Police Deploy Special Team To Bole Following Reports Of 3 Mysterious Deaths Over Last 6 Months

Police Deploy Special Team To Bole Following Reports Of 3 Mysterious Deaths Over Last 6 Months

  • The Ghana Police Service has deployed a team of experts to Bole in the Savannah Region to help unravel three mysterious deaths
  • The special team includes a crime scene management team, forensic experts and intelligence officers
  • Police said in a statement that patrols have been intensified, with more operational officers deployed to the town

The Ghana Police Service has deployed a team of experts to Bole in the Savannah Region to help unravel three mysterious deaths in the town over the last six months.

The experts, which include a crime scene management team, forensic experts, intelligence officers, and murder investigators, are in the region to work with the Regional Command on the cases.

Police Deploy Special Team To Bole
IGP George Akuffo Dampare (L). Source: Ghana Police Service
Source: Facebook

Police said in a statement that patrols have been intensified, with more operational officers deployed to the town and its surrounding communities.

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In addition, the police said they are working with traditional and religious leaders to deal with the situation.

“We wish to assure the public, especially the affected communities, to remain calm since the police are committed to pursuing the perpetrators of this heinous crime.”

Mother who abandoned baby in bush at Bole arrested

A mother who abandoned her baby in a bush in the Bole District of the Savannah Region reported herself to the police.

Joyce Kwabena, the mother, and the baby's father made their way to the police station on November 6, 2023.

Joyce was detained by the Bole police pending investigations into her claim that she abandoned the baby.

The baby has been receiving care at the Bole District Hospital since it was found abandoned on the Bole CEPS barrier on the Bole to Techiman road on October 27, 2023.

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Joyce claimed she abandoned the baby because she thought it was dead after she delivered it.

Brave policeman in Tema hailed for arresting hit-and-run driver

YEN.com.gh reported that a police officer has been commended for his bravery after arresting a hit-and-run driver following a hot chase.

The incident occurred when a pedestrian was hit by a vehicle, and the driver attempted to flee the scene.

Onlookers have widely praised the officer’s swift response, with many praising him as a hero.

Source: YEN.com.gh

Delali Adogla-Bessa avatar

Delali Adogla-Bessa (Current Affairs Editor) Delali Adogla-Bessa is a Current Affairs Editor with YEN.com.gh. Delali previously worked as a freelance journalist in Ghana and has over seven years of experience in media, primarily with Citi FM, Equal Times, Ubuntu Times. Delali also volunteers with the Ghana Institute of Language Literacy and Bible Translation, where he documents efforts to preserve local languages. He graduated from the University of Ghana in 2014 with a BA in Information Studies. Email: delali.adogla-bessa@yen.com.gh.

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