Profile: Martin Amidu biography and pictures

Profile: Martin Amidu biography and pictures

Martin Alamisi Burnes Kaiser Amidu is a household name in Ghana. The veteran politician is one of the most revered legal minds in Ghana. He had served in the John Atta Mills government as the Attorney-General and Minister of Justice for a period of one year from 2011 January to 2012 January. People remember him as the father of ‘gargantuan’ , a term now popular in Ghanaian politics. He is also the person who opened the floodgates that would see Woyome be implicated in the most severe financial scandal ever witnessed in Ghana. Martin Amidu biography is an interesting one.

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history of martin amidu
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Let us look into this man, here is a biography of Martin Amidu and what he has achieved in his life.

Martin Amidu profile

  • Born: 1952,
  • Age: 66 years
  • Origin: Ghanaian
  • Occupation: Politician and lawyer
  • Famous for: being the first special prosecutor of Ghana

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Martin Amidu biography

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history of martin amidu
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From a child who hated school early on in his childhood life, Martin Amidu would grow to become one of the leading legal minds in the country that he would even become the Attorney General of Ghana. How did he start?

The history of Martin Amidu is hometown of martin amidu

martin amidu birthday

history of martin amidu

martin amidu wifehometown of martin amidu

martin amidu birthday

history of martin amidu

martin amidu wife very interesting one. Martin Amidu grew up in Bawku in the neighborhood of Daduri. The hometown of Martin Amidu was not a posh place since he started from very humble beginnings. Earlier on as a child, he would be very adamant to go to school and his mother would always have a hard time getting him to wake up in the morning. He would even be taken to school and he would still be protesting opting to go back home. However, he would later become a bookworm. He was a fan of reading but what he fancied more were the political science books. He would read a lot of Karl Max and Engels. This obsession with books would lead him to enter into politics after he had finished law school. He joined the leftist politics by becoming a member of the June Four Movement. He would later on in his life become a member of the National Democratic Congress(NDC). It is believed he was one of the intellectuals in the party who went on to help improve the party vision.

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He has served in the party and has also been appointed to head a number of high profile posts during the time his party is in power. Apart from this, the renowned politician is an author. He has written a number of legal publications up to date. Martin Amidu birthday is not known to the public as he is a man who does not put his personal life all over. He is a highly secretive man. That is why it is hard to really know who Martin Amidu wife is.

Martin Amidu education

Certainly, Martin Amidu is a well educated man. You would think that the legal mind, like his counterparts in the legal profession, would have been schooled in the best schools in the country. But this was not the case. Martin Amidu’s education did not involve high profile schools. On the contrary, he attended elementary school that was ordinary and after that he went on and gained admission in a school in Tamale. The school was a private school with makeshift structures and it was designated a commercial school. However, this did not deter the young man. He developed a love for books. Thanks to the reading culture that was prevalent among the students at that time, the young man would read hard and study hard. He went on to finish his primary education and his secondary education. After he was done the senior secondary school, he must have attained a good grade. The results he got would then gave him the chance to be admitted to law school. He was admitted to the University of Ghana. He graduated the university in the year 1976 with an LLB degree with honors. Later on, he attended the Ghana Law School and in 1978 he graduated from the institution with a Barrister/Solicitor at Law(BL) degree. This was however not the end of the road for Martin Amidu. He went to further his studies in the United States. He attended the Antioch University in Ohio. There, he studied for a Masters of Arts Degree in Conflict Resolution. He went on to work in private practice as a legal practitioner working in the Supreme Court of Ghana as a barrister and solicitor. He would also use the knowledge he gained in the United States to work as a professional consultant in matters of conflict resolution.

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Martin Amidu publications

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history of martin amidu
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Martin Amidu is a renowned author. He can name publications as one of his achievements. He has over five legal related publications including The power of a court to convict an accused person for a lesser or included offence other than charged, through The qualification and the constitutional position of the Attorney-General to The scope and effect of judicial power in the enforcement and defence of the 1992 Constitution of Ghana. He is also an active writer. He has several articles he has written dating back to the year 2012. When you visit the Martin Amidu website you will be able to find some of the articles he has written. His articles are diverse and they are meant to shed a lot of light on the current political situation in the country, the legal situation, corruption related cases and also acts as a career coach for lawyers who wish to join politics after school.

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Martin Amidu career

The veteran's politician career started back in 1978. This was the time the politician attained the go ahead to practice law after he graduated from Ghana Law School. Little is known about him from that time until the year 1992. It was in 1992 that he joined the National Democratic Congress(NDC). He grew in the ranks of the party and this would be evident eight years after he joined the party. In the year 2000, he was the vice-presidential candidate of NDC wit the team being led by the presidential candidate Professor J.E.A Mills(now deceased). They went on to lose to the New Patriotic Party(NPP) which was led by the then to be president, John Agyekum Kufor. From then on, he would be an integral person in his party. He went on to serve various posts in the duration of his party’s reign. He served as top dog in several departments in the government. His posts included one time being Minster of Interior, Attorney General and Minister of Justice Presidential Advisor on Legal Affairs, Rural Development and Deputy Secretary of State for Upper East Region, Science and Technology, Deputy Secretary of State for Local Government and Deputy Secretary of State for Industry. Currently, Mr Martin Amidu is the Special Prosecutor of Ghana. This was a new post that was created and he prides himself to be the first holder of the office in Ghana. His source of wealth can be artributed to both politics and legal practice.

