How to download and fill NSS annual report form

How to download and fill NSS annual report form

National Service Scheme (NSS) program will eventually earn you a service certificate. But before you start celebrating, you'll need to have an NSS annual report form. It’s an important document that validates the full year service to the NSS. So precious is the form that it's not only significant in the rating and assessing service members, but also a necessary credential to earn recognition as having completed your mandatory obligation to the NSS. The annual-issued document stipulates your character, punctuality, level of ethics and professionalism. Read along as I elaborate in detail the process of downloading the NSS annual report form and swiftly filling them in readiness for submission to the overseeing officer or the head of the agency. Continue reading to satisfy your curiosity.

How to download and fill NSS annual report form
Source: Ghana Live TV

How to download the annual report of NSS

  1. Head to the NSS main page
  2. Hover to the “deployment” on the navigation taskbar and select ‘Download.’
  3. On the new page, you will be redirected click on “End of Year Assessment Form” among the four options available.
  4. A PDF copy of the annual report/assessment form will be displayed.
  5. Click on the download button on the top bar and save the file on your computer.

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How to fill NSS Ghana annual report form

All individuals serving with the NSS must ensure they get a fair evaluation performance on their annual assessment form. The evaluation receives a nod from the immediate supervisor responsible for the location they served. This will only be possible of course if you have successfully completed the stipulated one year of service.

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  1. The NSS annual report format has two sections - one for official purposes only and the other part you are supposed to fill in your details.
  2. Print the downloaded annual report file and have to yourself a hard copy.
  3. Indicate the correct details on the section provided. These details include full names, the name of your former institution, academic qualification, and date of assuming your obligations with NSS, status within the organization, address, NSS number, Region and mane of your supervisor (S).
  4. Once you ascertain you have indicated the correct details, it's the time to submit the form for official filing.
  5. Submit your NSS annual report form to the District offices where NSS has offices.

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The officers working at NSS will review your report and rate you according to various parameters of morals, discipline etiquette and personal values. Your previous supervisors will grade you against your reliability, performance and overall conduct to warrant your award for National Service Certificate.

After your award for certificate sails though this is how you will be able to request your certificate:

  • Submit your NSS Number on NSS Certificate Delivery Portal
  • In additional you will be required to indicate the your names, current region and year of service
  • You will be prompted to make the specified payment to necessitate delivery of your credentials/ official certificate

NSS annual report 2018

The forms for this 2018 are available for download in the above link on the NSS website.

What is an annual report form?

An annual report form is a national service certificate that informs the NSS if one is qualified enough to earn certification of national service after successful accomplishment of one year service. The annual report form is initially partly done by the service member and then submitted to supervisors for validation. Once the award for the certificate is approved the annual report form is then forwarded to the Regional Director by the end of May each year. After the end of service, a successful candidate is awarded a Certificate of National Service after the successful completion of the service.

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The National Service Board tasked with the responsibility of dispensing certification reserves the right to:

  • Decline the award of a certificate if all requisites are below par.
  • Request a graduate to repeat a similar service with the NSS upon scrutiny that the service requirements was not satisfactory.
  • Reward outstanding service personnel who display befitting attributes.

NSS annual camp report

Not only does the National Service Scheme (NSS) provides an opportunity to thousands of young Ghanaians to get exposed to the demand of the labor, market but also is a great platform to reach out to the disadvantaged through NSS camps. These camps might be in the form of free health checkup, Community-based projects or welfare programs including donations and free technical assistance. The annual report may then get published by the institution under which you served.

About National Service Scheme (NSS)

National Service Scheme (NSS) was established in 1973 as a national youth service program spearheaded by the Ministry of Education of Ghana. The area of jurisdiction is spread all over the country. Accra is home to the National Secretariat for the scheme.

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How to download and fill NSS annual report form
Source: SlideShare

The scheme seeks to recruit and utilize the expertise of the skilled young Ghanaians from tertiary institutions to drive social, economic developments as an extension of the role of the government. The Manpower and skills drawn from fresh from university graduates go a long way in injecting the much-needed profession workforce in critical areas in technology, health education, and agriculture.

Eligibility and requirements

The one year program is mandatory to all able-bodied Ghanaian citizens of Ghana of ages between eighteen (18) years and forty (40) years. Also, you must have graduated from an accredited tertiary educational institution before enlisting.

Exemption from national service

One is granted immunity from the compulsory programme by producing a convincing document that proof:

  • You had previously served in the national service.
  • You have exceeded the maximum age requirement of forty years.

Deferment is allowed if at the time of enlisting is established that a graduate has fallen back on academic courses and would be detrimental to her career if he/she enrolled to the programme or one avails documents to indicate a proven ill health.

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Mission and role of the program

NSS primary mission is to prioritize vital economic areas of Ghana that have been neglected or completely deprived of financial attention from the responsible agencies. Furthermore, the scheme pursues to instill fundamental sense and spirit of nation building to the young people through the integration of positive values of statehood and patriotism.

The young graduates of the tertiary institutions who volunteer for national service are an integral, vital function to supplement the shortfall in the workforce at the same time forging entrepreneurial skills for post-NSS employment or business ventures.

