Teen Boy Conquers Monstrous 14-foot Python On Sugarcane Farm Near Elmina In Central Region

Teen Boy Conquers Monstrous 14-foot Python On Sugarcane Farm Near Elmina In Central Region

  • A 14-year-old was praised for killing a giant python in the Komenda-Edina-Eguafo-Abrem Municipality
  • The boy drew admiration because the snake has long tormented residents in the farming community
  • He stumbled upon the python in his brother's trap as he was en route to harvest sugarcane for his pigs

Fourteen-year-old Kwame Junior bested a monstrous 14-foot python on a sugarcane plantation at Benyadze, near Elmina in the Komenda-Edina-Eguafo-Abrem Municipality of the Central Region.

The boy drew admiration because the snake has long tormented residents throughout the predominantly farming community.

Boy fights python
The community celebrated Junior's triumph over the snake.
Source: Getty Images

GNA reported that Junior stumbled upon the python in his brother's trap as he was en route to harvest sugarcane for his pigs.

The snake thrashed in the trap, uprooting some vegetation to demonstrate its power as it fiercely struggled for survival.

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Observing meticulously, Junior, aware that snakes breathe in reverse, heaved a sigh of relief and summoned his courage to slay the serpent in its evident distress.

He severed the tail first and subsequently decapitated the animal, then took it home.

Upon arrival, the community celebrated Junior's triumph against the snake that had scared farmers in the area for months.

This story evokes the account of a farmer who bravely wrestled a huge python that tried to eat his dog.

John Tego, who resides in Sowodadiem in the Central Region, said the massive snake had coiled around the dog, breaking its bones.

However, moved by his loyal dog's suffering, he attacked the 18-foot python with a machete and eventually subdued it.

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YEN.com.gh reported that the body of a woman who was reported missing on Thursday, June 6, has been found inside a python.

The 50-year-old woman disappeared while walking through woodland to sell food at a nearby local market.

After a day of searching, residents of Kalempang village in South Sulawesi province found her inside the 16-foot reticulated reptile.

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Source: YEN.com.gh

Delali Adogla-Bessa avatar

Delali Adogla-Bessa (Current Affairs Editor) Delali Adogla-Bessa is a Current Affairs Editor with YEN.com.gh. Delali previously worked as a freelance journalist in Ghana and has over seven years of experience in media, primarily with Citi FM, Equal Times, Ubuntu Times. Delali also volunteers with the Ghana Institute of Language Literacy and Bible Translation, where he documents efforts to preserve local languages. He graduated from the University of Ghana in 2014 with a BA in Information Studies. Email: delali.adogla-bessa@yen.com.gh.

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