25 of the best memorial tattoos for mom ideas with deep meaning

25 of the best memorial tattoos for mom ideas with deep meaning

To conservative people, a tattoo is not something a responsible person wouldn't even contemplate having. They are quick to scorn those who have tattoos as if they lack morals. Some go as far as saying having tattoos is a sin to God. However, as society continues to get enlightened, many of its members have changed their views on having their bodies inked. There can never be a better theme than memorial tattoos for mom to celebrate those who brought them to the world.

Memorial tattoos for mom
Mom's art tattoo and name tattoo. Photo: @poke.mommy on Instagram and @Jess Parry Tattoos on Facebook (modified by author)
Source: Instagram

Nothing can be compared to a mother's love, and that is why people go to extreme lengths to celebrate their mothers. One simple but lasting way to do this is through tattoos to honour your mom. This will serve as a gesture of your love and what it means to call her your mother.

Tattoos to honour your mom

It is impossible to repay a mother for all she does for her children. However, she can be honoured with so many gestures like gifts or even an excellent tattoo. Below are tattoo ideas to honour your mom:

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1. Name tattoo

Memorial tattoos for mom
Photo: @spunky_tattoos
Source: Instagram

The simplest way to honour your mom is with a tattoo of her name. If you want it to be a little mysterious, you can have it written backwards or even just the initials.

2. Willow tree mom tattoo

Memorial tattoos for mom
Willow tree mom tattoo. Photo: @candycanetattoo
Source: Facebook

A willow tree is used to signify how a mother's love enwraps a child, gives her strong roots and allows her to grow. The drawing incorporates a willow tree and a woman holding a child.

3. Mom quote's tattoo

Memorial tattoos for mom
Mom's quote tattoo. Photo: @marcduptattoos
Source: Facebook

This can be your favourite quote about a mother. It is intended to celebrate the relationship you have with your mother.

4. Fox protecting bird tattoo

Memorial tattoos for mom
Fox protecting bird tattoo. Photo: @Melbourne Hunt Saboteurs
Source: Facebook

It is a tattoo of a fox and a bird to honour your mom. The fox represents the mother and how she will do anything to protect the bird.

5. Mom and child inside hourglass tattoo

Memorial tattoos for mom
Mom and child inside hourglass tattoo. Photo: @TattooWins
Source: Facebook

In this tattoo, the mother's feet and lower body are at the base while her upper body is towards the top of the hourglass. She is depicted raising a child to show that she is running out of time, but the child has plenty of time because she is in the upper part of the hourglass.

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Mom memory tattoo

Whether she is alive or not, you need to keep the memory of your mother with you all the time. This can be achieved by carrying a photo of her in a wallet or even on a necklace. However, photos of her can easily get lost, leaving you with nothing to remember her for. A tattoo is a better way of keeping your mom's memory because it cannot be lost. Here are some of the best mom memory tattoo ideas:

1. Footprints

This tattoo of baby footprints will give your mother a memory she will never forget. It can be accompanied by a small script to celebrate her for being there from day one.

2. Two trees tattoo

Memorial tattoos for mom
Two trees tattoo. Photo: @debbiedo333
Source: Instagram

One tree is bigger, representing the mother, while the smaller tree represents her child. The bigger tree has fewer leaves and branches, while the smaller one is filled with more vibrant leaves and branches.

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3. Infinite symbol mom tattoo

Memorial tattoos for mom
Infinite symbol mom tattoo. Photo: @sabrinam925
Source: Facebook

It is an incorporation of the symbol for infinity in the word mom. The tattoo signifies the unending love of a mother. It can also mean that the child will not forget the mother until the end of time.

4. Birth and death dates

Memorial tattoos for mom
Birth and death date tattoo. Photo: @roys_tattoo
Source: Facebook

If your mother has died, you can honour her memory with birth and death dates. The tattoo can be done in an artistic way or with plain numbers.

5. Hummingbirds

Hummingbirds are used to signify the fragility and beauty of life. Having a hummingbird tattoo, therefore, shows that you are celebrating something that is beautiful and deserves to be handled with care.

In memory of mom tattoos for daughters

A symbol of a mother-daughter tattoo is what will strengthen the bond between the two. Sometimes mothers and daughters may tend to have more conflicts than mothers and their sons. This does not mean that the love between mothers and daughters is less. A daughter may choose to remind her mother of how much she loves her with tattoo ideas such as:

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1. Galaxy tattoo

It is a tattoo of a mother holding a daughter with a galaxy of stars surrounding them. It means that the mother means the world to her daughter.

2. Flower and script tattoo

This tattoo idea works best if a daughter and mother can get matching tattoos. A tattoo of a rose with the word daughter is done on the daughter, and a similar tattoo with the word mother is done on the mother.

3. Special date tattoo

This can be a tattoo with a diagram of a mother holding a child with a special date beneath. It can be the date of your birthday or that of your mothers. Such a tattoo works best on the arm.

4. Mom and crown tattoo

Memorial tattoos for mom
Mom and crown tattoo. Photo: @vikas.artwork
Source: Instagram

It is a simple tattoo of a crown with the word mom written below it, but it has a deep meaning. It implies that your mother is the queen of your world. You can also dedicate a special quote to make the tattoo more unique.

