NSS enrollment process explained
NSS enrollment is something that all fresh graduates must do before seeking employment opportunities. Graduating with first class honors or say any good looking papers from a university or college in Ghana is not the only criteria to guarantee you a job opportunity. Ghana has its own style of doing things. Fresh graduates or the youth at age of 18 years and above have to go through a compulsory national service scheme for 1 year before they can be fully ready for the job market.

National Service Scheme is a government program that was started way back in 1973 by the military decree with a view of providing fresh graduates with priority development programs in Ghana. This was mainly done to address the issues of economic development in the region. NSS program however underwent changes pointing out that of 1979 which NSS program a state legitimacy and required that the period increased to 2 years with 6 months’ military training to instill sense of patriotism, self-discipline and hard work. National Service Act of 1979/1980 was again amended in 1997 after the cabinet review on the roles of the NSS. Though its mandate remained unchanged, the period was reduced to one year and that used to date.
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NSS enrollment registration
Fresh graduates in Ghana cannot comfortably be absorbed into the job market before getting a recommendation from the National Service Scheme. It’s a compulsory training for all Ghanaian youth completing their tertiary education. The main aim of NSS enrollment Ghana is to recruit candidates to undertake NSS training in order to acquire necessary skills and experience required in the job market for high performance. This consequently increases economic growth of the country. Therefore, it’s very important to understand the whole process of registration, enrollment and posting. For a candidate to qualify to undertake the activity, they must first complete their NSS enrollment posting. To complete this form, follow the procedure as given below.

Step 1
The initial stage in the process of enrollment is to ensure that you have NSS enrollment pin code. This code is what enables you to register for NSS for posting consideration. However, not all candidates have this code at the beginning. When you don’t have one, follow the easy step below to get one.
- Access the NSS portal from the official NSS website
- Once you get to the website, check for application menu from the interphase.
- Click on the application menu and find the icon written my NSS pin code
- Fill in your details like your names, school registration number i.e. your school index number.
- Once done, the system will generate a unique code that you will use as your pin.
It is important to note that NSS pin codes are not released all the time. They are only processed and released once in a year. The government of Ghana usually releases pins at the beginning of the year in February and March. Having successfully acquired a pin, you can proceed to the next step of enrollment posting.
Step 2
The second crucial step in NSS enrollment posting is registration. Registration begins with the payment of NSS registration fees. These fees should be paid at any agricultural development bank in Ghana. Having fulfilled all the other credentials including payment of fees, follow the simple procedure to complete your registration.
- Visit the official NSS website. From the interface, find an icon written NEW ENROLLMENT, click on it to confirm that are enrolling for the first time.
- The tab will display several options, click on pin option and feed your details. These details include: your NSS pin code, your school index number and your names.
- Before you proceed, check to confirm that the pin entered is the right pin. Putting a wrong pin will make you repeat the whole process.
- The system will access your request and it will immediately display all your personal information as given when requesting your NSS pin. This process may sometime delay to due to temporary problem like low strength network or site congestion. Information displayed include: name of the tertiary institution attended, your full names, index number and other important details.
- Scan and upload your passport size photo on the space left for a photo. This is important for the organization to keep track of all your information. (preferred size of the photo will be provided in the form and must be adhered to or risk rejection).
- After filling in all the empty spaces, check through the whole document to ensure that you have given the correct information as it appear in your national identity card or school certificates. Giving dishonest information may attract severe punishment which may include being disqualified from the entire process.
- If all is well, submit your details at the submit icon on the bottom end.
- After successful submission, the systems will automatically produce a unique NSS number. This number is what will be used to login to the NSS system. When you have been assigned NSS number, you will have completed enrollment. Example of format of NSS number is, NSSEWE225614.
- Now to get your NSS enrollment form, go back to the previous page, you can as well open another NSS enrollment page. Check on the interphase to identify tab written query enrollment. Click right on it and fill in your NSS number given during registration. Fill in your other details like your index number as asked.
- Then click on the tab written ‘GET ENROLLMENT FORM’
- Your form will appear as the top page. Choose what to do with it, you can decide to print it or leave it. When you decide to print it, you should do 2 copies, one to be given to the regional director from where you will undertake your NSS training and the other left at the headquarters.
It’s important to note that the NSS number assigned to you is what you will use to find your posting and therefore you should keep it very well.
Alternatively, registration may be done manually after downloading NSS enrollment form pdf. This is sometimes tricky and may even fail because the organization has to get your details online and again you can only be given NSS number after completing all the steps on the NSS portal. It is therefore not the most ideal or advisable method.
NSS enrollment form
This form is usually reserved for the candidates. After ensuring that everything is well, your details are fine, you can now confirm some few areas like where you have been posted, requirements and so on and so forth. NSS enrollment form consists of the following details:
- Your official names as they appear in your school index number or your national identity card.
- Institution of learning where you studied from
- Passport size photo
- Place assigned or posted for training. The posting is usual done by the NSS personnel
- Date of enrollment, it includes date month and year of registration
- NSS number allocated to the candidate.
- There is also a small section left aside for comments, remarks or recommendation.
Information given here is very crucial and should be honest. Any form of dishonesty should be discouraged since it can seriously affect the candidate.
NSS enrollment registration forms should be printed in duplicates and presented to the people concerned. This activity should be done during the right time to avoid inconveniences to the NSS enrollment deadline. These dates are usually fixed and at no point can they be extended. It’s therefore important to note the calendar of events for NSS program in order keep in touch so that you can avoid missing out. Ghana NSS enrollment deadlines are posted on the official NSS portal or websites. Sometimes, it can also be printed in the Ghana newspapers as an advert.

