John Dumelo Weighs In On PhD Vs Dutch Passport Debate, Calls For Ceasefire: "Two Separate Things"

John Dumelo Weighs In On PhD Vs Dutch Passport Debate, Calls For Ceasefire: "Two Separate Things"

  • Ghanaian actor turned politician John Dumelo has expressed his opinion on the ongoing PhD versus Dutch passport debate
  • While he believes both are important, he contends that comparing the two documents is needless since they are two different things
  • Netizens who saw the post expressed mixed reactions, as some agreed with his assertion while others disagreed

Ghanaian actor turned politician John Dumelo has weighed in on the ongoing debate on whether a Dutch passport is better than a PhD or not.

Mr Dumelo took to his X (formerly Twitter) page to share his opinions on the discourse.

John Dumelo weighs in on PhD Dutch passport debate, calls for ceasefire: "They are two separate things"
John Dumelo(L), Mr Happiness (R) Image credit:@ John Dumelo, @Kofigabs
Source: Instagram

He argued that the argument was needless since both documents are both important.

He believes both documents are two different achievements attained from two different aspirations.

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“There’s no basis for comparison”: Mahama gives his take on Dutch passport vs PhD debate

"There should absolutely so comparison between PHD and a dutch passport. Two diff achievements and aspirations," he wrote.

See post below:

Ghanaians argue over which is better between a Dutch passport and PhD

His comment follows an ongoing discourse on whether a PhD or a Dutch passport is more valuable.

The conversation was sparked by @Kofigabs, popularly known as Mr Happiness, a Ghanaian man who recently naturalised and categorically stated that the Dutch passport is more important than a PhD from any Ghanaian university.

Ghanaians have subsequently shared their views on the statement, with some taking Mr Happiness's side and others believing otherwise.

Netizens react to John Dumelo's comments on Dutch passport vs PhD debate

Netizens who saw John Dumelo's post expressed mixed reactions, as some agree with his assertion while others don't.

@maxbeg2003 wrote:

"Like comparing mangoes and oranges I totally agree. I think his argument initially was focused on access,waivers and passes that his passport may position him against a PhD holder with Gh passport however he went on with an illogical fallacy."

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@Joashgoodmusic wrote:

"That's true but dutch visa over every job here."

@joeywhyte wrote:

"My lecturer said this today."

@Blankson_02 wrote:

"Chale you Dey see aiii…them mess up everything aii so ebi normal say he Dey compare."

@Khapogee1 wrote:

"If it is Dutch phd and a Dutch passport i agree but gh phd dieerr, the Dutch passport is more vulnerable."


"Both are supposed to make life easier... One is working, the other is failing... And Oh, he said Ghanaian Phd, not general."

UG Professor weighs in on Dutch passport vs PhD debate, chides those opting for passport

In an earlier publication, reported that a University of Ghana Professor shared his opinion on which option is better: a PhD or a Dutch passport.

The Professor argued in his post that most people opting for a Dutch passport do not know what a PhD is.

Read also

German-based Ghanaian woman weighs in on PhD vs passport debate: "Kofi Gabs is wrong"

Netizens who saw the post expressed mixed reactions. Some agreed with him, while others shared their own counter-opinions.

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Jessie Ola-Morris Jessie Ola-Morris is a Human Interest editor at She has over three years of experience in journalism. She graduated from the Ghana Institute of Journalism in 2022 with a Bachelor's degree in Communication Studies. Her journalism career started with, a subsidiary of The Multimedia Group Limited, where she worked as a writer. Also, Jessie previously served as a reporter with The Independent Ghana as a multimedia journalist. Email:

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