Afro twist hairstyles for braids

Afro twist hairstyles for braids

Afro twist hairstyles are some of the best chic styles any Africa woman can choose to wear. These styles come in different variations that give all African women a choice that is different. As such, any lady looking for an Afro twist style should not be worries. Whether you want long or short styles, this article has you covered. What’s more, you do not have to do on your natural hair. There is a great option for Afro braids that you can explore. Check out the following styles for your next hairdo.

Afro hairstyles are available for both men and women. Anyone that wants to represent their African status should consider choosing any of the following styles. With so many styles to try out, women especially have an option to look different every time they need a hairdo change. The black hair twist styles pictures are an illustration of how great you would look in these styles yourself.

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African twist hairstyles

With most African women going for the twist style, it is almost natural that stylist will come up with braid twist styles that work for every woman. Afro twist styles have a way of making every African woman stand out. They come in different variations as classified below.

Short Afro twist hairstyles

Hairstyles with Afro twist seem to be what is trending today. Women are taking a liking to twisted Afro hairstyles probably because they are easy to manage. There has been an influx of these styles especially for the shorter ones as most women want a touch and go style. If you are one of the few busy and sophisticated ladies that want a styles that works for their corporate office business and causal events, then these short twist hairstyles will interest you. You can never go wrong with short kinky twist hairstyles.

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1. Thick Afro twist

new afro twist hairstyles
natural hairstyles for afro twist
hairstyles with afro twist
afro twist updo
kinky twists

This simple yet beautiful style works for women that want to look great without necessarily having to hustle about their look every morning. The simple style requires braids that can be done by your stylists over the weekend. If well maintained, the style can serve you for close to a month or more.

2. Braided short Afro twist

new afro twist hairstyles
natural hairstyles for afro twist
hairstyles with afro twist
afro twist updo
kinky twists

This simple style is perfect for the reserved lady that loves to look chic and stylish. The minimal look will attract women that love simplicity. After all, simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. If this is you, then consider having your Afro braids done as shown in the picture above.

3. Fiery Afro style

new afro twist hairstyles
natural hairstyles for afro twist
hairstyles with afro twist
afro twist updo
kinky twists

This short Afro style is perfect for any woman. You can have it done as a weave if you want it to appear as fluffy as it is in the pic above.

4. Parted kinky Afro

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new afro twist hairstyles
natural hairstyles for afro twist
hairstyles with afro twist
afro twist updo
kinky twists

This is the ultimate hairstyle for women that love thin braids. You can still enjoy the Afro kinky look with the thin braids. Have it styled as shown in the pic above with some of the hair parted.

5. Curly short hair

This style is perfect for the woman that wants to look stylish and chic. It is easy to pull and will not take so much of your time to achieve it.

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Long Afro twist hairstyles

Whether you want an Afro twist up do or a simple let down style, the following long twist hairstyles will serve as inspiration. There are women that believe that they can only look good in long hair. If you fall under this bracket and are looking to try Afro hairstyles, then these will be great styles to start with.

1. Highlighted long twists

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This is a style that women of class love. You do not have to use a shouting color to highlight your Afro twist braids as that would defeat the purpose. These golden highlight will make you appear calm, collected and in control which is exactly what you are going for. This hairdo works for every woman from the young teenage girl to a mature boss lady at the corporate office.

2. The updo into high bun

new afro twist hairstyles
natural hairstyles for afro twist
hairstyles with afro twist
afro twist updo
kinky twists

This fantastic long kinky hairstyle will work for the younger ladies that love to experiment and tie up their hair. Choose kinky braid colors that you like. You then have to hold up the hair in a bun as you await once the braids are fixed into place. You can always undo the bun and hold it a different way as you style depending on what you want for the day. Some people prefer the bun at the center, others at the side and others at the back or front. Whichever way you decide to style it, the bottom line remains that you will look exquisite.

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3. Mixed style kinky

new afro twist hairstyles
natural hairstyles for afro twist
hairstyles with afro twist
afro twist updo
kinky twists

Spice up your look by getting two trending styles and having them fused into one. An example is the picture above where two Afro kinky braids have been used to great this fantastic black-golden long kinky hairstyle. In case you want the best of both worlds then this is a look you should consider having. You will definitely be unique.

4. Long braided kinky style

This style is perfect for the woman that loves long flowing hair. You can have it in different colored braids just to add some glow to the look. With proper care, this style can last up to a month or more without looking too bad.

5. The kinky pony

new afro twist hairstyles
natural hairstyles for afro twist
hairstyles with afro twist
afro twist updo
kinky twists

You can also have your braids done and styled into a pony. The secret is to ensure that your kinky braids are long enough. This is a superb hairstyle for young girls that want to look great as their mamas.

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Natural hairstyles for Afro twist

1. Black with some bangs

new afro twist hairstyles
natural hairstyles for afro twist
hairstyles with afro twist
afro twist updo
kinky twists

If you are one of the many African ladies that want to maintain a natural look even with braids, then this look will be perfect. Choose black Afro twist braids and have a few brown or maroon colored ones to create the front or side bangs, depending on your preference. This style tends to ape the natural Afro kinky style with part of the hair dyed or highlighted in a different color shade. You can have the same effect with our braids.

