160+ sad messages: ideas to express your deepest feelings

160+ sad messages: ideas to express your deepest feelings

Sadness is an emotion characterised by unhappiness or sorrow, usually triggered by the loss of something or someone important. It can be mild or intense, and many people find it challenging to express how they feel. You can express your feelings using sad messages.

sad messages
Sad messages. Photo: pexels.com, @Steven Arenas (modified by author)
Source: UGC


Sadness in life may cause you to feel emotionally numb or lack energy. It is normal and inevitable. Sad messages can help you express your feelings about someone or something.

Short sad messages

Everyone wants to be happy. No one wants to be sad or feel pain. Check out these short sad text messages you can use to express how you feel.

  • Trying to forget someone you love is like trying to remember someone you never met.
  • Givers need to set limits because takers rarely do.
  • Over time, you realise that it makes no sense to run after someone happy without you.
  • Heavy hearts, like heavy clouds in the sky, are best relieved by the letting of a little water.
  • The misconception of love is pain.
  • Don’t cling to a mistake just because you spent a long time making it.
  • Pain makes you stronger, fear makes you braver, and heartbreak makes you wiser.
  • Sometimes good things fall apart, so better things can come together.
  • No boyfriend, no problems.
  • The people that are quick to walk away are the ones that never intended to stay.
  • The hardest thing I'll ever do is walk away still loving you.
  • A person who really loves you will not make you feel bad about yourself.
  • Six letters, two words, easy to say, hard to explain, harder to do: Move on.
  • Love is unconditional. Relationships are not.
  • Sometimes, your heart needs more time to accept what your mind already knows.
  • The only thing worse than being lonely is having someone who makes you feel lonely.
  • What do you do when the person who broke your heart is the only one who can fix it?
  • Out of nowhere, the pain just came back.
  • Separation from those we love is never easy, but it must be faced with courage.
  • You promised to love me forever, but all I am left with are empty promises and pain in my heart.
  • I realise now that the person I used to be is not the person I am.
  • I’ve been trying to go on living as if nothing has changed, but it’s too hard.

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Sad messages for self

sad message for myself
Sad message for myself. Photo: canva.com (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Most people find it challenging to cope with feelings of sorrow and unhappiness they may be experiencing. Whether you are struggling with disappointment or feeling deep anguish, know that you are not alone. A sad message for yourself can help you express what you feel inside.

  • I now think I am right on my own. No fights or love. It is just me, myself, and I.
  • When someone hurts you once, never forgive that person because that person will hurt you more often than you can imagine. In the end, the time you have spent with that person is wasted.
  • Some people are so lucky that after hurting, they get love, and some are so unlucky that after giving so much love, they always get hurt. I am hurting.
  • I’m not looking for someone to complete me. I’m looking for someone who accepts me.
  • I wanted to feel, but I got hurt because I feel too much. I love too much, and I even care too much.
  • I am bent, but not broken, I am scared, but not tainted, I am sad, but not hopeless, I am tired, but not powerless, I am angry, but not bitter, I am depressed, but not giving up.
  • Sadness is not the opposite of happiness. It’s a part of it.
  • When a loved one leaves, it is often difficult to let go. But we must not forget the promise we make to ourselves and to them.
  • It is hard to wait around for something that might never be, but it is harder to let go when it is everything you have ever wanted.
  • No matter how clear the ending, I will always wonder what would have happened if I had tried.
  • I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can let go. Things go wrong so that you can appreciate them when they are right. You believe their lies, so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself.
  • I never knew what sadness was until I lost you.
  • Starting today, I need to forget what's gone. Appreciate what still remains and look forward to what's coming next.
  • The most significant pain I ever felt was denying my feelings to make everyone else feel comfortable.
  • Never wait for a person who is essential to you. Because if you meant something to them, they would not let you wait.
  • Caring for someone more than they care for you is a form of emotional disaster.
  • There’s always a hole inside me. Sometimes it’s empty, and sometimes it’s full.
  • There’s a big difference between a sad goodbye and a goodbye with the hope of a new beginning.
  • To burn with desire and keep quiet about it is the most significant punishment we can bring on ourselves.
  • This is the hardest part of leaving. You cannot see the future, and you do not know if you will find what you are looking for.
  • I know what it’s like to feel sadness. It’s like a dark cloud above your head.

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Sad messages for your boyfriend

sad messages for boyfriend
Sad messages for boyfriend. Photo: canva.com (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Everyone feels sad at times, but we do not always experience sadness for the same reasons. Sometimes, those we love hurt us. You can send a sad crying msg to your boyfriend if he hurts you.