The central role of deploying fresh graduates under NSS was to guarantee that essential pillars of the economy and critical sectors in agriculture, health, education, security, urban and rural Development, community development physical planning, and agricultural industries flourish.

The principal objectives that are integral to the scheme success are:

  • Nurture the spirit of nationhood amongst Ghanaians in the endeavor to trigger nation -building through a united front.
  • Undertake projects intended to fight, Poverty, illiteracy, disease, and unemployment.
  • Foster the spirit of patriotism amongst Ghanaians and to render services to needy communities.
  • Empowerment geared towards civic and active community developments.
  • Through the scheme essential services like healthcare finds itself to the less fortunate like those in villages and rural areas.
  • Develop skilled workforce through training.

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Foster national unity and social interaction on the broader goal to strengthen bonds between bonds between Ghanaians.

For decades the scheme has grown in reap and bounds to accommodate close to 70,000 young Ghanaian from both public and private tertiary institutions across the country. There have been renewed calls for nation-building, and NSS youth service is in line with the efforts geared towards public participation in unified collective initiatives.

Young Ghanaian graduates trained as engineers, doctors, scientists, lawyers, accountants, nurses and educationist break the sweat to ensure the rural poor derive as much from their expertise through the deployment. As a result, the majorly most urban educated Ghanaians encounter the harsh and unforgiving rural life which shapes their understanding to understand the demands of their professions better.

Success achieved

Although National Youth Service has different roots in the world, it is pretty standard in both developing and developed societies. The likes of The American Peace Corp, The National Youth Service Corp in Nigeria, National Service Scheme in India and the Kenya youth service do not miss a mention.

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In one of the research done at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, it indicated that the government made tremendous savings through the scheme. Of importance is that the findings concluded huge successes from the program. Area noted to have been positively rejuvenated by the project include water, sanitation, and health. More pit latrines boreholes, Waste management water, hygiene were all area that saw a massive transformation.

How to download and fill NSS annual report form
Source: Kuulpeeps

Riding on the success of NSS a new frontier was carved, dubbed ‘National Volunteer Programme (NVP) seeks to make headways while embracing on major areas that NSS has leveraged on to thrive. It began its journey back in 2003 has outgrown the pilot phase to fully-fledged voluntary service. Consequently, NVP has mastered a countrywide presence.

Integrated Demonstration Farming, restaurants and borehole are just a few of the projects underway under the flagship of the National Service Scheme

Remuneration, allowances, benefits, and welfare

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All Service members of the scheme are eligible for a monthly remuneration with an exemption of those taking of study leave. The monthly pay is non-taxable allowance normally sanctioned by Ministry of Finance, and the rate is most times be what you will earn for the preceding months. NSS members who secure jobs with statutory boards, corporations, Ministries, and Government Departments are to get paid by the same institution

On average a NSS service member receive approximately $100 every month irrespective of whether you are posted to public or private job station.

It’s the same case for those dispatched to private companies. On top of that private companies will be required to remit 20% of the basic salary to the National Service Secretariat as a service charge.

One is paid overnight Allowance while on an out-of-station job. Individuals are guaranteed modest accommodation. Another benefit is right to medical attention in any, approved health facility. Those who get involved in an accident will be accorded appropriate support until full recovery. Death, although regrettable will call for the agency to reimburse to cater for funeral expense. Emergency welfare similar is another benefit to enjoy.

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A service member is entitled to an Annual leave of one month for the period he will be a member of NSS. All women are entitled to a Maternity leave. However, they are denied pay during the period. An additional three months of service will be added to compensate for the maternity period.

NSS pays transport claims to and from the station of duty to hometown hall at existing government rates.

Offenses to look out for

  1. Evasion - If you fail to report to your job station. Within three months or fail to notify the authority of your unavailability.
  2. Desertion - Starts serving at your job at a designated station but fails to complete to full term without necessary.
  3. Self-posting - Service personnel who post themselves to establishments/institutions other than those, to which they
  4. Absenteeism - Absconding from a duty of obligation without prior notification from Supervisors/Heads of establishments. If found culpable, money accumulated for the days you were absent from task will not be paid.

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If you have any issues regarding the annual report forms or their submission process, you can utilize the following contacts to seek redress or correspondence:

The Executive Director

National Service Scheme

46 Patrice Lumumba Road

Airport Residential Area



The Executive Director

National Service Scheme

P.O. Box 46

State House


Mobile: 0507193125 / 0507193128 / 0507193129 / 0507107206

Landline: +233-302-772714 / 769194 / 0507193125 / 0507193128



Chris Ndetei avatar

Chris Ndetei (Lifestyle writer) Christopher Ndetei is a reporter writer who joined the Yen team in May 2021. He graduated from the Machakos Technical College in 2009 with a diploma in ICT. Chris has over three years of experience in content creation and more than ten working in the hospitality industry. He covers lifestyle/entertainment, focusing on biographies, life hacks, gaming and guides. In 2023, Christopher finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques. You can reach him at