Saglemi Housing Project: Tenants Union Calls Plan To Engage Private Investors Pure Thievery

Saglemi Housing Project: Tenants Union Calls Plan To Engage Private Investors Pure Thievery

  • The National Tenants Union of Ghana has criticised moves by the government to partner with a private developer for the Saglemi Affordable Housing Project
  • The union's spokesperson raised concerns about potential corruption in a interview
  • The housing minister said about $100 million is required to make the Saglemi homes habitable

The government’s potential partnership with a private developer on the Saglemi Affordable Housing Project has sparked further concern from the National Tenants Union of Ghana.

The union has raised alarm about such plans in the past and is concerned that such a move would fuel corruption.

The National Tenants Union of Ghana has criticised moves by the government to partner with a private developer for the Saglemi Affordable Housing Project
Reindolph Afrifa-Oware, Director of Communications and Cooperate Affairs for the National Tenants Union of Ghana (R).
Source: UGC

Reindolph Afrifa-Oware, the Director of Communications and Corporate Affairs for the National Tenants Union of Ghana, described a potential partnership with the private sector as “pure thievery” in an interview with

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He suggests the upcoming polls have something to do with the renewed chatter around a private developer.

“They have raised this and are now treating with urgency because it is a few months to go to elections.”
“We believe that such a move is purely to sell the project to their cronies,” Afrifa-Oware added.

He cited the recent jumps in estimates to revamp the project from $46 million to $100 million.

The $46 million was first outlined by President Akufo-Addo, but most recently, Kojo Oppong Nkrumah, the Minister for Works and Housing-designate, estimated that $100 million is required to make the place habitable.

Afrifa-Oware lamented that the critical housing needs of Ghanainas have generally been exploited by successive governments and used as an avenue for corruption.

This concern was echoed by Vincent Oppong Asamoah, the Dormaa West MP and a Ranking Member of the Works and Housing Committee, who also believes the government intends to give the project to cronies.

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"Every government come and the play with people’s emotions on housing because they know housing is a critical need,” he said.

Ultimately, he stressed that engaging the private sector would defeat the purpose of exploring an affordable housing project.

Ghana has a housing deficit of over 2 million housing units.

"When private sector comes into this housing sector, it is not going to benefit you and me. It is only going to be a profit making business.”

How much has been spent on Saglemi so far?

President Akufo-Addo earlier disclosed that $198 million had already been spent on the project, which remains abandoned.

Works on the Saglemi Housing Project began in 2016 under the Mahama administration.

Ghana had secured a $200 million credit facility from Credit Suisse International to construct affordable housing units by Construtora OAS Limited.

It is currently the subject of some former government officials' criminal investigation and prosecution.


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Delali Adogla-Bessa (Current Affairs Editor) Delali Adogla-Bessa is a Current Affairs Editor with Delali previously worked as a freelance journalist in Ghana and has over seven years of experience in media, primarily with Citi FM, Equal Times, Ubuntu Times. Delali also volunteers with the Ghana Institute of Language Literacy and Bible Translation, where he documents efforts to preserve local languages. He graduated from the University of Ghana in 2014 with a BA in Information Studies. Email:

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