  • I want to know how many times you can heartbreak me because now there is nothing left to be broken.
  • She was ready to go through hell for him, but he still left her.
  • It’s about time I do something about these weaknesses; I need to find a way to stop being so negative.
  • I am haunted by sadness and misery.
  • He wished for a castle of love for her but ended up creating a prison of memories for himself.
  • I am not running away from you. I am just walking away softly and slowly. What kills me inside is that you do not even deeply love me to the extent of stopping me.
  • Our love began with just a hug, our kisses made it grow, and now it is ending with tears.
  • Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don’t know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors, and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds. It dies of weariness, of withering, of tarnishing.
  • Love that we cannot have is one that lasts the longest, hurts the deepest, and feels the strongest.
  • If I had not taken the risk, I would have probably never found complete happiness. Unfortunately, everything did not go well after all, but no one can take away what I lived from my memories.
  • Darling, even if you have broken my heart, know that there is a part of me that will never stop loving you.
  • The worst kind of pain is when your heart cry, and your eyes are dry.
  • All knowing that they are already fell for someone else, we keep feeling for them.
  • You came and filled my life with hopes and dreams but suddenly left me with a broken heart and despair. I hate you doing that to me!
  • There is no bliss as intense and as ultimate as being in love. If it pains, it must not be love.
  • I will overcome my heartbreak soon, but I will never stop wishing the worst for you.
  • I wish the years I have spent with you never existed in my life. I hate you so much that I want to erase every memory of you!
  • Sometimes, most cheerful people hold the most terrible pain.
  • Love is pure. Its adulteration is pain.
  • Time can’t heal your emotional pain if you don’t learn how to let go.
  • So sick of pretending that everything is all right because it’s not.

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Sad messages about love

sad messages about life
Sad messages about life. Photo: canva.com (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Did you know your brain processes emotional upset with the same brain circuitry that processes physical injury? This explains why love hurts sometimes.

  • I feel shattered and broken because the only time I gave love a chance, I end up feeling heartbroken, I am scared and sad because I do not think I will ever recover from this pain.
  • He taught me how to love but not how to stop.
  • Love is like an onion. Even after you peel it off, there are still layers that need to be peeled off.
  • A lovable person is a medicine for any kind of pain, but there is no medicine available in the world for pain given by a lovable person.
  • Being ignored in love is the worst feeling ever.
  • There are a lot of people who act like they want to be in love, but they don’t really want to be in love. They want the feeling that being in love gives them.
  • Some people put you above, just to drop you badly.
  • I always thought exams were difficult until I got my heart broken and found it hard to move on. Seeing someone else filling my space is so shattering. If losing you means giving you happiness, then so be it.
  • Love pains when possessiveness takes place in relation.
  • Sadly, trust could be more dangerous than love.
  • The sadness flies, and the tears roll down your cheeks. The sorrow of your heart is felt by no one.
  • Another chapter has to end before a new one can begin.
  • If it weren’t for the fact that the sun is so hot, the Earth would probably be frozen solid. That’s what sadness does to you. It freezes your heart so that nothing feels good anymore.
  • It hurts to leave a light on for nobody.
  • They say, “Follow your heart,” but if your heart is a million pieces, which piece do you follow?
  • Even when you’re in the thick of it, you can still find your way.
  • Behind every sweet smile, there is a bitter sadness that no one can ever see and feel. - Tupac Shakur
  • Sometimes even tears can’t express as much pain as a smile is hiding.
  • I am prisoned between ” how it is” and “how it is supposed to be,” and it is painful.
  • When the relationship is between two, why should the third one cause pain?

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Sad love messages to make him cry

sad love messages to make him cry
Sad love messages to make him cry. Photo: canva.com (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Many people believe that men should not cry or that they should hide their emotions. This notion is fallacious. Check out these sad messages to make him cry today.

