Benkum SHS: Former Student With 3.86 GPA Named Valedictorian Of UniMAC Graduate School, Netizens Hail Her

Benkum SHS: Former Student With 3.86 GPA Named Valedictorian Of UniMAC Graduate School, Netizens Hail Her

  • Gwendy Tetteh, a Ghanaian woman, emerged as the valedictorian of the graduate school during the 2023 Congregation of UniMAC
  • She obtained a Master of Arts in Public Relations degree and won the Overall Best Graduating Student title with a 3.86 Grade Point Average (GPA)
  • In a GIJ Facebook post, Tetteh's most recent accomplishment was highlighted, and online users praised her

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A Ghanaian woman named Gwendy Tetteh emerged as the graduate school's valedictorian during the 2023 Congregation of the University of Media, Arts and Communication (UniMAC).

The Benkum Senior High School alumnus received a Master of Arts in Public Relations degree and was named the Overall Best Graduating Student of her year group with a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.86.

Gwendy Tetteh's tertiary academic journey

She first took steps to study at the Ghana Institute of Journalism when she pursued a Diploma in Communication Studies before graduating with a first-class Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication Studies at the establishment.

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Photos of Gwendy Tetteh.
Former Benkum SHS student is valedictorian of UniMAC graduate school. Photo credit: Naa Aku Tetteh.
Source: Facebook

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Tetteh is renowned as an accomplished Public Relations practitioner with over a decade of experience in Corporate Communication and Public Relations across the financial and telecommunication sectors.

According to UniMAC, Tetteh worked as the team lead for Public Relations and Events in the erstwhile GHL Bank before her current role as Customer Educator at First National Bank Ghana.

Tetteh's recent achievement was highlighted in a GIJ Facebook post, where online users celebrated her.

See the post below:

Profile of 2023 valedictorian of UniMAC graduate school.
Old student of Benkum SHS named valedictorian of UniMAC graduate school. Source: Ghana Institute of Journalism.
Source: Facebook

Reactions to Tetteh's achievement

Dennis Kaakyire Kwabena Standalone-Galaxy said:

Congratulations, Oga Madam.

Gottfried Kwaku Addo reacted:

That's awesome! Congratulations.

Barnabas Nii Laryea commented:

That’s my wife.

Kwamina Tandoh posted:

Congratulations, Naa Aku Tetteh. You are a gem.

CobbyOne Nie said:


Nana Yaw Owusu Karikari posted:

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Nana Ohemaa Akua Amponsah commented:

Congratulations to her.

Magdalene Chapman reacted:

Congratulations Gwendy

Opare Philip Israel Junior said:

Congratulations to my fellow Benscodian.

Louis Mensah commented:

A big Congratulations Naa Aku Tetteh.

Maamesaa said:

We than God. You deserve it.

Naa Aku Tetteh replied:

Thank you all. I feel honoured!

First-class student adjudged 2023 valedictorian at UMaT

Still on education, reported that Shadrack Kwasi Nuamah, a young Ghanaian man, was named s the University of Mines and Technology (UMaT) valedictorian for 2023.

The young man graduated from the Ghanaian university with a first-class BSc Mining Engineering degree and a cumulative weighted average (CWA) of 88.08%. The school tweeted beautiful pictures to announce Nuamah's success.

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Nathaniel Crabbe (Human-Interest editor) Nathaniel Crabbe is a journalist and editor with a degree in Journalism from the Ghana Institute of Journalism, where he graduated in 2015. He earned his master's from UPSA in December 2023. Before becoming an editor/writer of political/entertainment and human interest stories at Asaase Radio, Crabbe was a news reporter at TV3 Ghana. With experience spanning over ten years, he now works at as a human interest editor. You can reach him via

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