The best 150 Would You Rather questions for work for team building

The best 150 Would You Rather questions for work for team building

Work can be monotonous and boring if workers are not well motivated. The best way to motivate workers is to engage them in team-building and fun activities. Team-building enhances communication, planning, problem-solving, and conflict-resolution skills among employees. Would You Rather questions for work are great icebreakers for such activities.

Would you rather questions for work
Would you rather questions help build tight bonds between team members. Photo: Stockfour (modified by author)
Source: Getty Images


Would You Rather questions for work are a fun way to engage teams in team-building activities. These questions present scenarios where participants must choose between two options, sparking discussions and revealing insights into team members' preferences and personalities.

Best Would You Rather have questions for work

Team building activities build a tightly bonded team, guaranteeing efficiency and a positive workplace environment. Here are the Would You Rather lists of questions to help you make better connections at work.

  • Would you rather watch Netflix all day or see a live theatre production?
  • Would you rather work an extra hour but get an hour of break or work with no breaks but leave an hour earlier?
  • Would you rather be good-looking or super smart?
  • Would you rather have a job where you don't write at all or a job where you write all the time?
  • Would you rather work in a big city or a small town (if you could have the same job in both places)?
  • Would you rather have so much to do that you're stressed or so little to do that you're bored?
  • Would you rather do an escape room or murder mystery game on a team-building retreat?
  • Would you rather go to space or deep sea diving in a submarine?
  • Would you rather have way more work than you could ever accomplish in a day and be stressed or have hardly any work and be bored?
  • Would you rather be indoors or outdoors?
  • Would you rather work on a project with a strict budget but plenty of time or a project with a flexible budget but tight deadlines?
  • Would you rather have an office where you could wear pajamas to work or work in a fancy office?
  • Would you rather go back in time or into the future for 24 hours?
  • Would you rather lose your hearing or your sense of taste?
  • Would you rather work on a big team or just with another person?
  • Would you rather receive a catered lunch every day at work but never get to choose what you order or pack your lunch every day?
  • Would you rather be the best at something nobody else cares about or average at something everyone loves?
  • Would you rather be the richest person in the world or the happiest person in the world?
  • Would you rather fly first-class for free on every flight or never have to pay for food again?
  • Would you rather know what happens in your future or revisit a special moment in your past?
  • Would you rather do improv or live comedy in front of a crowd?
  • Would you rather read a good book or watch an awesome movie?
  • Would you rather have a terrible boss but a great job or a great boss but a terrible job?
  • Would you rather be Homer Simpson or Peter Griffin?
  • Would you rather be the best player on a losing sports team or sit on the bench of a winning one?
  • Would you rather get a papercut whenever you turn a page or bite your tongue whenever you eat a meal?
  • Would you rather do a bungee jump or a skydive? Why?
  • Would you rather be stuck on a broken ski lift or rollercoaster?
  • Would you rather have lots of good friends or one best friend?
  • Would you rather be visited by a ghost or an alien?
  • Would you rather never stand in line or hit a red light while driving again?
  • Would you rather go on a company retreat to Santa Cruz or Las Vegas?
  • Would you rather win the lottery or get an extra ten years of life added on?
  • Would you rather be 5 minutes late or 50 minutes early?
  • Would you rather have too much stuff or too little stuff?
  • Would you rather have a food fight or a water fight? Why?

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Craziest Would You Rather questions

Craziest would you rather questions
Would You Rather questions focus on work and add fun to the activity even as people socialise. Photo: Liudmila Chernetska (modified by author)
Source: Getty Images

These are Would You Rather questions for team building that improve employee engagement and morale. They focus on work and add fun to the activity even as people socialise.