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5. Mom's wrist script tattoo

Memorial tattoos for mom
Mom's wrist script tattoo. Photo: @tattoo_maafia
Source: Instagram

Instead of buying a bracelet for your wrist, you can have the word mom inked around your wrist to celebrate her. It can be accompanied by flower designs to make it more attractive.

In memory of mom tattoos for guys

The relationship between a mother and son is like no other. These two people tend to be fond of one another and will do anything to make the other happy. It is, therefore, not a surprise to see a son getting one or more tattoos in honour of his mother. The best in memory of mom tattoos for guys ideas include:

1. Holding hands

It is a tattoo of holding hands, but one hand is of a child and the other for the mother. It is a reminder of the early days when the baby relied on the mother for guidance. It also takes the mother back to the time when the child's hand could easily fit into her hands.

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2. Heart and dove tattoo

Memorial tattoos for mom
Heart and dove tattoo. Photo: @tatytone
Source: Instagram

The combination of a heart and dove gives a very powerful message. The heart signifies love and the strong bond between mother and son, while a dove shows the humility of the mother. The two images are merged based on your preference.

3. Tribute tattoo

Memorial tattoos for mom
Tribute tattoo. Photo: @nicolenewsitall
Source: Instagram

You can have a moving tribute to your late mother inked on your body. A message like "we only part to meet again" can be incorporated into this tattoo. You can also add other symbols, such as stars or birds.

4. Angel tattoo

Memorial tattoos for mom
Angel tattoo. Photo: @kaqiqi_seven
Source: Instagram

Even if she is gone, you believe that your mother will always be there to protect you. This is the role of angels to protect us without us seeing them. Having an image of an angel and the word mom as a tattoo signifies that your mother took the role of being your angel when she passed on.

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5. Praying hands tattoo

Memorial tattoos for mom
Praying hands tattoo. Photo: @eternalinktattoostudio
Source: Instagram

This is a perfect mom memory tattoo for guys. When a son has a tattoo of praying hands in honour of his mother, it means that he will always pray for his mother wherever she is. It could also mean that he appreciates his mother for teaching him to be prayerful.

Small memorial tattoos for mom

You are seeking to have stylish memory tattoos small that will make your mother feel appreciated. You don't have to have your entire back inked in order to show your mom that you appreciate her. You can still have a small tattoo that can even be hidden, but it will still serve the purpose. Some of the best small memorial tattoos for mom ideas include:

1. Mom script

Memorial tattoos for mom
Mom script tattoo. Photo: @leo_tattoo_studio_indore
Source: Instagram

This is a small tattoo script with just the word mom. You can draw it anywhere, be it on the neck, arm, chest, or foot. The writing can be done in the font of your choice.

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2. Mom in a heart

Memorial tattoos for mom
Mom in a heart. Photo: @wemeraki920
Source: Instagram

This is a heart tattoo with the word mom written inside. The heart can be filled with brilliant colours for it to stand out. The idea is that with the tattoo, you can carry your mom in your heart wherever you go.

3. Mama, heart, and flower tattoo

Memorial tattoos for mom
Mama, heart, and flower tattoo. Photo: @tattoonow_dot_com
Source: Facebook

This tattoo is pretty much the same as the mom in a heart tattoo, apart from the part where the heart is filled with flowers with the word mama cut across at the centre.

4. Mom-art tattoo

This is a very artistic tattoo because the word mom is drawn in the shape of a heart.

5. Message from mom tattoo

Memorial tattoos for mom
Message from mom tattoo. Photo: @Mom tattoo
Source: Facebook

It is usually a tattoo comprising of reassuring words from mom such as 'its okay, love, mom'. The cool thing about this tattoo idea is that it is done in your mother's handwriting.

Frequently asked questions

  1. What tattoo should I get for my mom? It should be a tattoo both you and your mother can easily relate to and ought to be based on the theme for which you want to have a tattoo.
  2. What symbolizes a mother-son bond? The trinity knot is usually used to represent the mother-son bond.
  3. Which part of my body should have a tattoo for my mother? It can be in any body part where it is visible to other people.
  4. What is a good symbol for a mom tattoo? The turtle symbol is often used to depict motherhood.
  5. Does the bible forbid tattoos? The book of Leviticus forbids making gashes in the flesh for the dead or incising any marks on the body.
  6. Where is the best place to tattoo a name? The arm is considered the best body part for tattooing a name.
  7. What flower is used to symbolize a mother? The day lily is used to represent mothers because it is beautiful.

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Mothers are unique because they spend the most time with their children, unlike fathers. A mother will carry you in her womb for nine months and continues taking care of you until you are an adult. That is why many people are going for memorial tattoos for mom as a way of appreciating them. While you may view it as a small gesture, to a mother, nothing is insignificant as long as it comes from her child.

Yen.com.gh published an article about sad messages. The message comes in handy when you are in a sombre mood. Considering people have different ways of dealing with sadness, these messages may help to calm them down.

Share these messages with your loved ones or friends to help them deal with their sad emotions. You can also use them as captions on social media to express yourself.

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Source: YEN.com.gh

Julian Mireri avatar

Julian Mireri (SEO editor) Julian is a content creator who has been working with Yen since 2018. She graduated from the University of Nairobi with a Bachelor’s Degree in Project Planning and Management in the year 2013. Think of her as a content whisperer and a gifted storyteller who never disappoints when it comes to finding the right words for her pieces. Email: julianmireri@gmail.com
