Easter symbols: Origins and meanings of the most important symbols

Easter symbols: Origins and meanings of the most important symbols

Easter is a Christian holiday that celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is also associated with several symbols that hold special meanings for Christians around the world. One of the most well-known Easter symbols is the Easter egg, which represents new life and rebirth.

Easter symbols
Photo: pexels.com, @karolina-grabowska
Source: UGC

Easter commemorates Jesus' resurrection on the third day following his crucifixion. It fulfils the Messiah's prophecy of being persecuted, dying for everyone's sins, and rising on the third day. Acknowledging Jesus' resurrection is a great way to renew your hope that you have won the battle against evil.

Origin of Easter symbols

Many of the Easter symbols have deep roots in ancient myths of rebirth and renewal associated with the cycles of seasons and the triumph of good over evil. While Easter is a Christian holiday, its traditions have developed over time and have been primarily influenced by various cultures and beliefs.

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Easter symbols

What are some of the symbols of Easter? While numerous Easter symbols have meaning for everyone, the following are some of the most important ones to consider.

1. Eggs

Easter eggs, also known as Paschal eggs, are adorned eggs for the Christian holiday of Easter, which commemorates Jesus' resurrection. Even though eggs traditionally represent rebirth and fertility, in Christianity, eggs symbolise the vacant tomb of Jesus, out of which Jesus was resurrected.

2. The bunny

Rabbits have historically been linked with fertility since they are incredibly fertile and have many baby bunnies in the spring. That is how bunny rabbits became quite synonymous with Easter. The Easter bunny originated with the notion that a rabbit would hold baskets filled with eggs to share. That story has given rise to the contemporary Easter bunny and his affiliated treats.

3. Lamb

For Christians, the lamb is a more remarkable illustration of Jesus giving up himself and facing death on the cross - Jesus being "the lamb of God". Christians will most likely consume a lamb at Easter to commemorate this sacrifice. The Old Testament mentions the sacrificial lamb as God asks Abraham to offer up his child for the gift.

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4. Lilies

Lilies are frequently used as the focal point of Easter celebrations. According to tales, white lilies sprouted from the ground surrounding Jesus during his final moments on the cross. It is alleged that when his sweat fell to the ground, a lily grew there. Correspondingly, Easter lilies are associated with new life and purity. They represent Jesus' resurrection and the assurance of eternal life.

5. Chicks

Easter symbols
Photo: pexels.com, @pixabay
Source: UGC

Chicks are a famous Easter symbol, as evidenced by the prominence of Peeps marshmallow candy. Since baby chicks hatch from an egg, they represent fertility and new life, which are commonly correlated with the spring season and Easter.

6. The empty tomb

An important religious symbol for Easter is portraying Jesus' empty tomb. The reality that the tomb is unoccupied symbolises the resurrection's mystery. It exemplifies God's role in accomplishing a feat no man could achieve. It alludes to the hope and assurance of new life and rebirth when people walk in the ways of the Lord.

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7. Cross buns

Cross buns are a conventional Good Friday food in many nations around the globe, as they commemorate the day when Jesus was executed on a cross. This holiday occurs on the Friday before Easter Sunday. Each bun has a cross on the upper edge to represent the cross over which Jesus died. The typical spices inside the buns are believed to reflect the ones employed to set up Jesus' body for burial.

8. Dogwood trees

Because of their involvement in Jesus' crucifixion, dogwood trees serve as a significant Easter symbol. The wood of a dogwood tree is believed to have been used to construct the cross over which Jesus was crucified. Although Easter does not occur at the same time each year, these trees generally bloom on or near holidays.

9. The cross

The cross ranks among Easter's most potent and significant religious symbols. Whereas religious crosses could be made from various materials, the simple wooden cross is considered the most symbolic of Easter. It is because this kind of cross most precisely portrays the cross on which Jesus was executed and died before getting put in a tomb and resurrected three days afterwards.

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10. The paschal candle

The Paschal candle is ignited from a new fire during the Easter Vigil at the chapel the evening before Easter Sunday. It's a beeswax candle with a cross, the year, and the Greek writings Alpha and Omega, which stand for the beginning and end of time. The Paschal candle is subsequently employed to light smaller candles clasped by church members to symbolise extending Jesus' light to everyone in participation and beyond.

11. The butterfly

Easter symbols
Photo: pexels.com, @george-dolgikh
Source: UGC

The butterfly Easter symbol symbolises Jesus' resurrection. Just like butterflies arise from their chrysalises, Jesus emerges from the tomb three days after being buried there. They also depict the transition the Christian faith can bring about through God's grace.

Who is Easter named after, and what are her symbols?

Why are eggs and bunnies symbols of Easter? Originally, Easter commemorated Ishtar, the Assyrian and Babylonian goddess of reproduction and sex. Her characters, such as the bunny and egg, were and continue to be sex and fertility symbols.

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What are the three symbols for Easter?

The three main symbols of Easter are; The cross, where Jesus was crucified and died before being buried in the tomb; the lamb, which serves as a more significant illustration of Jesus giving up himself and facing death on the cross and the Paschal candle which is used to light smaller candles held by church members to symbolise extending Jesus' light to everyone.

What are the colours and symbols of Easter?

White, purple, and gold are the three primary Easter colours. Violet and purple colours are commonly utilised throughout the Lenten season leading up to Easter. The most prevalent colours on Easter Sunday are typically gold and white to depict the righteousness and victory of Jesus' resurrection.

What are the Easter triduum colours and symbols?

Shades of vestments and (hangings, if retained), differ. Red, no colour, or black are employed in various traditions. The Catholic Church dresses red vestments to symbolise Jesus Christ's blood, but in the pre-1970 version of the Roman Missal, the priest dresses black and changes to violet for the communion section of the service.

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What are some of the main Easter symbols and meanings in catholic?

The cross is among the most impactful and significant religious symbols associated with Catholic Church and Easter.

Easter eggs are coloured red in the Orthodox and Eastern Catholic Churches to portray Christ's blood, with additional symbolism in the egg's hard shell signifying the encased Tomb of Christ, and the fracturing of which symbolised his resurrection from the dead.

Above are some of the most important Easter symbols and their meaning that you should consider. These symbols have typically been used to assist in bringing the celebration to life. They allow people to commemorate and remember this significant event and the concepts of the Easter narrative.

Yen.com.gh featured an interesting article as to why we celebrate Easter. Several holidays and celebrations in the Christian domain have significance associated with various seasons.

Easter occurs after the period of Lent, during which Christians exercise and observe penance and fasting. Lent is 40 calendar days long, except for Sundays, beginning with Ash Wednesday, a day that keeps reminding Christians of their mortality and the necessity of reunification with God.

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Source: YEN.com.gh

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Tatiana Thiga (Lifestyle writer) Tatiana Thiga is a content creator who joined Yen in 2022. She is an English literature graduate from Kenyatta University. She has amassed sufficient knowledge working on a variety of topics, including biographies, fashion and lifestyles, guides, and more. In 2023, Tatiana finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques. You can reach her at tatianathiga@gmail.com
