Condolence messages for loss of a loved one

Condolence messages for loss of a loved one

Many of us know the kind of pain that is left behind when we lose someone we dearly love. The pain eats us from the inside and there is no way to stop it. It is very hard to console someone who is in mourning. Sometimes, a few condolence messages filled with compassion and love can be the way to bring warmth to a heart consumed by the pain of grief and lamentation.

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Our emotions are among those things that have no leash on them. No matter how hard we try, they will react to situations without us even realizing it. There might be a few instances when that might seem unnecessary but in most cases, there is a reason behind an emotional outburst. When a friend or a loved one is facing such a phase in life, it is only humane to comfort them. And if spoken words do not seem to be the right way to fix a broken heart, one or two encouragement messages could bring them some life.

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Condolence messages with images you could use

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Positivity is the right way to mend a heart that has been filled with negativity; not evil thoughts but the feeling of depression and grief. Such despair can be rinsed off with good thoughts. Look at the quote above; it brings light into the darkest corner of a sad heart.

When we lose someone dear, they go to heaven because of their good deeds. It gives us comfort to believe that they are up there. Those who leave us may have left their physical form but their presence is never lost. We treasure their memories and all the good thoughts they gave us when they were with us in person.

This quote is self-explanatory and you might have already understood what it means. Send it to someone who is in need of some positive energy. Spread the love.

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The word ‘friend’ is another name for ‘family’. We resort to friends during our desperate times of need. It is because of the love that we get from our friends; it is something other-worldly. This quote represents that very love and care.

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True friends never stop caring for us nor do their love ever lessen. Our sadness can be erased slowly with their love. Good memories can bring us comfort and the feeling of peace can ease our hearts.

This message can soften anybody’s despair; especially the negativity that comes from the loss of a friend. And only another friend can ease that hurt.

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Source: Pinterest, @pauletteadamski

Words can be the best medium to express our feelings, irrespective of what emotions we hold. This message is on a more practical note. Words can do many of the things that might seem impossible to do but there are some things which words cannot fix; words cannot bring anyone back to life. But words can heal the wounds of a broken heart.

This message does just that and it has a very practical approach towards life. What it says is that maybe words are not enough but thoughts and prayers will always provide support and guide you through the path of life and loss, and onto joy.

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This message of condolence is a family wish to someone close at heart, whose sadness has overflowed their hearts, and prayers and wishes are the only means to soothing it.

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It is said that time heals all kinds of pain. Maybe it does, but that does not happen in a matter of a day or two. If you put friends and time together, it does work faster. This quote is a wish for time to heal your desolation and friends to ease the pain.

When sorrow does not leave your heart, help it go away with all the wonderful memories that you have made. This message is for anybody who needs your support and strength.

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These words of condolences come from a dear friend to another who is in loss and mourning for someone they loved. There are people in our lives who are so jolly and embrace life like no other. It saddens us to see that person in despair. The loss of a close one would hurt even the toughest of beings and they need consoling to get back to what they used to be, for such an incident in life is capable of changing even the happiest of people.

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A sudden loss may have left a close one of yours in agony; let them know you are there to carry that burden with them and help them in the hardest of times.

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Below are a few religious condolence messages for loss

The meaning of condolence cannot be explained in just a word or two, for it holds a vast understanding of humanity. In simple terms, condolence means “an expression of sympathy”. And it can be expressed in many ways; even through the use of religion.

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You could call this one of the religious condolence messages for loss. It is a simple quote which holds a deep message in itself. We all have temporary lives and everybody will leave this world one day or the other. Like the quote says, our eternal home is up there in paradise.

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We should not let ourselves drown in sorrow due to the loss of someone in our lives, for they’re at rest up in heaven with God.

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Religion teaches us something very deep; it says we are everlasting and what we call death is just an instance that connects us to the almighty.

Life is a gift from God which comes to an end one day. Then, God takes us back with him for an eternal life by his side. The entire heaven rejoices and welcomes us back as the soul leaves the body and embarks on a journey back home.

Send this quote to someone who has suffered a big loss and all they believe in is God.

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Source:, @ JoanBlalock

It is said that people who love God find him in paradise after death, and they live forever. We should not mourn so much that sorrow becomes one with us. Even after death, memories live on in our hearts; it is something that can never die.