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How to download NSS forms from the internet
It’s not directly possible to download NSS form from the internet since you first have to fill in your details in the organization portal to enable access to your NSS number. The easiest way to download this form is after having registered your details other steps are short and clear to follow. Here is the procedure:

- Open the official NSS portal.
- On the application menu, check on query enrollment. Click on it to enable you feed your NSS number and your other important details as instructed.
- After submitting, click on get NSS form-it will be displayed for you on the interface.
- From here, you can comfortable download your form for printing.
The procedure is very simple only that you first need to enroll before you can easily access the form. Getting the NSS form without being assigned NSS number may require you to go back to the portal and enroll to enable you get the number.
Accessing postings
Now that you have successfully enrolled in NSS and you have your NSS number with you, the next step is to access your NSS enrollment posting. You need your posting to know where you are supposed to go for your training. There are very simple steps which can be followed to access your posting. The steps are:
- The initial step is to visit the NSS portal and check on the application menu to access posting. Click on the icon written posting.
- Enter your correct NSS number in order to access your posting details.
- Check on the bottom end and submit your NSS number
- After some time, your posting information will appear on the topmost page of the portal.
- Go ahead and click on the tab written posting letter. You can then decide to either print the letter or leave it. It’s advisable to print two copies, one is given to the regional director from where you will undertake your training and the other copy left at the headquarters.
Roles of NSS in Ghana
National Service Scheme in Ghana has been recording a positive increase in the numbers of candidates on a yearly basis. This may have be attributed to the strong government concern on this program. It creates greater pools of young men who are ready to work for their country to promote economic growth and adequately address national crisis in Ghana, like unemployment, food shortage, climate change among others. Some of the key roles for this program include the following:

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- Promote economic growth by encouraging participation of community based projects for all people of Ghana. This would ensure equitable and evenly economic development.
- Actively participate in entrepreneurship activities to create opportunities for them and other youth around the boarders of Ghana. This obligation was focusing on addressing the problem of unemployment in the country.
- The program also focused on producing highly qualified and experienced personnel to work on job industries. This would also increase the levels of invention in the country all contributing to economic growth and development.
- NSS created sense and patriotism and the virtue of hard work among all people in Ghana. Being trained to work hard and love your country just after school ensured that young men and women who joined the joined have attitude of hard work and that turn would improve the countries productivity hence the GDP.
- To assist elevate the condition of the rural poor by teaching them on best methods of productivity which will increase their output especially in farms. This was geared towards controlling hunger and poverty in the country.
- Help to provide essential social amenities to the people of Ghana especially in towns. The problem of sewage systems, water and natural challenges are attended by the NSS group.
Achievements of NSS in Ghana
Although the NSS program has faced a lot of challenges since its formation in 1973, it has still attributed to several significant achievements in the country which has help to make its purpose met. Some of its main achievements include:
- It has helped to instill self-discipline and hardworking attitude to all the youth leaving different universities and colleges in Ghana.
- Largely, NSS in Ghana has increased the pool of service which has therefore improve the smoothness of providing services to the people of Ghana following adequate labor.
- Sound economic development in the whole of Ghana due to active participation of all people is delivering services to the nation.
- Increased job opportunities by the young entrepreneurs from colleges in Ghana. This has strongly helped to reduce the pressures of unemployment in the country.
Source: YEN.com.gh