  • Would you rather do your job blindfolded or standing on tiptoes?
  • Would you rather work in an office where everyone has to dress like cave dwellers or superheroes?
  • Would you rather give presentations upside down or while spinning in circles?
  • Would you rather wear a Hawaiian shirt or a tuxedo to work each day? Why?
  • Would you rather work in an office that's always decorated for Christmas or that's always decorated for Halloween?
  • Would you rather work in an office without air-conditioning or a coffee machine?
  • Would you rather give your next big presentation in a tutu or pajamas?
  • Would you rather have to do the Gangnam Style dance whenever the phone rings or play the kazoo whenever your boss talks to you?
  • Would you rather work in an office that plays Mongolian throat singing or death metal all day long?
  • Would you rather have the ability to fly but only at walking speed or be able to run as fast as a cheetah but only for 10 seconds at a time?
  • Would you rather have all traffic lights you approach be green or never have to stand in line again?
  • Would you rather have a talking cat or a talking dog?
  • Would you rather live without internet for a week or without electricity for a week?
  • Would you rather be able to talk to animals or speak all foreign languages?
  • Would you rather have the ability to control fire or water?
  • Would you rather have the power to become invisible or fly, but only while wearing a cape?
  • Would you rather always have to hop on one foot or crawl like a baby?
  • Would you rather fight one horse-sized duck or a hundred duck-sized horses?
  • Would you rather have a bottomless pizza box or a bottomless ice cream tub?
  • Can you rewind time by 10 minutes or freeze time for 30 seconds whenever you want?
  • Would you rather have the ability to speak with plants or speak with inanimate objects?
  • Would you rather have fingers as long as your legs or legs as long as your fingers?
  • Would you rather have unlimited sushi for life or unlimited tacos for life?
  • Would you rather live in a house where all the walls were made of trampolines or a house where all the floors were made of trampolines?
  • Would you rather always have to sing instead of speaking or dance instead of walking?
  • Would you rather be able to control the weather or be able to talk to machines?
  • Would you rather wear a cowboy or top hat to work daily? Why?
  • Would you rather eat lunch with your hands or drink coffee through a straw?
  • Would you rather your boss was a ghost or a vampire? Why?
  • Would you rather say everything in your best British accent or sing everything you say?
  • Would you rather work at a desk made of Jello or marshmallows?
  • Would you rather work in an office that's cold or scorching hot?
  • Would you rather work in an office where no one was allowed to talk or where everyone had to shout as loud as possible to communicate?
  • Would you rather speak in rhyme all day or in a different accent every hour?
  • Would you rather use an abacus instead of a calculator or a quill instead of a pen?
  • Would you rather do a cartwheel or a roly-poly on your way out of the office?

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This or that questions for work

This or that question for work
This or that question for work helps to engage teams in decision-making. Photo: GaudiLab (modified by author)
Source: Getty Images

This or that question for work offers a dynamic way to engage teams in decision-making and discussion. They present options and prompt participants to choose, encouraging critical thinking and collaboration.

  • Lose your phone or lose your keys?
  • Work in silence or work with background music?
  • Have flexible work hours or a fixed schedule?
  • Work from home or work in the office?
  • Have a team lunch every day or a monthly team outing?
  • Use email or instant messaging for communication.
  • Have a standing desk or a traditional desk?
  • Do you have a casual dress code or a formal dress code?
  • Have a designated workspace or hot-desking?
  • Have a weekly team meeting or a daily check-in?
  • Collaborate in-person or remotely?
  • Have a mentor or be self-directed?
  • Work on individual projects or team projects?
  • Have a small team or a large team?
  • Work on a Windows PC or a Mac?
  • Use Google Workspace or Microsoft Office?
  • Have a company-provided phone or use your phone for work?
  • Have a company-provided laptop or use your computer for work?
  • Work on a single monitor or dual monitors?
  • Have a team-building retreat in the mountains or at the beach?
  • Work on innovative projects or routine tasks?
  • Have a casual Friday or a casual dress code every day?
  • Work with morning people or night owls?
  • Have a catered lunch or order takeout for team meals?
  • Work in a startup environment or a corporate environment?
  • Work on-site or travel for work?
  • Work with introverts or extroverts?
  • Have regular team-building activities or occasional team outings?
  • Work with established processes or have the freedom to innovate?
  • Have a company-provided gym or flexible wellness benefits?
  • Work with international teams or local teams?
  • Work on a challenging project with high stakes or a low-stress project?
  • Have a performance-based bonus or a fixed salary?
  • Work with a diverse team or a team with similar backgrounds?
  • Work with cutting-edge technology or traditional tools?
  • Have a mentorship program or peer-to-peer learning?
  • Work on a project with a tight deadline or a flexible timeline?
  • Work on a project with a large budget or a limited budget?
  • Have team-building games or icebreaker activities?
  • Work with remote collaborators or local collaborators?
  • Have a team brainstorming session or individual idea generation?
  • Work on a project with clear objectives or ambiguous goals?
  • Work with team members from different departments or within your department?
  • Have regular performance reviews or informal feedback sessions?
  • Work with project management software or traditional methods?
  • Work with strict guidelines or have autonomy in decision-making?
  • Have a dedicated workspace or hot-desking?
  • Work on a project with a big team or a small team?
  • Have regular training sessions or self-directed learning opportunities?

