat well with the likes of Stella Damascus and Omotola

- Jimmy Jean-Louis defends Leila Djansi's comments and says the Ghanaian director did not mean it that way

- He appeals to all to watch the full interview before criticising Leila, whom he describes as been passionate about African movies, including Nollywood.

Jimmy Jean-Louis jumps to Leila Djansi defense on Hitler saga
Jimmy jean-louis and leila djansi

International actor, Jimy Jean Louis has added his voice to the whole debate on new crop of Nollywood producers being termed as “Adolf Hitler”.

Readers are reminded that, producer and director, Leila Djansi came under a backlash from actresses Omotola and Stella Damascus for referring to the new crop of film producers in Nigeria in an interview as “Hitler”.

In the documentary dubbed “Jimmy goes to Nollywood”, Leila Djansi is seen making this comment.

“The name Nollywood does provoke conflicting discourse, and asked whether the new branch of filmmakers remain under that identity, Leila offered, that identity might cause the filmmakers to be judged unfairly by the standards of the world. Nollywood was not likened to ‘Hitler’, as unreleased portions of her interview will ascertain”

Hollywood actor, Jimmy Jean-Louis has cleared the air about the interview and comes to defend Leila Djansi’s stance in the documentary. Jimmy sent this exclusively to blogger ameyawdebrah.

READ ALSO:Omotola insists Leila Djansi's comment is disrespectful

In his post he first commends Leila Djansi for introducing him to Nollywood and Ghanaian cinema. He also states that the opportunity has helped him make movies with these two industries.  He further applauds some amazing talents in the industry like the Cursed Ones by Nana Obiri yeboah, The CEO with his dear friend Kunle Afolayan among others and Sinking Sands. Jimmy also did not mince words to talk about how, his friend Leila Djansi is passionate about African film making and Nollywood and adds that most people misunderstood the Ghanaian director and that her concern is genuine.

“Leila Djansi’s commentary in the video is genuine for an industry that many are passionate about but, it has been misunderstood.  It is a misunderstanding between two pillars of the film industry. I have known Leila for a long time now and she is one person who will be honest with you, no matter what. Her criticism of the industry is from a place of genuine concern for its growth. This she has demonstrated many times by continuously employing Nollywood talent. African cinema will be nothing without the strength and bravery of the pioneers of Nollywood”

Jimmy goes on to talk about his belief in in African cinema and in Nollywood. He adds that there is the need for continuous work to be done for that is where strength lies.  Jimmy, further admonished all to watch the entire documentary “Jimmy goes to Nollywood” on Netflix in USA/UK and on A+ (Canal +) in Africa.

“Jimmy Goes To Nollywood” is a documentary that was made to help the industry, to introduce it to the world even more and address issues concerning an industry that has become one of the most lucrative industries in Africa today, employing many.

Jimmy Jean-Louis is a Haitian Hollywood actor,  who is known for his many works in Nollywood, including his own documenatry titled ‘Jimmy Goes To Nollywood’. He also hosted the AMAA awards in 2012.


Source: YEN.com.gh

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Aba Afful (Copyeditor) Maame Aba serves as a copy editor at YEN.com.gh. She naturally enjoys working with words and has an eye for quality content. She has a keen interest in cyberspace and wants to see YEN.com.gh produce more impactful, thought-provoking, and error-free content. Aba has five years of experience as a content writer, blogger, author, and proofreader. She graduated from the Ghana Institute of Journalism in 2017. She joined the team in 2021.