2. Different colored natural

new afro twist hairstyles
natural hairstyles for afro twist
hairstyles with afro twist
afro twist updo
kinky twists

Are you a lover of hair color? Then this golden colored kinky style will be fantastic for a woman of your stature. If you love a different color then you should go for it. This is one of the natural styles that show people just how bold and unafraid you are. It may even show others that you are not afraid to take hard decisions if it comes down to it.

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3. Afro kinky twist crotchet

Crotchet braids will make you stand out even when you do not have any hair to show for it. Work with your stylist to ensure that you get the right look.

4. Unraveled end twists

new afro twist hairstyles
natural hairstyles for afro twist
hairstyles with afro twist
afro twist updo
kinky twists

Create an illusion of long natural hair with these twisted kinky braids that have their ends unraveled. This is one of the perfect natural hairstyle looks that anyone that fancies an Afro twist look will love. With this look, someone can easily tell that you are a naturalist.

5. Queen braids

Queen braids are some of the best kinky styles for any African beauty. Choose earth toned colors if you want to appear natural.

Kinky twists

black hair twist styles pictures
short kinky twist hairstyles
twist hairstyles for black women

These are some of the best twist hairstyles for black women. Kinky twists will scream how much of an African you are. Without necessary looking an unkempt or overdoing your hair, these styles will show just how much of a classy lady you are. Are you the type that loves to have a rugged appearance without being shaggy? Do you like to portray an easy outlook to life by how you dress and your general sense of style? If this is you, then the following styles will work perfectly. You do not have to worry about the length of hair that you have. These styles work for pretty much every hair length and they can make excellent medium twist hairstyles as well.

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1. Tight kinky twists

new afro twist hairstyles
natural hairstyles for afro twist
hairstyles with afro twist
afro twist updo
kinky twists

This will be fantastic for a woman that wants mid-length Afro kinky hairstyle. The interesting thing about this style is its flexibility. You can have the kinky twists as thick or as thin as you desire. Having then wound tightly as shown in the pic above is the secret to achieving the bright and delicate feminine touch. Find a stylist that will be able to do just that. You can rock this style to any event and even to the office.

2. Dark kinky twists

new afro twist hairstyles
natural hairstyles for afro twist
hairstyles with afro twist
afro twist updo
kinky twists

In case you want to keep it all black then this medium sized kinky twists will work just perfectly. You should choose these as your go to color especially if you are one of the very light skinned African ladies. The contrast of this jet black style will enhance your African beauty and make you stand out more.

3. Kinky twist for children

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Your daughter can also look fabulous in this style. choose the right color to compliment her skin tone. You can have either long or short depending on what you prefer.

4. Colored afro twist

Consider adding a twist in your Afro look by choosing a color that flatters you. Go for bold colors if you are artistic.

5. Multi colored kinky twist

new afro twist hairstyles
natural hairstyles for afro twist
hairstyles with afro twist
afro twist updo
kinky twists

This one will work well for a woman that is bold, daring and probably one that does not work in a reserved industry. In case you are not a professional whose job demands a certain code of dressing then you are free to try out different colors. You can decide to have two colors fused into one as shown in the picture or incorporate more colors to make it even fancier. Whichever works for you, it is all about trying.

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Afro twist men hairstyle

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Check out the following images of Afro twist hairstyles that your man can rock. If you have a teenager that loves to look stylish then these are some of the hairstyles that you can suggest to him. These styles also work for men that work in the creative industry such as in fashion and modelling. With new Afro twist hairstyles for men hitting the market every day, you want the man of your life to look the part. Check out the different styles you and him could choose from.

1. Casual kinky

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natural hairstyles for afro twist
hairstyles with afro twist
afro twist updo
kinky twists

This is probably the perfect Afro kinky style for men. It resembles dreadlocks and one can easily think that it is made from natural hair. While that is a possibility, in case you want a casual or short term look, create it using Afro kinky braids. This can work for a short term project that requires this exact look.

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2. Side cut with kinky top braids

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natural hairstyles for afro twist
hairstyles with afro twist
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kinky twists

This style is fantastic for an actor or footballer that loves to pull swag and style. You can have a haircut as usual and have your stylist add some kinky twist braids on top of the hair. This will make you stand out as it is different.

3. Lock-kinky look

new afro twist hairstyles
natural hairstyles for afro twist
hairstyles with afro twist
afro twist updo
kinky twists

If you are going for the dreadlocks look then this is something that can come very close to what you want to achieve. The look requires the use of Afro kinky braids. Work with a stylist that can make them appear as natural as possible.

With so many Afro twist hairstyles to try out for both men and women, it is almost impossible not to find a style that will not work for you. Whether you want a long kinky style, medium or short, the examples shown above have you covered. If you are more of the natural person then the section with natural styles will offer the necessary inspiration. In the end, go for a style that will work for you and one that you will always feel beautiful in.

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Chris Ndetei (Lifestyle writer) Christopher Ndetei is a reporter writer who joined the Yen team in May 2021. He graduated from the Machakos Technical College in 2009 with a diploma in ICT. Chris has over three years of experience in content creation and more than ten working in the hospitality industry. He covers lifestyle/entertainment, focusing on biographies, life hacks, gaming and guides. In 2023, Christopher finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques. You can reach him at
