15 Japanese tiger tattoo designs and ideas that will convince you to get inked
Tiger tattoos have different meanings in various cultures across the globe. In Japan, the tiger and the dragon are believed to influence rain and wind. A tiger represents courage and long life in Japanese tiger tattoos, and it is traditionally used to ward off bad fortune or evil spirits.

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For centuries, the tiger has held a creative heart. Poetry and paintings, among other art forms, have paid homage to this powerful monster of the jungle. With good reason, tigers are ferocious predators and the rulers of their domain.
Japanese tiger tattoo designs and ideas
Tiger tattoos have varied meanings. Their designs range from vintage to modern, traditional to tribal, and full sleeves to trunks. These tattoo designs are suitable for men and women of all ages.
1. Full-body

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This design elevates the concept of a spirit animal to greater levels. In this design, the animal is approaching from behind as if staring over the person's shoulder. The animal and man are one, right down to the position of the tail close to the real tailbone, providing the impression of the tattoo owner's tail.
2. Tiger eyes on the back of your head

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This awesome design pursues the curve of the head with the flow of the animal's cute body, making for a unique placement. The location of eyes will stare down at anyone who looks at it. Choosing a solid black colour scheme helps the design stand out even more.
3. Splash of colour

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This design is distinguished by its use of vibrant colours and strong outlines. Water conforms with the traditional Japanese tattoo significance of being connected to nature, but the design of the animal itself is much more true to life than chronological portrayals. Consider adding vibrant purple colours that supplement the water while artistically contrasting with the orange.
4. Tiger warrior

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This design features a warrior with animal stripes on his face. The brilliant colours and appearance of the figures match up with historical Japanese artwork. Water creates a cool background while also adding a splash of colour.
5. Japanese tiger dragon

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Because the tiger is frequently associated with the dragon in Japanese folklore, it is sensible to combine the two. In a twist on the traditional Japanese tiger tattoo, segments of the tiger and the dragon combine to form their scary beast.
6. Thunder and lightning

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This design incorporates a few traditional Japanese tiger tattoo aspects. The animal's ancient lore is linked to the stormy winds, cresting waves, and the skull in the ocean. In its expression, the animal demonstrates power and fierceness. Choosing a black-and-white theme for this art forces you to look for details and enjoy the design.
7. Crouching tiger, blooming lotus

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Lotus flowers are considered a sign of purity and civilization in Asian cultures. This design combines two key features of Japanese culture: the animal's power and regal nature. The colours are vibrant and powerful, as is the animal's snarling gesture.
8. Sleeve and a half

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The design is a nice twist on a tattoo sleeve, dividing the chest, shoulder, and arm. The piece incorporates several natural elements, ranging from flowers and succulents to the waves beneath the animal. The use of vibrant colours enhances the general impact of the artwork.
9. High thigh

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This design flows down the hip and onto the thigh, obeying the innate turn of the animal's spine. Given the nearer proximity, the animal almost appears to be daring someone to approach with a ferocious growl. This piece would look great as part of a sleeve or forearm design.
10. Traditional Japanese tiger tattoo

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This tattoo is a stylized black-and-white design that complements traditional nature emblems. Encircled by clouds, the tiger on the thigh collaborates with the dragon on the calf to cause the weather to change.
The head, jowls, and paws are shaped more like a traditional cat, which conforms to the historical past of the animal's portrayal in Japanese art.
11. Black and white Japanese tiger tattoo

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In this small tattoo, the use of black and white aids in emphasizing the animal's appearance. The use of white highlights demonstrates the various facets of the style. The artwork's various details are highlighted with bold outlines.
12. Stylized small Japanese tiger tattoo

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The animal seems to be screaming a Japanese war cry in a Himalayan art style. The use of distinct colours, such as black, grey, and red, complements the Himalayan concept. The design is a unique take on the traditional Japanese tiger tattoo and is suitable for a hand.
13. Forces of nature

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This design contains numerous historical components. The animal design is supported by Japanese lore and cultural symbols, ranging from storm clouds to cherry blossoms. The vibrant colours and the ferocious snarl of the animal make the design lively.
14. Claws out

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There are various levels of strength in this Japanese tiger forearm tattoo. The animal's appearance in mid-attack is a fair assumption, but this extends beyond the face. The animal's claws are prolonged, prepared to maul anything in its lane. Furthermore, the colour depth adds to the artwork's overall impression.
15. On the hunt

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Here is an alternate perspective of the beast, as if you were chasing the animal up the forearm. The design's strong lines reflect the animal's muscular power. Going for a solid black look incites the artwork to pop off the forearm.
Japanese tiger tattoo meaning
The Japanese tiger tattoo embodies the same characteristics as the actual animal: strength, courage, and longevity. It is also thought to keep away evil spirits, bad luck, and illnesses.
How to draw a Japanese tiger tattoo
- Step 1: Draw various sizes and shapes for the tiger's body.
- Step 2: Draw the snout, jaw, jawline, ears, and inner ear detailing.
- Step 3: Draw the teeth, tongue, eyes, nose and whiskers.
- Step 4: Draw the neck shape first, followed by the body shape's slithering pose. The torso pops out on the right, and the back and hind leg stretch out while the right rear leg crops up.
- Step 5: Draw the front legs and massive paws and claws.
- Step 6: Draw the rest of the back legs, including the back paws and claws. Draw in the leg muscle details and the long curled end tail.
- Step 7: Wipe away your errors and guidelines before adding stripes to the animal's body. Colour them in, and you're done.
The Japanese tiger tattoo designs embody the same characteristics as the actual animal: strength, courage, and longevity. It is also thought to keep away evil spirits, bad luck, and illnesses.
Yen.com.gh recently released a piece about the American traditional tattoo ideas and their meaning. Acquiring a traditional American tattoo pays homage to the history of tattooing art while providing you with substantial symbolic value.
Traditional American tattoo concepts have lately become the majority's preferred options. They are made of various classic and distinctive designs, including flowers, panthers, eagles, and skulls, all of which have multiple interpretations.
Source: YEN.com.gh