Boy Drums Like Pro, Learns Skill From Watching TV, Video Stirs Massive Reactions

Boy Drums Like Pro, Learns Skill From Watching TV, Video Stirs Massive Reactions

  • A father, Agrimo Emamuzo Gideon Gideon, was proud to see his son demonstrating great drumming skill
  • The man said he enrolled him in a musical academy when he noticed that the boy was keenly interested in drums
  • While at the academy, the kid passionately drummed as he learnt from a professional performer doing the same on TV

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A father, Agrimo Emamuzo Gideon, has shared a video showing his toddler displaying amazing drumming skills with

Gideon stated that his son who is less than two years old has a predilection for drumming. When he noticed it, he decided to enrol him into a special academy that would horn his skill.

The teaches himself how to drum on TV.
The kid's energy while drumming wowed many on social media. Photo source: Agrimo Emamuzo Gideon, Sanjo A Ademola
Source: Instagram

A brilliant kid

In the clip, the young boy drummed as he watched a professional drummer do the same on the TV. During the video, the kid would pause for a moment before continuing.

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Many who reacted to the video on social media when it was shared by the academy director, Sanjo A Ademola, agreed that it is good for parents to pay attention to what their children love.

The father said:

"...In the video, the boy watched from our video and replicated the action of the drummer. It shows how what we teach our kids can help them learn fast from our home."

Watch the clip below:

People were impressed

The boy's skill amazed many. Below are some of the comments:

Oseh Martins said:

"Wonderful!!! Nice one bro."

Victoria Gideon said:

"Thanks so much sir. This is wonderful."

Amaka Chukwu said:

"See energy, well done son."

Two kids showed off dance moves

Meanwhile, earlier reported that some very creative kids vibed hard to Eltee Skhillz's ODG song and the delivery was spellbinding in a short video.

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Surrounded by some children, a boy came on the 'stage' and danced like a pro, using his stomach and facial expressions to make the performance all fun.

When his turn was done, another came on and tried to outdo the previous kid. His audience screamed. Towards the end of the video, both of them formed a powerful choreography as they got people shouting for more.

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Linda Anderson Linda is a graduate of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) in 2017 where she studied Chemical Engineering. She made an interesting career pivot from a Quality Control Officer to a Human Interest Editor in pursuit of doing what she loves and currently has close to 2 years experience in Journalism. Linda believes in kindness, respect, and empathy towards all and is firmly on board to help achieve all its set targets and goals.

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Aba Afful (Copyeditor) Maame Aba serves as a copy editor at She naturally enjoys working with words and has an eye for quality content. She has a keen interest in cyberspace and wants to see produce more impactful, thought-provoking, and error-free content. Aba has five years of experience as a content writer, blogger, author, and proofreader. She graduated from the Ghana Institute of Journalism in 2017. She joined the team in 2021.

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