  • Though these words will never find you, I hope that you know that I was thinking of you today and that I wished you every happiness. Love always, the girl you loved once.
  • You came into my life and made it a blooming world to live in. You make me feel unique with the things you do and all you say. I love you.
  • I can't believe you broke my heart as if you were smashing a piece of glass. Glass can be rebuilt, but what about my heart?
  • I will forever regret that I loved you blindly and trusted you. I gave you everything; in return, you gave me pain, tears, and heartbreak.
  • The more you go away from me, the closer I reach you. I may not say a word, but my heart will always tell that you are my dearest.
  • If I could get one chance to change anything in my life, I would have changed our relationship so that we would never have come to the point that we have right now. If only I had that second chance.
  • You'll never know how it feels when someone you love crushes your heart like an empty soda can. I hate you, but still, I wish the best for you.
  • You cannot protect yourself from sadness without protecting yourself from happiness.
  • Love is like sunshine. It brings a shining glow to its beholder's face and a warm feeling all over the body. It awakens the soul and opens the eyes. And when it’s over, it leaves lots of small memories called stars to remind the globe that it still exists. I love and miss you.
  • Every emotion that I feel starts and ends with you, and you're all that I need for life. I love you, and my love for you is true! I hate myself for losing you.
  • Time will heal everything, but I will never forget the pain you gave me. I buried my feelings for you and tried to move on. Boys like you don't deserve to be loved.
  • I loved you without any condition and without asking for any return. But you took this love to be a weakness of mine.
  • My heart is pink – bubbly, innocent, alive, and throbbing with love. Yours is black – deceiving, manipulative, unreliable, and full of evil.
  • I don't think people understand how stressful it is to explain what's happening in your head when you don't even realise it yourself.
  • I don't blame myself for loving you. It was you who was responsible for everything.
  • Don't worry about losing. If it is right, it happens - the main thing is not to hurry. Nothing good gets away.
  • My mind is trying to get you out of my head, but my heart is holding onto every single word that you ever said.
  • So much land on Earth, Then why do we build a home in another person?
  • The truth is that they come to you when you are not ready and leaves when you need them most.
  • I am so broken that even my soul refused to be there for me.

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Sad messages to make her cry

Sad messages to make her cry
Sad messages to make her cry. Photo: pexels.com, @Torsten Dettlaff (modified by author)
Source: UGC

A sad message for her will, without a doubt, make her cry. Crying can be healthy and beneficial at times. It can soothe her, lift her mood, and even reduce pain.

  • Love is supposed to be based on trust and trust in love. It is rare and beautiful when people can confide in each other without fearing what the other person will think. My life is not the same without you.
  • I don't remember you trying to know how I felt when you broke my trust. I trusted you with all my heart, but you just proved that you were the wrong person.
  • You might be enjoying giving me pain, but know that. I love this pain more than you. Because you are worth every bad and good thing on this Earth.
  • To love someone with all your heart, and they don’t love you back, is the saddest thing in life.
  • I may not get to see you as often as I like, and I may not get to hold you in my arms all through the night. But deep in my heart, I truly know you're the one I love, and I can't let you go.
  • Memories are lovely and sad both at a time. I loved you so much that our memories of being together made me smile and cry at the same time.
  • Even if loving you hurts, I can’t stop doing it. I’ll keep waiting for you with my eyes filled with tears.
  • You said you would be mine to the last day of your life! You said you love me crazily, and nothing in the world can take you away from me! Now those commitments make me laugh.
  • You filled my life with happiness, but now you have left me crying. It is hard coming to terms with the fact that we will never be together again.
  • I still can’t figure out how our love for each other suddenly became cold. I wish we could make things right.
  • Each drop of tear is more costly than anything in the world! But, no one knows its value until they have it in their own eyes for someone.
  • Can you survive peacefully being under the guilt for breaking my trust? You can because you're a heartless girl.
  • You made me realise the only person who will never betray me is myself. I feel grateful for the lesson!
  • I always thought we both made a cute couple – just like two fish in a bowl. I didn't know that your name was selfish.
  • I hope that every tear that drops from my cheeks becomes the karma that comes around and crushes your happiness again and again.
  • I never imagined that your voice, once music to my ears, would one day be the knife in my heart.
  • I gave you my heart to love it, not crush it. I gave you my body to embrace it, not to humiliate it. I gave you my soul to cherish it, not kill it.
  • All I wanted was for you to love me and hug me tightly when my world was falling apart. Instead, you were the one to make it fall apart.
  • My feelings and my life, you have completely mocked. In agony and pain, I hope that your heart is forever locked.
  • Do you know how badly you hurt me? I cried so much because of you, and you didn't care about my tears.

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Sad messages about life

sad messages about life
Sad messages about life. Photo: pexels.com, @Serkan Göktay (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Sadness often occurs at the same time as other feelings, such as anger, stress, guilt, grief, anxiety or hopelessness. There are many things that make human beings sad. Below is a collection of messages about this inevitable emotion.

  • Remember, when it starts hurting, life is trying to teach you something.
  • Few moments of pain can make you a legend for centuries.
  • Let it go because alone you can’t make it work.
  • Behind this brightest smile are the darkest secrets that you will never understand.
  • Tell them I met the most carefree girl, and my biggest mistake was to care for her.
  • Sadness that we can’t explain is the worst.
  • Your reaction is what you choose. Sadness in life is, after all, your response to the situation. It is your choice. Sometimes the situation is such that you are left with the only option of becoming sad.
  • Experiencing life is beautiful. Each and every emotion is beautiful. Even sadness is beautiful. It makes us more mature. Every significant change that has ever happened is because of certain genuine sadness.
  • The portion of life that makes you sad is supposed to change you.
  • With life comes opportunities. Life gives you every chance to live it thoroughly. It is we who create chaos under the name of life.
  • If your comforts are holding you back, sadness will release you from it.
  • No sadness in life comes without your attention.
  • If it is making you sad, it is demanding some change. Every change in life makes you move. The sad one makes you move permanently.
  • It hurts you the most. And you are bound to be nothing but sad. You should consider dealing with the situation with maturity and should come out of it with happiness.
  • Sad life is a hallucination. So is the happy one.
  • If it is hurting you, you are not managing yourself properly.
  • Whenever you are sad, just seek the thing that you are holding back, which you were supposed to give up.
  • Counting your sadness as a bane is an immaturity. If you have lived your life fully, you will understand how your life is beautiful with challenges, instead of without them.
  • If there is anything that is true in your life, it is the present passing moment. Sadness is part of it.
  • When consequences are making you sad, you must think of working on causes.

