Best banku with groundnut soup recipe in Ghana

Best banku with groundnut soup recipe in Ghana

Every country has certain cuisines it identifies itself with. In Ghana, one of those foods has to be banku. Not knowing how to cook good banku can be seen as such a let down by other Ghanaians. Banku with groundnut soup is one of the local favourites.

Best banku with groundnut soup recipe in Ghana
Image:, (modified by author)
Source: Facebook

Banku is a traditional food that is prepared by mixing fermented corn and cassava dough into hot water until it is smooth to your liking. On the other hand, groundnut soup has different names across Africa. There are some places where it is called peanut soup or peanut sauce; This is because its main ingredient is peanuts or groundnuts.

Preparation of banku with groundnut soup

We shall first look at how to prepare banku, after which we will look at how to prepare groundnut soup.

Banku recipe

This is an easy to follow recipe of making banku


  • Corn flour
  • Grated cassava

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  1. Mix the grated cassava and the corn in a bowl and add some warm water to the bowl. The purpose of adding warm water is to moisten the mixture so that it can be blended easily.
Best banku with groundnut soup recipe in Ghana
Image: Television , (modified by author)
Source: UGC

2. As mentioned above, the next step is to blend the mixture then cover it with a cloth. Place the covered mixture in a warm place and let it sit for about two days. In colder areas, it might need to sit for more than two days. The reason for letting it stay for two to three days is to let it ferment in order to acquire that sour taste we love in banku.

3. Once the mixture has fermented, knead it thoroughly to ensure a good mix of everything.

4. Take a bowl and boil enough water. Add the mixture to the bowl once the water has boiled and keep stirring. You need to stir frequently to prevent lumps from forming.

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Best banku with groundnut soup recipe in Ghana
Image: Television, (modified by author)
Source: UGC

5. You should add water depending on how soft or tough you want your banku to be. If you want it softer, add water while stirring until your level of softness is reached. For tougher banku, you will need to add less water while stirring.

Best banku with groundnut soup recipe in Ghana
Image: Television, (modified by author)
Source: UGC

6. Serve while hot by forming round balls the size of a fist. Serve banku with groundnut soup.

Best banku with groundnut soup recipe in Ghana
Image: Television, (modified by author)
Source: UGC

How to prepare groundnut soup

Groundnut soup contains groundnuts, and thus one can choose to use peanut butter or make groundnut paste by roasting groundnuts, adding a little water, and blending to make the paste.


  • Groundnut paste- 6 tablespoons
  • Tomato paste- 3 tablespoons
  • Half litre of water
  • 1 onion
  • Chilli
  • Garlic- 1 clove
  • 3 tomatoes
  • Water- 1 litre
  • 3 carrots
  • 100g mushrooms
  • Lime

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  1. Mix the groundnut paste to the water and boil it for around 15 minutes
  2. Add the chopped onions, chilli, tomatoes, garlic. Blending them is preferable
  3. Add salt and sugar and let them cook after mixing for approximately 30 minutes
  4. Chop the carrots in a stick-like pattern, the mushrooms in big pieces then fry the two in oil
  5. Add the mushrooms and carrots into the soup while squeezing lime over the soup. Boil for around 15 minutes
  6. Serve with banku, and make sure not to use a spoon, enjoy the food while appreciating the culture.

Banku with groundnut soup has a high nutritional value. The banku is made of carbohydrates that give energy to the body. The groundnut soup is made of proteins and vitamins. The proteins help to build the body cells, and the vitamins protect the body from diseases. This meal is delicious and fit for every situation.

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Chris Ndetei (Lifestyle writer) Christopher Ndetei is a reporter writer who joined the Yen team in May 2021. He graduated from the Machakos Technical College in 2009 with a diploma in ICT. Chris has over three years of experience in content creation and more than ten working in the hospitality industry. He covers lifestyle/entertainment, focusing on biographies, life hacks, gaming and guides. In 2023, Christopher finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques. You can reach him at