WAEC online registration and fees in Ghana
In a few months’ time, thousands of candidates around the country will be sitting for the WASSCE exams. Some will sit for it as conventional students do while others will sit for it as private candidates for the WAEC Ghana. The registration and fees for private candidates differs from that of other students in a number of ways. In this article we will take a look at the step by step process of WAEC online registration and the fees payable for one to sit the exams.

The eligibility for WAEC registration is open to all private candidates. There are no restrictions or age limits for a candidate to sit the exam. Below are steps to register WAEC online and fees payable.
WAEC Ghana online registration and fee

The first step before you are able to sit the WAEC exams is to register for the course. The West African Examination Council has designated internet cafes all around the country where you have to go to complete the first step of WAEC Ghana registration , which is the biometric registration. After the biometric registration, you have to follow the other steps to make sure you have register for the WAEC exam. Here are all the steps to follow for a successful registration.
Go to any of the designated internet cafes, a list of all of them can be obtained from the WAEC registration website for a biometric registration.
After the biometric registration is complete, get on the WAEC website and select WASSCE for private students which will lead you to a page with the option 'Start registration here'
You will be required to go through the process of filling in your security information such as creating an account password and setting the security questions.
Next you will be required to provide your personal information accurately, Date of Birth is a crucial detail that you cannot change after the release of the results.
You have to upload a passport sized photo with these very specific details visible
- Must be 160 pixels wide with a length of 200 pixels.
- Background should be plain white or off white
- Both of your ears must be visible in the passport photo.
- No spectacles or glasses of any kind should be worn in the picture.
- No part of the face should be obscured from view including part of top hair.
- The image should be centered and the candidate is too look straight into the camera for this picture.
- The candidate is held responsible in ensuring all these requirements are met.
Upload your signature and then select the region and the center you wish to take your examination at.
Next is to select the subject(s) you wish to take the exam for which you have different requisite fees depending on the number of subjects and whether the subject has any project or practical involved.
You can then print you voucher and send it to any of the banks listed below:
- Prudential Bank (GH) Limited
- Zenith Bank (GH) Limited
- Bank of Africa (GH) Limited
- United Bank of Africa (UBA)
- Uni Bank (GH) Limited
- Ecobank (GH) Limited
- Access Bank
- FBN Bank (GH) Limited
- You can pay the WAEC registration fee in Ghana at the bank or using a VISA card online.
You can then use your PIN or invoice number from the WAEC online registration invoice to access your WAEC registration index number online.
READ ALSO: WAEC releases results of 2018 WASSCE
After the steps above the online registration WAEC Ghana is complete, the next step is paying the fee. Note that your registration is invalid until you pay the fees. So, how much is WAEC online registration? The subjects attract more fees as the number of subjects you take increases. Here is a breakdown of how the fees accrue depending on the number of the subjects;
- 1 Subject - GH¢217.00
- 2 Subjects - GH¢227.00
- 3 Subjects - GH¢237.00
- 4 Subjects - GH¢254.00
- 5 Subjects - GH¢268.00
- 6 Subjects or more - GH¢282.00
There are additional charges for candidates that register to write subjects whose exam evaluation involves an oral, practical or project work has to pay various additional charges;
- GH¢38.00 for every subject’s Practical
- GH¢38.00 for every subject’s Project Work
- GH¢27.00 for every subject’s Oral test (English and French)
There are no continuous assessments required for Ghana WAEC registration.
READ ALSO: How to check WAEC results?
When is WAEC starting this year 2018?

Private candidates will sit their exams beginning 30th July 2018 up to 3rd October 2018. The WAEC Nov/Dec registration will be sat during this time this year as the school candidates sat their exam from the start of April. The WAEC registration closing date was on the 9th of June this year.
The payment schedule was as shown;
- 12th February - 15th April, 2018 (16.00 GMT – for registration and payment of fees)
- 16th - 18th April, 2018 payment for normal candidate registration only
- 19th - 30th April, 2018 payment for late entry
Late entry and substitution of subjects will attract a fee one and half times the subject entry fees. Adding a subject will cost twice the subject entry fee and correct of mistakes in the date of birth (before release of results), address changes and changing signatures will cost you GH¢100.00. It is therefore advisable to take extra caution and to make sure your WAEC online registration is done correctly.
Source: YEN.com.gh