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Martin Amidu Attorney General

Martin Abidu was Ghana's Deputy Attorney general for a number of years. This was during the time of the Provisional National Defense Council military government where he served for four years. He would continue serving in his post for four years after the 1993 elections which saw Jerry Rawlings become elected president and ending the military rule. He then continued in his post after the re-election of Jerry Rawlings until he completed his second term in 2001. He was later appointed By president John Atta Mills in 2011 as the new Attorney General after cabinet reshuffle. He only maintained the seat for a year as he was stripped off of his seat in 2012.

Martin Amidu as anti-corruption activist

Martin Amidu is a renowned anti-corruption activist all over Ghana. It is for this reason that he was appointed special prosecutor despite the fact that he is from the opposition party. He became famous when he came forward and exposed the rot that was being perpetuated by his colleagues in parliament. The self branded ‘citizen vigilante’ exposed how the government officials were stealing from the state by paying court judgment debts to several people and also to organizations. His most notable achievement was the milestone he brought when he went ahead and challenged the payments made to businessman Alfred Agbesi Woyome. The case was a very public affair and it involved payments made to Woyome irregularly as judgment debt to the tune of GHC 51.2 million. The then former Attorney General went on and perused the case in his own personal capacity. He took the case to the Supreme Court and in 2014 the court ordered Woyome to pay back the state the whole amount. He would further go and seek orders to be granted the power to examine Mr Woyome with an aim of discussing how he planned to return the money to the state. However, he withdrew the suit in 2017 following an assurance from the new government that they will ensure the money is recovered.

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Martin Amidu special prosecutor

On 13th of February 2018 Martin Amidu became Ghanas first Special Prosecutor. There was a very intense vetting process for the post. He, being a known anti-corruption campaigner did not in any way give him special treatment. He underwent the vetting process as any other person who applied for the post. He underwent a nine hour vetting process and the members of parliament in the committee decided t settle with him. His appointment was welcomed all over Ghana with the Deputy Majority Whip claiming that Martin Amidu deserved the post. After his appointment, he assured Ghanaian citizens of his interests claiming,“My success will not be measured by the number of people in jail but the integrity of institution I will leave behind,” . Before his appointment, he assured the people that despite the verdict, he was still on course to fighting corruption. He said "This country is not a milking cow," he said, adding "whether I am approved or not I will continue to fight corruption."

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Martin Amidu opposition as special prosecutor

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history of martin amidu
martin amidu wife

His appointment as special prosecutor did not go unopposed. Dr Dominic Ayine, who is also a former attorney general, filed a suit in the Supreme Court challenging the appointment of Martin Amidu as Special Prosecutor. He argued that his appointment should be quashed due to his advanced age. He argued that Mr Amidu had passed the age limit of employment according to the laws of the country and as such his appointment should be declared null and void by the court. In response to the claims, Mr Martin Amidu claimed that the petitioner was not being genuine as he was being sponsored by the members of the previous government. He claimed that the perpetrators of corruption under the previous regime were trying to hinder his efforts of unearthing the corrupt members of the previous administration. Martin Amidu petitioned the court to dismiss the suit as he argued it lacked merit under the 1992 constitution. The first hearing of the case is yet to be heard.

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Martin Amidu and Freddy Bay

Reports had been suggesting that Martin Amidu had been looking into the recent activities of Freddy Bay, the Board Chairman of the Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC). Freddy Bay bought 275 minibuses. The total cost of purchasing the buses is reported to be in 11.4 million dollars. It is reported that Bay facilitated the purchase and had paid an initial down payment of 3 million dollars. The minibuses were distributed across all the NPP constituency offices all over Ghana. It is believed that the office of the special prosecutor was keen on finding out how the Mr Bay was able to purchase all those buses. They argue that since he is the Board Chairman of the Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC), he is a public officer and therefore the Criminal Offences act can be used to prosecute him. The spokesman of Freddy Bay had suggested that they no nothing of the plans by the special prosecutor. He also suggested that Mr Bay was ready to be investigated and questioned over the purchases insisting on the fact that Mr Bay has nothing to hide.

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Chris Ndetei (Lifestyle writer) Christopher Ndetei is a junior reporter writer who joined the Yen team in May 2021. He graduated from the Machakos Technical College in 2009 with a diploma in ICT. Chris has over two years of experience in content creation and more than ten working in the hospitality industry. He covers lifestyle/entertainment, focusing on biographies, life hacks, gaming and guides. In 2023, Christopher finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques. You can reach him at