Mahama Gives His Take On Mr Happiness Dutch Passport Vs PhD Debate, Blames NPP Mismanagement

Mahama Gives His Take On Mr Happiness Dutch Passport Vs PhD Debate, Blames NPP Mismanagement

  • Former president John Mahama has also had his say on the Dutch passport Vs Ghana PhD that went viral online
  • Mahama attributed the debate to the economic hardship overseen by the Akufo-Addo administration
  • The debate was sparked by Kofi Gabs, popularly known as Mr Happiness, a Ghanaian man who recently naturalised as Dutch

Flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), John Mahama, also had his say on the Dutch passport vs Ghana PhD debate, which was sparked by the viral sensation of Mr Happiness.

Mahama attributed the debate to the economic hardship overseen by the New Patriotic Party Akufo-Addo administration.

Mahama Gives His Take On Mr Happiness Dutch Passport Vs PhD Debate
The debate was sparked by Kofi Gabs, popularly known as Mr Happiness. Source: @kofigabs/@JDMahama
Source: Twitter

He also said there was no basis for such comparison when speaking on the matter during a public lecture organised by the Christian Service University in Kumasi.

“There’s widespread despair and anguish amongst our people leading to an active debate on social media about whether securing a foreign passport to do a menial job in Europe is better than holding a PhD in Ghana."

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The debate was sparked by Kofi Gabs, popularly known as Mr Happiness, a Ghanaian man with Dutch citizenship who praised the Dutch passport as more important than a PhD from any Ghanaian university.

Several people had their say in the debate. For example, Ghanaian actor turned politician John Dumelo said the argument was needless since both documents are important.

Mahama speaks against Bawumia

Speaking on the general election, Mahama stressed that the presidency could not be handed over to Vice President Bawumia, the NPP flagbearer going into the 2024 polls.

“Leadership that is honest and accepts responsibility for challenges rather than passing the back is the kind of leadership that sustains democracy,” Mahama said.

Former NSMQ star weighs in on the debate, chides Mr Happiness for mocking Ghana

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Mahama spends Ahlussuna Wal-Jamah Muslim group, makes promises earlier reported that a former NSMQ star, Dr Paul Azunre, weighed in on the Dutch passport versus PhD conversation.

The young academic provided a balanced perspective in an interview, arguing that both documents are equally important.

He further lashed out at Mr Happiness, stating that he could do better with his Dutch passport than just mocking Ghanaians.

Proofread by Berlinda Entsie, journalist and copy editor at

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Delali Adogla-Bessa (Current Affairs Editor) Delali Adogla-Bessa is a Current Affairs Editor with Delali previously worked as a freelance journalist in Ghana and has over seven years of experience in media, primarily with Citi FM, Equal Times, Ubuntu Times. Delali also volunteers with the Ghana Institute of Language Literacy and Bible Translation, where he documents efforts to preserve local languages. He graduated from the University of Ghana in 2014 with a BA in Information Studies. Email:

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