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Sad messages about a breakup

sad messages
Sad messages. Photo: pexels.com, @Monstera (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Breaking up with your partner can make you feel you cannot accomplish specific tasks because your former significant other always helped you with them. It can damage your esteem and cause physical pain. Below are messages about breakups to help you deal with your situation.

  • My love for you was so real. You know I will never forget you, but my heart is crushed and broken in two. I should have never fallen in love with you.
  • Each moment we spent together created a lifelong memory in my mind and heart. We may not be together but you shall be mine forever, in my heart.
  • It is hard to imagine the rest of my life without you, but I suppose I do not have to imagine it. I just have to live with it.
  • I always tried to make you happy. But I guess I failed! Hope you are happy wherever you are.
  • I become sad when I think about how you broke up with me—not because you broke my heart but because our beautiful relationship couldn't go the distance.
  • A heartbreak is a blessing from God. It’s just His way of letting you realise that He saved you from the wrong one.
  • Look right into the love I have for you. You were the only one in my heart, and now I cannot live without you.
  • A relationship is like a glass. Sometimes it’s better to leave it broken instead of hurting yourself while trying to put them back together.
  • Missing you has become a part of my daily life. Everywhere I go, everything I do, I keep carrying your memories with me.
  • I wish we could stay together forever. It is breaking my heart not to live with you anymore, my love.
  • My body feels like an empty vessel after you broke my heart. Would you mind coming back and filling me with your love?
  • Without you in my heart, I feel like I am nothing. It is making me sad. How I wish there was a way we could make things right for each other.
  • Your presence filled up my life with joy and happiness. But now that you are gone, I feel like living inside an empty shell.
  • I wish you always cared for me the way I care for you. But life had other plans. However, my love still seeks your well-being.
  • I do not know how the love between us lost its way and we drifted apart. But I really want to mend the broken branches. I hope you want the same.
  • You filled up my senses but left me in a hollow. Not complaining, but it is too hard to live without you, sweetheart.
  • I miss you each day, every moment! I hope you are always happy because that is what I always want.
  • Nothing hurts me more than seeing you walk away. How I wish we could be lovers again.
  • Baby, do you know how much I miss you with each breath of mine? I wish you never left.
  • You know, I never felt this bad away from anyone. But no matter how strong my pain is right now, I will always love you without asking for anything, no matter the distance.

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How do you express sadness in a text?

You can express sadness by trying to put your emotions into words. As you do this, beware not to insult the other party.

What are some deep sad messages?

Check out the collection of deep and sad messages above. You can tweak any of them to express how you feel in a more authentic manner.

Sometimes you decide to stop loving a person not because they do not love you, but because you realised they are happier without you. That is why sharing sad messages is a great idea to relieve such distress.

Yen.com.gh recently published just checking on you messages, quotes, and images for loved ones. A short and simple just checking on you message or quote is enough to make someone feel valued and loved.

Such a message will bring a smile to a loved one's face and make their day better. Life is not guaranteed, so you should check on those you love as often as possible.

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Simon Ayub Simon Ayub is an adept content strategist and writer who generates content mainly focusing on the Facts and Life Hacks category. With over half a decade of creating relatable content for various brands, Simon has amassed sufficient knowledge to give every website a palpable spark – ample precedence for an ever-growing audience. Simon holds a BSc in Agricultural Economics and is a Certified Public Accountant. He studied SEO tactics and analytics out of his love for writing.

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Cyprine Apindi (Lifestyle writer) Cyprine Apindi is a content creator and educator with over six years of experience. She holds a Diploma in Mass Communication and a Bachelor’s degree in Nutrition and Dietetics from Kenyatta University. Cyprine joined Briefly.co.za in mid-2021, covering multiple topics, including finance, entertainment, sports, and lifestyle. In 2023, she finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques. She received the 2023 Writer of the Year Award. In 2024, she completed the Google News Initiative course. Email: cyprineapindi@gmail.com