Ghana Card: Foreigner Residing In Ghana Criticises Government For Rejecting Her Resident Permit

Ghana Card: Foreigner Residing In Ghana Criticises Government For Rejecting Her Resident Permit

  • A lady claiming to be a foreign national has used harsh words on the government for making it mandatory for her to obtain a non-citizen Ghana card
  • In a video that has been trending on Twitter, the lady also alleged that NIA officials are extorting money from foreigners like her
  • In her view, it makes no sense to obtain a Ghana card when she has spent money to secure a resident permit

A foreign lady living in Ghana has criticised the government for making it mandatory for foreigners like herself to obtain a non-citizen Ghana card despite having a residence permit.

In a video that has been trending on social media, the lady described the Ghana card with harsh words and claimed personnel at the National Identification Authority (NIA) extorted huge sums of money from her.

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"Guys, I am just coming from an NIA office and I lack words to describe how the government is extorting money from us. Not [only me] Ghanaians as well. Why are we compelled to get Ghana cards when we have residence permits?" she quizzed.
Foreign lady slams Ghana government over Ghana card
Screenshots of the lady talking in the video and a hand holding a dummy Ghana card. Source: Twitter/@SIKAOFFICIAL1
Source: Twitter

In her view, it makes no sense for Ghanaians with valid voter ID cards and passports to be compelled to get a Ghana card too.

"Why can't they [the government] use those things?" she asked further.

She said foreigners like her spend a lot of money on obtaining residence permits and so she does not understand why they are compelled to obtain Ghana cards as well.

"We should come and pay huge sums of money to get a stupid Ghana card...and we spent ours...Ghanaians koraa spent days there to get a GhanaCard. So what sense does it even make?" she asked in English with a heavy Ghanaian accent.

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In the video, the lady also disclosed that the government was charging foreign nationals $120 for a new non-citizen Ghana card and $60 for renewal.

The National Identification Card (or Ghana card) is a valid verification document issued by the National Identification Authority.

The cards are issued to both Ghanaian citizens and permanently resident non-Ghanaians in Ghana.

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Meanwhile, has reported in a separate story that a Ghanaian TikTok user, @squishysmum1, has responded to Bishop Dag Heward-Mills' trending video on polygamy with thought-provoking arguments.

The user questioned the assertion that polygamy is natural by suggesting that if animals' behaviour justifies it, then women should also have the same freedom.

She extended her argument to include the acceptance of socially unacceptable practices.

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In other news, the Coalition of Transport Union and Association, a union of commercial drivers, has served a 2-week ultimatum to raise transport unless the government scraps taxes on a litre of fuel.

The union says it intends to increase transport fares by 20% to make up for the constant fuel price increases at the pumps.

Since last year, fuel prices have been rising constantly partly due to the depreciation of the cedi against the US dollar and other trading currencies.

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Also, an abandoned baby girl was found near the Accra Zoo in the Achimota Forest in the Greater Accra Region.

The baby was rescued by personnel of the Ghana Ambulance Service from the Ayawaso North Constituency.

The ambulance personnel made a report to the Ghana Police Service for investigations to commence.


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George Nyavor (Head of Politics and Current Affairs Desk) George Nyavor writes for He has been Head of the Politics and Current Affairs Desk since 2022. George has over 9 years of experience in managing media and communications (Myjoyonline and GhanaWeb). George is a member of the Catholic Association of Media Practitioners Ghana (CAMP-G). He obtained a BA in Communications Studies from the Ghana Institute of Journalism in 2010. Reach out to him via

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