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Send this as a message to those who believe in God and need to realize that death is just the beginning of eternal life.

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The loss of someone in our lives can leave us heartbroken. Such an occurrence feels like we are being dragged away by an ugly storm. But letting yourself get taken by the storm is not the answer. If you are a believer of God, you must also believe in angels. Angels exist to give us comfort and ease our pain. Angels can come in any form when you need them the most. If they do not come down on earth, their comfort will always find a way to our hearts.

Stronger is the prayers that our loved ones make for us. Together they can erase all our sorrow, and give us the strength to face the loss.

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Such a meaningful quote; it is simple and yet, delightful even for the saddest of hearts.

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We all know how hard it becomes for a person to see beyond the sadness and despair during tough times. And it is something that cannot be controlled. This quote puts the past, present, and the future, all together to give a purposeful message.

Send this to someone whose distress has turned heavy. Help them see beyond the sorrow and hold on to memories to get better tomorrow.

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This is a simple way to express how you feel about their loss. There are times when it becomes really hard to find the right set of words to console someone. When you cannot figure out what to say that can relieve someone of their loss and pain, let God help them. Tell them that the Holy Father will always make sure they do not drown in the misery. God loves all his children equally.

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Condolence messages for loss of father

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Death is never the answer. Even after death, those we really love, never leave us. Their presence can always be felt walking by our side. We may not see them, hear them, but the touch of their love can always be felt.

It is not easy to fathom the loss of a father because they are our superhero, and we learn from them. A father is an idol whom we look up to, and most children strive to become like them. This message is for such a child who has lost their father and misses him very much. Help him/her feel his presence.

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This quote is to assist someone to get rid of their sadness. Let them gather the courage to face the truth, accept it, and move forward by holding on to the lovely memories. Help them find peace and comfort in their hard time. Tell them “I’m sorry for your loss. And I’m here for you.”

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Our parents are always the most special people in life. The loss of a parent can leave us shattered and devastated. If you have lost your father, you know things are not so easy anymore.

I can call your father ‘uncle’, can’t I? Can some simple sample messages condolence uncle's death? No. It would not make much of a difference. Even then, humanity needs to stand its ground for desolation would engulf the world otherwise.

If you have a friend or someone among your relatives who need consoling due to the loss of a parent, this message is for them.

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This quote from Peter Pan holds a lot of significance in the lives of those who are lamenting the death of a loved one or a parent.

This is a deepest condolence messages example. It transcends beyond the everyday lifecycle. Most people know about sleep and the state of being awake. There is another state in between where a person remains subconscious; it is the lucid state. Although this fact does not hold a big relevance in this context, you can relate to it this way- can anyone’s love be so strong that it can be felt in a state of sub-consciousness?

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You know the answer. The love of a father and mother is far beyond any other love; it is unconditional. This message can console someone in a different way where the love of that person who is gone, can be felt.

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This rest in peace quote is something everybody should understand. Death may be the final thing in a person’s life but it is also the beginning of a new, eternal life.

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Death is just a worldly term of absence from this world. A person never really dies because they live in the hearts of others as memories, which are forever cherished.

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This is one of the Christian condolence messages examples. Wherever he/ she is, know that Jesus has His arms around them. They are at rest.

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This is one of those sorry messages for her which you can use to console yourself as well. Whenever you miss her, know that she is safe because the angels are with her. Tell her you miss her and that you will always love her.

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Quick condolence messages

I get it. You may not be very good with words, or you are not in the state to come up with long and well-prepared messages that can console someone. If that worries you, the below-given picture has a list of quick condolence messages.

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Many sad hearts wonder what to reply on condolence messages. If you are in such a situation, just take it easy. It is not necessary to reply to every message during your tough times. But if you do want to, just put ahead a few words of gratitude. There is not much to say when you are upset. Anybody would understand what you are going through.


Chris Ndetei avatar

Chris Ndetei (Lifestyle writer) Christopher Ndetei is a reporter writer who joined the Yen team in May 2021. He graduated from the Machakos Technical College in 2009 with a diploma in ICT. Chris has over three years of experience in content creation and more than ten working in the hospitality industry. He covers lifestyle/entertainment, focusing on biographies, life hacks, gaming and guides. In 2023, Christopher finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques. You can reach him at
