Sweet Moment Man Surprised Homeless Mum of 4 with GH¢188k and New House, She Weeps Hard in Video
- After losing her job, a mother took shelter in tents with her 4 kids as she couldn't afford a decent house
- Luck smiled on her one certain day as she ran into an activist and designer Isaiah Garza who took interest in her case
- He took her family from living in tents to a hotel room and raised GH¢188,125.00 as well as got her a new house weeks later
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A kindhearted designer and activist identified as Isaiah Garza moved a mother of 4 to tears after he surprised her with GH¢188,125.00 ($25,000) and a new house.
According to Isaiah, the woman had been living in tents with her kids for the past two years after losing her job and house.
How the woman's standard of living and life nosedived
Grace found her: Man finds female beggar on street, gifts her GH¢2,000 cash in video for her kindness to him
Sharing a video on his verified Instagram page, Isaiah explained that the woman had an almost fatal accident that left her unable to work.
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He stated that the person who hit her car didn't have insurance and this meant the woman had to pay for everything.
Upon losing her house, the woman resorted to taking shelter in tents with her kids until Isaiah accosted them one certain day.
The kind man lodged the woman and her kids in a hotel and catered for their food.
He afterwards launched a social media campaign to raise money in improving her standard of living. It was money he got from the campaign that he used in getting her a house as well as in taking them shopping.
Watch the heartwarming video below:
Social media users react
@sabina61 said:
"Thanks for helping them.❤️
"But I don’t understand how she can be homeless with 3 kids for 2 years? I never see little kids homeless living on streets in CA?"
@jordansuniga25 said:
"Yesterday I overheard a family talking at the store and the mom didn't have enough money to pay for her daughter's toys and made her put it back. I stepped in and paid for the toy and it felt amazing! I see your videos and I would loveeee to be able to do what you do on a daily basis and to help spread love and blessings! Thank you for doing what you do! Love you brotha!"
@thrillsoftyler said:
"@isaiahgarza am from Africa watching your videos inspires me thank you so much I will love to get in touch with this family and see how I can support time to time as well I don’t really have I just hope my savings will be enough to help them❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ add me to your weekly and daily updates please."
@davidodinero_ said:
"God bless you…And I’m really learning from you,and one day i will like to do thé same to people."
Wofa Yaw: 65-year-old Ghanaian Blind Man Living in Mudhouse Gets New Self-contained Apartment
Meanwhile, YEN.com.gh previously reported that after years of living in a dilapidated mudhouse under deplorable conditions, 65-year-old blind Wofa Yaw from Pekyi-Tweapeasi in the Ashanti Region, has been given a new house.
Before the gesture, he lived in a muddy thatch in extreme poverty under heart-wrenching conditions, going without food for days sometimes.
The fate of the aged man with visual impairment received a glimpse of hope after his plight came to the attention of the Bernard Nketiah Ministries. Then, the journey to provide him with a dignifying accommodation began.
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Source: YEN.com.gh
Nathaniel Crabbe (Human-Interest editor) Nathaniel Crabbe is a journalist and editor with a degree in Journalism from the Ghana Institute of Journalism, where he graduated in 2015. He earned his master's from UPSA in December 2023. Before becoming an editor/writer of political/entertainment and human interest stories at Asaase Radio, Crabbe was a news reporter at TV3 Ghana. With experience spanning over ten years, he now works at YEN.com.gh as a human interest editor. You can reach him via nathaniel.crabbe@yen.com.gh.
Aba Afful (Copyeditor) Maame Aba serves as a copy editor at YEN.com.gh. She naturally enjoys working with words and has an eye for quality content. She has a keen interest in cyberspace and wants to see YEN.com.gh produce more impactful, thought-provoking, and error-free content. Aba has five years of experience as a content writer, blogger, author, and proofreader. She graduated from the Ghana Institute of Journalism in 2017. She joined the team in 2021.