7 chrife things only over-religious Ghanaian parents do

7 chrife things only over-religious Ghanaian parents do

Africans are generally religious, Ghanaians are deeply religious and Ghanaian parents, even more religious.

Ghanaians are conservative, be they Christians, Muslims or traditionalists, nobody jokes with religion in Ghana. And if you grew up in Ghana, you would most probably have had no choice but to comply with your religious parents’ rule.

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If you had religious parents, then you must have experienced the following:

1. You are always first in Church

7 chrife things only over-religious Ghanaian parents do

And you’d be waiting for church service to start like:

Truly religious Ghanaian parents usually double as church workers. And church workers must always be at the church hours before anyone else.

2. And you'd be last to leave

7 chrife things only over-religious Ghanaian parents do

Despite the 3-hour service that has made you extra hungry, you'd have to wait for your parents to greet everybody before leaving. It's even worse if your parents are elders who have to be in meeting after church.

3. Morning devotions

7 chrife things only over-religious Ghanaian parents do

Very loooooong morning devotions. Morning devotion in your house is just as long as a typical church service. Waking up early was such a pain!

4. You become a prayer point

7 chrife things only over-religious Ghanaian parents do

Did you get bad grades at school? Prayer point! Misbehaving at home or in school? Prayer point. And most often when your parents don't get to sub you during the long-ass morning devotions, they would make sure they do in church.

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5. You can never get away with anything, ever!

7 chrife things only over-religious Ghanaian parents do

There are so many people who know your parents and can’t wait to report any wrong doing on your part to them.

6. All your clothes are baggy

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Religious parents have something against clothes that fit. Baggy clothes were holier jare.

7. No friendship/relationship with the opposite sex

For where?! Your friends will be handpicked by your parents and only the holiest of your gender make the cut.

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What’s the craziest thing you experienced with your religious parents? Send us a message via Twitter or Facebook or even to our email address, info@yen.com.gh.

You can also read about the hottest footballers in Ghana that ladies will die for.

Source: YEN.com.gh

Aba Afful avatar

Aba Afful (Copyeditor) Maame Aba serves as a copy editor at YEN.com.gh. She naturally enjoys working with words and has an eye for quality content. She has a keen interest in cyberspace and wants to see YEN.com.gh produce more impactful, thought-provoking, and error-free content. Aba has five years of experience as a content writer, blogger, author, and proofreader. She graduated from the Ghana Institute of Journalism in 2017. She joined the team in 2021.