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Would You Rather icebreakers

Would You Rather icebreakers
Icebreaking Would You Rather questions' helps start conversations in an office. Photo: Jacobs Stock photography (modified by author)
Source: Getty Images

Are you looking for deep and juicy Would You Rather questions? Here is a list of questions to help you better understand your colleagues.

  • Would you rather work on projects that are highly profitable or socially impactful?
  • Would you rather have tight or relaxed work deadlines?
  • Would you rather have complete freedom or strict instructions?
  • Would you rather work on a remote team or in a traditional office?
  • Would you rather work in a client-facing role or behind the scenes?
  • Would you rather be rich and famous or poor and happy? Why?
  • Would you rather work on a team that prioritises efficiency or creativity?
  • Would you rather have lots of responsibility at work or none at all?
  • Would you rather have loud neighbours or nosy neighbours?
  • Would you rather go shopping on Christmas Eve or Black Friday?
  • Would you rather get a tattoo or a piercing?
  • Would you rather be stuck at the drive-through or get the wrong coffee order?
  • Would you rather always be late or always be early?
  • Would you rather miss a season finale or watch the same show repeatedly?
  • Would you rather go out every weekend or not for a year?
  • Would you rather eat soggy fries or eat cold chicken nuggets?
  • Would you rather have a fancy car or a fancy house?
  • Would you rather always be too cold or always be too warm?
  • Would you rather start work early and go home early or start late and go home late?
  • Would you rather have a team lunch every day or a happy hour once a week?
  • Would you rather play music in the office or work in silence?
  • Would you rather work long hours for more money or a 4-day week for less?
  • Would you rather work in a team of super ambitious or super laidback people?
  • Would you rather have more paid vacation time or more paid training?
  • Would you rather have a full-time job and financial stability or be able to work from anywhere and have a less predictable income?
  • Would you rather be a big fish in a small pond or vice versa?
  • Would you rather work on innovative or tried and tested projects?
  • Would you rather have a highly specialised role or one with a broad range of responsibilities?
  • Would you rather eat lunch at your desk and go home early or eat lunch outside with colleagues and leave work at the regular time?

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Would You Rather questions for work serve as valuable tools for team building and fostering communication within professional settings. These questions encourage teamwork, problem-solving, and understanding among team members. also published an interesting list of hilarious flower puns and jokes. There are various entertaining ways to play with flower names and meanings, and floral puns and jokes can help.

Adding some hilarious flower puns to complement flowers would only enhance the beauty of nature. Read the article for more about the flower puns.


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Peris Wamangu (Lifestyle writer) Peris Wamangu is a reporter with more than four years of experience as a content writer. Peris joined Yen in 2024. Before that, she worked with Legit's team from 2021 to 2024. Peris graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Nairobi in 2019. She enjoys writing about various topics such as fashion, currency, biographies, entertainment and business. In 2023, Peris finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques. Email:

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