Reactions As Lady Shares Evidence Of What Dad And Brothers Did To Her After She Clubbed With Friends

Reactions As Lady Shares Evidence Of What Dad And Brothers Did To Her After She Clubbed With Friends

  • A Nigerian lady has taken to social media to show how her father and brothers reacted after seeing her in a club with friends.
  • She shared a short clip in which she was having fun with her female friends in a club and followed it up with her battered faces
  • Mixed reactions trailed her video as many people showered encomiums on her father while others wondered why she was treated that way

A Nigerian lady, @youngpretty89, caused a commotion on social media after showing what her father and brothers did to her because she followed her friends to a club.

She recounted her ordeal on TikTok, and it went viral.

Nigerian lady causes stir as she shows what dad and her brothers did to her after she went to club with friends
Her father had seen her club video. Photo Credit: @youngpretty89
Source: UGC

@youngpretty89 first shared a short clip showing when she was having fun in a club with her friends.

The next slides showed her battered face and swollen eye, suggesting that her father and brothers beat her up.

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Many netizens praised her father. reported how a woman reacted after seeing her daughter with a man in a hotel.

Watch the video below:

Nigerians react to her father's action

Òkìkíolá Àdìsá said:

"Father Of The Year."

predowhite said:

"Why did they do this to you."

Ken Devies said:

"They deserve some cold drinks."

Gabana said:

"Justice for you, I will fight for you!! Come and see me."

Benjamin Franklin said:

"Tell your dad make him go that beer parlour for una street collect 7 bottles i done pay."

slim Scorpio ♏️♏️ said:

"Why you no tell am before you leave house. God Abeg o."

DISCLAIMER: does not support domestic violence.

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Meanwhile, previously reported that an angry mum showed up at a nightclub to drag her daughter home. The incident was caught on camera.

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African mothers are hectic. They take no nonsense and are not afraid to walk right into a situation and remove you if they do not feel you should be there, and that is precisely what this momma did.

An X user, @Collen_KM, shared the clip in total horror. Many netizens wondered what they would have done if their mothers had shown up while they were grooving. The clip blew up on social media.


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Berlinda Entsie (Copy Editor) Berlinda Entsie is a Copy Editor at She has worked as a proofreader and editor since 2016. Berlinda has over 5 years' experience editing and writing for leading publications in Ghana. She previously worked with Graphic Communications Group LTD, Business Insider SSA and She obtained a B.A in English Studies from the Methodist University College in 2016 and a Diploma in Broadcast Journalism from the GH Media School in 2019. Reach out to her via

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Cornerlis Affre (CA and Politics Editor) Cornerlis Kweku Affre is at present a Current Affairs Editor at He covers politics, business, and other current affairs. He has worked in various roles in the media space for at least 5 years. You can reach out to him at

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