Top 10 strange and funny things that happen only in Ghana
Here in Ghana, there remain strange acts and habits that, as the saying goes, are only identical to Ghanaians.
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This article shares some of such strange and funny things;
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1. Only in Ghana that one can buy all his material needs from the comfort of his car while in traffic.

2. Only in Ghana are professional mourners (wailers) hired at funerals for bereaved people who do not know how to cry 'properly'.

3. Only in Ghana that presidents pray for the sick

4. Only in Ghana that politicians are jailed 2 months for causing financial loss and criminals, 50 years for stealing plantain.

5. Only in Ghana does a mayor direct traffic.

6. Only in Ghana that you receive your water bill months or years late.

7. Only in Ghana that the unemployed get jobs when they protest at Flagstaff house.

8. Only in Ghana that Guinness is beer

9. Only in Ghana that police stop "trotros" the most and not private cars!

10. Only in Ghana that newspapers are all called; "Graphic".

Ghana is such a lovely place to live! in What other things can you say only happens in Ghana? Share your thoughts in the comments section below. We are available on Facebook and on Twitter.