Nike product testing: How to apply and become a product tester for Nike
Nike is among the most prominent apparel and footwear manufacturers in the world. From producing sports apparel and equipment to fashion sportswear, Nike has cemented its name among the most worn brands worldwide. Like other notable brands, the company has a product testing program. But how easy is it to apply for the Nike product testing?

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The Nike product testing program requires you to test top-branded Nike products for free before being released to the market. Importantly, you must provide the manufacturer with valuable feedback about their product that will enhance its development.
Nike product testing program
The Nike product testing program involves the manufacturer providing complimentary apparel samples to select people for their constructive insight on their product. The Nike product testing system works as a circular model. You receive the product and try them, provide feedback and mail it back to the company.
How to apply and become a product tester for Nike
How is the Nike product testing? Applying to become a product tester for Nike is easy. The brand's product testing guide offers all the details needed to become one. They include; applying, qualifying and testing. Below is a detailed breakdown To better understand the process.
1. Apply to be a Nike product tester
The apparel company offers various categories for people willing to become apparel testers for their brand. These categories include adults (18 years and older), minors (13 to 17-year-olds) and parents applying for their children (12 years and younger). You can complete the process on the Nike Voice of the Athlete webpage.
18 years and older
Here are the steps to follow if you are 18+ years:
- Choose your region or country from a selected list.
- Choose the type of product you are seeking to test (apparel, footwear or both).
- Provide your date of birth.
- Reveal if you work for Nike or not.
- Answer if you are now, or soon expect to become, an NCAA athlete.
- Provide your details, including your first and last names, email addresses and password.
- Provide your preferred method of communication (email or SMS).
- Sign a release and waiver.
- Provide your gender.
- Provide contact info.
- Tell them how you heard about the program.

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Minors 13 to 17-year-olds
Here are the steps to follow if you are a minor aged 13 to 17:
- Go to the sign-up page and sign in on your behalf your teenager.
- Choose your region or country from a selected list.
- Provide the parent's email address.
- Provide your date of birth.
- Provide your details, including your first and last names, (your) email address and your password.
- Let your parent sign the release and waiver.
- Let your parent verify the email sent to their account.
- Answer if you are now, or soon expect to become, an NCAA athlete.
- Provide contact info.
- Provide your gender.
- Input your height measurements (inches for the USA and centimetres for other regions).
- Provide your weight measurements.
- For boys: select the shirt or top size, then the jacket size. For girls: select the bra size and your sports bra size.
- Provide your pants and short size.
- Input your shoe size.
- Tell Nike how you heard about the program.
- Finally, choose the categories to test
Children (12 years old and younger)
Parents or guardians should complete the application form for minors interested in the program. The process is similar to that of children aged aged 13 to 17. You may be asked for a Nike product testing recruitment code when filing in the form, just provide it and if you don't have one proceed to the next page.
2. Get the green light from Nike

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This second stage is communication from Nike that you have qualified to become a product tester. Once chosen, you will receive communication via the contact method you provided (mail or text message). Once you accept, you should expect the package within 7 to 10 business days.
The company will include a survey form with all the details and instructions on how to test the product. Additionally, choose your preferred method on how you should provide feedback.
3. Eligible to test
This is the final stage of approval of the product testing application. It means that you have received the package and should proceed to try it. Use the form sent earlier on how to test the products. Once done, provide the feedback and return the package to the company.
How does the Nike product testing work?
The Nike product testing program involves applying, getting approval verification and receiving green light to test apparel. After providing feedback on the product, you return it to receive another package for testing.
How long does it take to become a Nike product tester?
From the application phase, getting your application approved could take weeks to even months. If you are unsuccessful, you will receive an email with the declination.
Do you get paid for Nike product testing?
No. However, some sources allege that the Nike product testing pay only applies to a select few or in-person testing. It can be in cash or a free product.
Is Nike product testing legit?
Yes, it is. The program is legit, and anyone is illegible to apply. However, ensure that your region or country is within the selected ones.
Nike product testing requires a passion for fitness and sports. It also requires one to provide honest feedback as mentioned on its website. With the guide above, becoming a product tester will be easy.
DISCLAIMER: This article is not sponsored by any third party. It is intended for general informational purposes only and does not address individual circumstances. It is not a substitute for professional advice or help and should not be relied on to make decisions of any kind. Any action you take upon the information presented in this article is strictly at your own risk and responsibility!
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